Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 887: 887

CEN Yunna quickly calmed down, but also not stage fright, "police comrades, what's the matter to come in, shut the door, so as not to affect the neighbors."

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Zhong Xiu looked to his wife and said, "Yunna, are you..."

"Yes, I already know what happened between you and that woman, so I asked song Fang to argue with her. Maybe there was some misunderstanding during this period. However, I don't think I've done anything wrong. If my husband is robbed, I can't be a turtle. " CEN Yunna is full of confidence.

Han Bin said, "you admit that you ordered song Fang to beat Dong Yubei."

"I don't admit it. I just asked song Fang to do justice for me, let that woman leave my husband, but didn't let song Fang beat others. He may have misunderstood himself. " CEN Yunna said.

"Cousin, you told me to teach that woman a lesson."

"There are many kinds of lessons. I mean oral lessons. I didn't tell you to hit people." CEN Yunna looked to the side of Han Bin, "police comrades, you work so busy, for such a small matter, not to stir up the army."

"Little things?" Han Bin laughed, "do you think death is a small matter?"

"Dead man!" CEN Yunna showed surprise, "who died? Is Dong Yubei is dead. "

"I'm going to ask you if someone else has taught Dong Yubei a lesson."

"I didn't. I just asked my cousin to lecture him verbally. I didn't find anyone else."

Han Bin showed the police officer card, "Ms. Cen, come with us."

CEN Yunna also some flustered, "I am wronged, Dong Yubei's death has nothing to do with me."

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Han Bin said, "I believe that you will help the police to investigate, just want to find out as soon as possible, and return your innocence."

Wang Xiao made a gesture of "please," Ms. Cen, do you go by yourself, or do we take you

"Wait a minute, I'm going to ask for a leave from work."

Han Bin said, "no, you can't contact with the outside world alone until your situation is investigated clearly."

CEN Yunna stares at her husband, "it's all your troubles. Remember to ask for leave for me."

"I Wife I'm sorry... " Zhong Xiu hesitated and did not know how to express himself.

"Cut the crap and ask for leave for me." CEN Yunna put down a word and said to Han Bin, "police comrade, let's go."


Back to the Municipal Bureau, it's already eight o'clock in the evening. Han Bin directly brings Cen Yunna up for trial.

CEN Yunna sat on the interrogation chair, looking around the interrogation room, and looking at Han Bin sitting at the interrogation table, "Comrade police, what's your name?"

"My name is Han."

"Officer Han, can you give me a cup of coffee? It's my first time to come to the Public Security Bureau when I grow up."

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Han Bin nods, Bao Xing gets up to pour coffee, and Li Qin turns on the recorder.

Han Bin opened the door and said, "Cen Yunna, when did you know Dong Yubei?"

CEN Yunna thought, "how to say, it's a gradual process. Originally, I was very relieved about Zhong Xiuyuan. Since childhood, the conditions of his family were better. He didn't have much ambition, and he didn't have much entertainment outside. After work, he went home directly. "

"In the past few months, Zhong Xiuyuan began to socialize every so often. I felt that something was wrong, and he didn't urge me to have a baby, and he didn't take the initiative at night. I guess he might have someone outside."

"One day at the beginning of November, I followed him and found that he drove to Hejing community. Our family had a two bedroom house there, and no one lived there, so I rented it out. At first I was a little puzzled. What was he doing in that house? "

"Later, I found out that there was a woman living in the house. My husband often went to find that woman, and I knew about them. At first, I was very angry, but considering the influence, I put up with it."

"But it's not a thing to go on like this. I'll ask song Fang to teach her a lesson, hoping that she can leave my husband. Officer Han, I'm just defending my family. It shouldn't be a problem. "

"Your explanation doesn't make sense." Han Bin shook his head. "I checked the monitoring at that time. Song Fang deliberately concealed his identity. Dong Yubei didn't know why she was beaten, and how could she leave your husband because she was beaten."

"I believe song Fang's view that you sent him to beat Dong Yubei."

"You are a very rational person. When you learn that your husband is cheating, you don't have any self disorder, and you are not hysterical like other women, because you are afraid of bad influence. You know Zhong Xiuyuan won't divorce you easily. But one day you find that Dong Yubei is pregnant, and then you panic. "

"You know Zhong Xiuyuan very well and know that his wish now is to have a child. If Dong Yubei gives birth to this child, all your advantages are gone, and you are not willing to give up. He ordered song Fang to beat Dong Yubei. Once Dong Yubei miscarried, she would not pose a threat to you. "

CEN Yunna twisted her hands together, and there was a touch of panic in her eyes. Then she calmed down again, "pa pa pa."

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CEN Yunna slapped, "officer Han, your analysis is very good, and your brain hole is also very big. But do you have any evidence? "Han Bin took out his mobile phone and played a recording,

Song Fang's voice sounded in the mobile phone, "cousin, what did you say just now? I didn't get it

"I'll send you a picture. The woman in the picture is Dong Yubei. This woman seduces your brother-in-law. You can teach her a lesson for me."

"Lesson, how?"

"Slap her and kick her. Remember to wear a hat and a mask. Don't let anyone recognize it. "

"Cousin, I..."

"Xiao Fang, I can only trust you now. If I don't even want to help you, I have nothing to do. Do you just watch this woman bully your sister?"

"OK, I'll help you."

"Xiao Fang, thank you. Remember, don't be recognized. "

Han Bin turned off the recording and looked at the pale faced Cen Yunna, "is it clear enough, do you want to listen to it again?"

CEN Yunna sighed, "no, I didn't expect that song Fang, an asshole, would plot against me."

Han Bin said, "I've given you the opportunity to take the initiative to confess. You're not sure. It's never empty talk to be lenient in confession and strict in resistance. It's just that many people like to be smart. "

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"November 30, between three and six in the afternoon, where are you?"

CEN Yunna bowed her head and said, "I'm at work."

"Look up." Han Bin knocked on the table and asked, "have you ever sent someone to murder Dong Yubei?"

"I didn't, as you said, I'm a very rational person, and I won't do such stupid things." CEN Yunna took a big sip of coffee and continued,

"you're right. I don't want to divorce Zhong Xiuyuan. At my age, if I get divorced, I have to find a second marriage. I have to raise children for others. I'm afraid it's not as good as Zhong Xiuyuan to find another one. I know Zhong Xiuyuan. He is just confused for a moment. As long as I care more about him and promise to give him a baby, he will come back to me. "

Han Bin took over, "I said before that your biggest threat is Dong Yubei's baby. You ask song Fang to beat Dong Yubei, but her baby is saved. You know that as long as you have this child, Zhong Xiuyuan won't be able to come back to you, so you send someone to kill Dong Yubei to prevent future trouble. "

"I didn't." CEN Yunna yelled, finally did not calm before, "I will not kill, I have a good future, to say the least, even if Zhong Xiuyuan left me because of the children, but I still have a career."

"I won't ruin my life for a man who doesn't love me. Officer Han, please believe me. I'm a very rational person. I won't do such stupid things. "

The trial continued until 10 p.m. under the audio evidence, cen Yunna admitted that she had sent someone to beat Dong Yubei, but still did not admit that Dong Yubei's death was related to her.

Han Bin suspends the trial and plans to investigate Cen Yunna's alibi and correspondence records tomorrow to see if he can find new clues and evidence

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