Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 881: 881

Han Bin stroked the train of thought, "why do you two offer to meet in Wuhua mountain?"

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Lou Hexiang showed a complicated look. "That's where we first dated. It's very meaningful."

"There's one thing I want to confirm with you. When was the last time you met?"

"In late August, when we broke up, was there any problem?"

"do you know how long she was pregnant?"

"Four months."

"How do you know she's four months pregnant?"

"She told me."

"But according to our autopsy, her baby is only nine weeks old."

"What do you mean, comrade police?" Lou Hexiang pinched his finger and said, "it's impossible for more than two months. We haven't seen each other for at least three months. How can a child be only nine weeks old? "

Han Bin said, "the autopsy report can't cheat people."

"She lied to me She lied to me again Lou Hexiang covered his face and began to cry, "the baby is not mine. It was born by her and other men. Why did she cheat me? Why did she treat me like this Why... "

Han Bin unscrewed the tea cup and drank tea for a while. When he was almost crying, he continued, "what you just said is very good, but it's not suitable for you."

Lou Hexiang shook his head. "Whether you believe it or not, I really haven't done it."

Han Bin said, "now the question is not whether I believe it or not, but you have to come up with evidence to prove your innocence. You've been to the crime scene, you have motive, you lie to the police, and now the situation is very bad for you. "

"I said that when I left, Dong Yubei was not dead."

"Then you can prove it."

Lou Hexiang forcefully pinched his forehead, "how can I prove it, how can I prove it..."

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Han Bin said, "when you left the scene, what was Dong Yubei doing, what was unusual around her, and was there anyone else at the scene..."

"Let me see, let me see I'm innocent. I'm sure I can remember. I'm sure I can... " Lou Hexiang whispered.

Han Bin did not urge, on the chair quietly drink tea.

After a while, the door of the interrogation room rang, "Dong Dong..."

Li Qin pushed the door and came in, whispering, "team Han, Zhong Xiuyuan is here."

Han Bin stood up and stretched, "you two continue to interrogate, I'll go out for a while."

Han Bin went out of the interrogation room, moved his hands and feet, and then returned to the office. At this time, there was a strange man sitting in the office, looking about thirty-five or thirty-six years old, wearing a black frame glasses, a black windbreaker, and a briefcase in his hand.

Huang Qianqian came over and said, "team Han, this is Mr. Zhong Xiuyuan."

Han Bin looked at each other, "Hello, Mr. Zhong."

Zhong Xiuyuan was stunned for a moment, and then responded, "it seems that you called me."

"It's me."

"What happened to Dong Yubei? You should tell me now."

Han Bin said, "Dong Yubei is dead."

Zhong Xiuyuan's face changed slightly, "dead! When did she die? "

"On the afternoon of November 30."

"Where did she die? She won't die in my house."

"No, you don't have to worry about that."

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Zhong Xiuyuan sighed, and his forehead was covered with sweat, "too suddenly, too suddenly..."

"When did Dong Yubei rent your house?"

"Three months."

Han Bin wrote down in the book, "what's the relationship between you two?"

"I told you that I am her landlord and he is my tenant."

"That's it?"

"Of course, it's that simple."

Han Bin changed his words and asked, "where are you between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. on November 30?"

Zhong Xiuyuan cried, "why do you ask this? You don't suspect that I killed her. How can I do such a thing? She's just my tenant. What's more, even if she doesn't give me the rent, I won't lose if I deduct her deposit. "

Han Bin stared at each other for a while, "your acting is good, but no matter how good your acting is, some evidence can't be changed."

Zhong Xiuyuan chuckled, "ha ha, what evidence, I don't know what you're talking about?"

Han Bin raised an eyebrow. "When we investigated Dong Yubei, we printed her recent call records. In addition to the five phone calls after her death, you two kept talking every day before her death. You have a very good relationship with the landlord and the tenant."

Zhong Xiuyuan swallowed his saliva. "I've called her a lot recently. That's because she didn't pay the rent. I'm pressing for it."

Han Bin took a sip of tea, "talk to the police, don't open your mouth, think clearly.". Lying to ordinary people, even if they are seen through, is just an embarrassment. But if you lie to the police, you're going to jail. You've heard of the crime of obstructing law enforcement. If it's serious, you can be punished. "Hearing this, Zhong Xiuyuan shivered.

"Dong Dong..." Just then, the door of the office rang, and mahiwen pushed the door and came in.

"Team Han..." Ma Xiwen glanced at Zhong Xiuyuan, "Oh, you have guests here."

Han Bin got up and went out of the office with Ma Xiwen, "brother Ma, there's a result."

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Ma Xiwen nodded, "you urge so tight, for this test report, I didn't even care to eat. Here, you can see for yourself."

"Brother Ma has worked hard. I'll treat you to dinner another day." Han Bin took the test report, looked at it, "this test report has several pages, or you tell me about it."

Ma Xiwen simply said, "Lou Hexiang's DNA test report has come out, which does not match the DNA found in the body of the deceased."

Han Bin showed a thoughtful look.

"Well, if it's OK, I'll go first. I've recorded your meal."

Han Bin patted each other on the shoulder, "brother Ma, since you are here, don't hurry. There is another one in the office."

Ma Xiwen shook his head and grinned bitterly, "ah What can I say? Let's go. "

Two people into the office, Han Bin open-minded, "Mr. Zhong, this is our technology department colleagues, to collect your fingerprints and DNA."

"What? Why do you want to collect my DNA? I have said that Dong Yubei's death has nothing to do with me. "

Han Bin asked, "does the child in Dong Yubei's stomach have anything to do with you?"

Zhong Xiuyuan opened his mouth and didn't answer.

"Brother Ma, it's hard for you."

Ma Xiwen stepped forward and collected Zhong Xiuyuan's DNA and fingerprints.

When Ma Xiwen left, Zhong Xiuyuan collapsed on the chair, as if he had been taken away.

Han Bin saw that his face was abnormal and said, "Mr. Zhong, are you ok?"

"Officer Han, I I say it's too late. "

"Say what?"

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Zhong Xiuyuan lowered his voice. "As long as you don't accuse me of obstructing law enforcement, I can confess to you that I'm a member of the system and can't have such a record."

"You are a smart person. I like to deal with smart people. As long as you stop lying, I can not pursue your previous behavior."

Zhong Xiuyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "well, you ask, I said."

"What's your relationship with Dong Yubei?"

"She's my girlfriend."

Han Bin asked, "what's your girlfriend to hide?"

Zhong Xiuyuan hesitated for a moment and lowered his voice. "I'm married. I have a wife."

"No wonder."

"I didn't dare to admit my relationship with her for fear of bad influence, but I had nothing to do with her death. I'm very sad to hear that she's dead. " Zhong Xiuyuan took off his eyes and wiped his glasses.

"When was the last time you and Dong Yubei met?"

"On the morning of November 30th."

"We found the man's DNA in Dong Yubei's body, isn't it yours?"

"Yes, I went to see her that morning, and we made out."

"Is the child in Dong Yubei's stomach yours?"

Zhong Xiuyuan nodded silently.

"How long have you been with Dong Yubei?"

Zhong Xiuyuan recalled for a moment, "about half a year."

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