Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 855: 855

Ding Xifeng took out two barrels of instant noodles and two hams and said, "let's pad them first. When the case is over, please have a good one."

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Han Bin had been hungry for a long time, and he tore open the package of instant noodles. "Now I don't ask for anything else, just eat enough."

Two people with boiling water bubble above, and then talk about the case, "do you think the case should be investigated from what aspect?"

Han Bin thought about it and replied, "Hu Dingrong has been in touch with the criminal leader Xuan Ge. I think we can check their mobile phone number to see if we can track down the suspect. However, considering Xuan Ge is more cunning, the possibility is not too big."

"One more thing, according to Xu Yuehua, they have a stronghold in Yangma village. I think we can search it, maybe we can find clues related to other accomplices."

"Another point, Xu Yuehua has confirmed that it was a red scooter that carried away the stolen money. According to her, the scooter was stolen by a man nicknamed" Jiaotou ". I think we can start from this nickname to see if we can find him."

These suspects all have nicknames, but no one can tell whether they are local people or outsiders. Even if they are local people, Qindao is so big, it's hard to find out.

But Jiaotou is different. He chooses to steal a scooter in Ping'an Town, which shows that he is familiar with the situation there, and is likely to have mixed up in that area. Han Bin thinks this should be the focus of the investigation.

Ding Xifeng agreed with Han Bin's move. After taking a few mouthfuls of instant noodles, he padded his stomach and said, "let's divide our forces into three groups. I'll check the mobile phone numbers of Hu Dingrong and Xuan Ge. Zhu Jiaxu has been investigating in Anping town. He's relatively familiar with them. Let's ask him to inquire about the suspect. You take people to search the stronghold of Yangma village. "

Han Bin drank a mouthful of noodle soup, Shun Shun, "OK, I'll take people after dinner."

"Be careful. The horse team has been injured. I don't want anyone injured again."

"I'll be careful."

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"Take people to have a look first. If the situation is not right, call for support immediately. Safety first."



Han Bin has never been to Yangma village and is not familiar with the situation there. Considering that the suspect has guns, he does not dare to search rashly.

Hanbin first took people to Ping'an town police station, the reception of Hanbin is still Director Song Xinqiao.

Han Bin and song Xinqiao talk for a while, understand the situation of Yangma village, at the same time will xuange, Jiaotou nickname told each other, ask him to help inquire.

The comrades of the police station are on the front line all the year round. Although the area under their jurisdiction is small, they have a better understanding of the situation in the area under their jurisdiction. They have prepared cases for any assassins in the area under their jurisdiction.

Song Xinqiao called several policemen who were familiar with the local situation to inquire, but no one knew these people.

But song Xinqiao still agreed to come down, will help continue to inquire about the news.

Later, song Xinqiao personally took Han Bin and others to Yangma village.

When it comes to the origin of Yangma village, many people will think that there are more people raising horses in this village. But in fact, this is not the case. At the beginning of Yangma village, there were two families, one surnamed Yang and the other surnamed ma. As the population multiplied and moved in, it gradually became a village and got its name Yangma village.

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Xu Yuehua was also escorted to Yangma village and needed her help to identify the location.

For Xu Yuehua, Han Bin still does not trust her. Although she is crying and repenting in the interrogation room, as the old saying goes, she knows people but not faces.

Xu Yuehua deliberately shielded Hu Dingrong, which led to Ma Jingbo's being shot. Don't try to pass this dilemma easily. If Xu Yuehua can provide clues that can help solve the case, he may have a chance to make up for his mistakes. Otherwise, a crime of obstructing law enforcement will definitely not run away.

Han Bin takes care of Xu Yuehua. Director Song Xinqiao goes to the village committee and invites village head Yang Shaoan.

Later, under the leadership of Xu Yuehua, the group found the stronghold of the criminal gang, a private house at the south entrance of Yangma village.

Han Bin did not dare to venture in. He asked village head Yang Shaoan to come forward and ask his neighbors about the house.

According to the reaction of the surrounding villagers, the owner of this house is Ma Guoxian. He is a native of this village. He has two houses in his family. Now he lives in the east of the village. Because this house has been empty, he rents it out.

The neighbors also said that the tenants don't live here very often. They just come here occasionally. There are a lot of people coming here every time. But in the last two days, no one came in or out.

Han Bin went in to check, the door is locked, according to the reaction of the neighbors around, there should be no one inside.

However, with Hu Dingrong's warning, Han Bin did not dare to be careless and made a strict search plan.

Han Bin lets the people of the police station stay outside and leads the team members into the search. All the people in the search are armed and wearing bulletproof clothes. Wang Xiao and Bao Xing are in a group, Jiang Yang and Li Qin are in a group, and Han Bin and Zhao Ming are in a group.

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Zhu Jiaxu is less dangerous. Han Bin transfers Zhao Ming and gives him a gun.

Zhao Ming seems very excited, because he is relatively junior and has few chances to touch the gun.The area of this house is not small, the yard is big, but there are not many houses. There are only two North houses and one south house. There is a pigsty in the West.

Han Bin and others from the neighbor's house on the roof, in the roof observation, did not find any movement.

Later, Han Bin and others climbed down the ladder, and the doors of the north and South rooms were locked.

After observing for a while, Han Bin leaves Jiang Yang and Li Qin outside the south room on guard. He and Wang Xiao, Bao Xing and Zhao Ming search the north room first.

Zhao Ming takes a pair of tongs and breaks the door lock of the north room. He quickly flashes to one side. Bao Xing kicks the door open, and Han Bin and Wang Xiao rush in left and right.

There was no one in the room, and there was not much furniture. The latter four searched the north room carefully.



"Team Han, I found a bag here, which may be left by the suspect."

Han Bin did not check, ordered, "put aside first, searched the south room to see again."

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Then, Han Bin leads people to search the south room. After breaking into the room, there is a table on the right side with obvious dust on it. The room should have been empty for a long time.

Nevertheless, Han Bin still took a person to search again, did not discover suspect.

While Han Bin is at ease, he is also disappointed.

Han Bin put away his gun and said, "Wang Xiao, you take someone to search the room to see if the suspect has left any other clues. Zhao Ming, take the bag found in the north room. "


Zhao Ming brought the bag he found.

The bag is black, which is a common handbag. Han Bin takes a few pictures first, puts on gloves and opens the bag, which is filled with blue police uniform. Han Bin takes the police uniform out of the bag.

Zhao Ming also stood by to see, his eyes sharp mouth quick, surprised way, "gun, there are two guns in this."

Han Bin picked up the gun, weighed, "false."

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