Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 86: 86

Out of the police station, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was rising. Li Hui covered his forehead with his hand: "binzi, how can we find out?"

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"Follow the route of the dead person leaving the hotel according to the time, and go back." Han Bin took out a pair of black sunglasses from his pocket and put them on:

"according to Tang Yu, the dead left the hotel at about 8:00, sent messages at the bar at more than 10:00, and died before 12:00. These three time nodes are very important."

The police station is not far from the golden beach, while Qianhao hotel is only about 100 meters away from the golden beach. They left the police station and went straight to Qianhao hotel.

Qianhao hotel is a five-star hotel, the environment is natural, the hotel lobby is magnificent, tourists are also in an endless stream, the seaside also vaguely heard someone talking about the drowned corpse.

Han Bin went to the front desk and knocked with his finger: "where's your lobby manager?"

A receptionist raised her head and asked, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Han Bin takes out the police officer card: "police."

The receptionist stood up, approached Han Bin and whispered, "are you here to investigate the case of a woman corpse by the sea?"

"Yes, we need to check Hotel monitoring." Han Bin said.

"What's your name, officer?"


"Officer Han, I'll ask someone to take you to the rest room first. When I get in touch with the manager, I'll let him go directly."


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A waitress came over, made a please gesture, and took Han Bin and his wife to the rest room, and poured tea for them.

After watching the waiter leave, Li Hui couldn't help asking, "how does she know we are here to investigate the female corpse case?"

"How to be a front desk receptionist without this dexterity."

Li Hui took a sip of tea and said, "it's like they met the God of plague when they saw us."

"We are not the God of pestilence now. No matter which hotel we go to, it's the same." Han Bin said with a smile.

Before long, the door of the rest room opened and a man in his forties came in with a professional smile:

"Hello, two police officers. I'm Luo Hongchang, the manager of the hotel."

"Manager Luo, you should know that a woman's body has been found by the sea?"

"I heard that."

"We are from the criminal police team. We are in charge of the female corpse case. Please help us with the investigation." Han Bin said.

"No problem. We will try our best to help you." Luo Hongchang assured.

"We need to check the surveillance last night."


Luo Hongchang heard the implication: "police comrade, that female corpse may not belong to our hotel. Please give me a picture and I'll let the person at the front desk identify it."

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"We are not here to investigate, but we have confirmed that the deceased lived in your hotel before he died. We are here to investigate." Han Bin explained.

Luo Hongchang's face became very ugly: "Comrade police, this matter has a lot to do with it. Can you give me some time to report it to the leaders?"

"Didn't you just say that you would give us all the help and play with us?" Li Hui snorted.

"No, I didn't mean that."

Luo Hongchang quickly explained: "although I am a hotel manager, I don't have the right to check the monitoring. I need to report to the senior management of the hotel."

"You can report it, but I remind you that the delay in the investigation will affect the progress of solving the case. The longer the case is delayed, the greater the impact on your hotel." Han Bin said.

"I see what you mean. Just a moment. I'll be right back." With that, Luo Hongchang strode out of the lounge.

"This hotel is a problem. If you change to a hotel and tell the landlady, the surveillance video will come out immediately." Li Hui muttered.

Han Bin lit a cigarette and took a slow puff: "don't worry, it won't take too long. They are more anxious than us."

Sure enough, less than two minutes later, Luo Hongchang came back with more respect: "I'm sorry to have kept the two police officers waiting."

"What do your leaders say?"

Seeing Han Bin smoking, Li Hui was also greedy and took out a cigarette.

Luo Hongchang took out a lighter and quickly lit it to Li Hui: "our leaders said that we must do our best to cooperate with the police, and we can check the hotel monitoring at any time."

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"Well, thank you for leading me."

"One more thing, I'd like to ask two police officers to do me a favor." Luo Hongchang said and took out two red envelopes from his pocket and put them on the table.

"What for?" Han Bin said coldly.

"Don't do this. Put it away." Li Hui scolded.

Luo hung Chang hesitated for a moment, took the red envelope back and explained: "I have no other meaning. I just hope that the two police officers will not tell us about the dead staying in our hotel."

"Well, our police force has a confidentiality agreement. We know better than you what to say and what not to say.""Yes."

"Don't deal with these useless things. Take us to the monitoring room and find out the case as soon as possible, then it will be OK."

Luo Hongchang made a gesture of "please follow me."

Under the leadership of Luo Hongchang, Han Bin and his wife come to the monitoring room. Seeing that the other party doesn't mean to leave, Han Bin drives him out directly.

After a while, another waiter came in, carrying two cups of coffee and fruit platter.

Han Bin left to drink, fruit platter and let the waiter away.

In order to improve efficiency, Li Hui directly investigated the monitoring around 8 o'clock last night and found he Shirui, Tang Yu and a young man in the hotel restaurant.

The man holding Tang Yu's shoulder should be Tang Yu's boyfriend.

Han Bin put down his coffee cup and pointed to he Shirui on the screen: "the blue sleeveless dress is the same as the one she wore when she died."

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Li Hui follows he Shirui's route. After they leave the restaurant, they separate. He Shirui leaves the hotel alone and walks towards the seaside.

Han Bin told the hotel security personnel to copy a surveillance video of yesterday, and Li Hui left the hotel first.

Qianhao hotel is very close to the seaside. There are some shops, supermarkets, gift shops and other hotels around.

Hanbin two people around the neighborhood, the scenic spot monitoring and shop monitoring are transferred out to check, take back Qianhao hotel one by one check monitoring.

Screening and monitoring is a tedious work, eyes have been staring at the screen, Han Bin drank two cups of tea, a cup of coffee, smoked five cigarettes, eyes have begun to sour.

"Binzi, I found he Shirui again." Li Hui pointed to the screen and said excitedly.

Han Bin looked in the past, found a woman's figure on the screen, because it is not very clear at night, can only vaguely see clothes, hats and body.

The woman in the surveillance is wearing a dome cap and a blue sleeveless dress. She can't see her appearance and figure, which is similar to he Shirui.

"Mobile surveillance to see where she's going?" Han Bin said.

Li Hui continued to play the monitoring, and found that he Shirui went to the nearby bar, which is an open-air, semi-circular simple counter, only tens of meters away from the seaside, and can drink and watch the sea at the same time.

"What's the matter? A hat just blocks your appearance."

"It should be a souvenir." Li Hui pointed to the top left corner of the screen: "the time is 10:10, which is consistent with the time described by Tang Yu."

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