Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 89: 89

He Shirui's death cause has no conclusion and can't be put on file.

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After finishing the record, Mao resolutely left the branch.

Zheng Kaixuan lit a cigarette, put it in his hand and asked, "do you think Mao Yiran is a suspect?"

"From the information of wechat, Mao Yiran did go to golden beach last night. Comparing the chat records of wechat with those of his mobile phone, we can find that Mao Yiran also called he Shirui on his mobile phone after he arrived at Golden Beach, but his mobile phone didn't get through. Mao Yiran's explanation also makes sense." Han Bin analysis.

"It's also possible that Mao Yiran had controlled the dead at that time, and the call was just forging evidence." Li Hui guessed.

"What we're talking about now is only conjecture. There's no substantive evidence. We can't even prove that the deceased was killed by others. It's too passive." Zeng Ping Road.

"If we assume that the victim was killed by others and the suspect was not Mao Yiran, who would it be?" Tian Li said.

"I think we should take notes for Tang Yu's boyfriend to see who paid for he Shirui's room." Han Bin suggested.

"What about Mao Yiran? He may be the last one to see the dead. What if he really is the murderer and runs away? " Zhao Ming reminds us.

"There is no evidence of homicide can not be filed, the police have no reason to control Mao Yiran." After pondering for a moment, Zheng Kaixuan pointed out:

"Lao Zeng, I'll leave this matter to you."

"I see."

"Ding Ling Ling..." A cell phone rings, Tian Li takes out her cell phone to answer the phone.

A moment later, Tian Li came over, looking a little serious: "it's the father of the dead. They are going to Qindao. They want to come to the branch to recognize the body."

"Ding Ling Ling..." Han Bin's mobile phone also rang, took out the mobile phone and pressed to answer: "hello."

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"Is that officer Han?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jiang Anyang, the bartender of golden beach bar. I hear you need to see me."

"We have a case we'd like you to help investigate."

"Is it the case of the dead woman by the sea?" Asked Jiang Anyang.

"Yes, where are you?"

"I'm in the bar."

Han Bin looked at his watch and said, "OK, we'll get there now."

"Han Bin, do you have any clues?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"It's the bartender of the bar who called. Maybe he Shirui was received last night, or even the last person to see him. I want to find out about him." Han Bin said.

"Go ahead." Zheng Kaixuan nodded, then pointed to Tian Li and Li Hui:

"you two go to Qianhao Hotel and make a note for Tang Yu's boyfriend. At the same time, ask Tang Yu who is paying for he Shirui's room."

"What if the family of the dead come to identify the body?" Tian Li Road.

"You and I were together. Go." Zheng Kaixuan waved his hand.


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Forty minutes later, the four drove to golden beach.

Han Bin and Li Hui go to the bar together.

Tian Li and Zhao Ming went to Qianhao hotel.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening, and there were only a few lonely figures on the golden beach.

They got to the bar with ease. Behind the bar stood a young man with a braid, shaved sideburns and a very personalized hairstyle.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Jiang Anyang?"

"Who are you?"

"We just talked on the phone from Interpol."

"I can tell. You are officer Han." Jiang Anyang said.

"Didn't you say there were two people in the bar before nine? Why are you the only one today? " Li Hui asked.

"You see, there is no one today. You are still the first group of guests since I went to work. When I heard that people were drowned, who didn't murmur in his heart? They were all gone before dark." Jiang Anyang sighed.

Han Bin took out a picture of he Shirui: "did you see this man yesterday?"

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"This is the woman who drowned last night?" Jiang Anyang stepped back.

"This is a picture of her life before. There's nothing to be afraid of. Look carefully." Han Bin said.

"There were a lot of guests last night. I had to receive dozens of them. I can't remember them all at once." Jiang Anyang shook his head.

Han Bin took out another photo: "this is the surveillance photo of last night. The deceased was wearing a dome cap and a blue sleeveless dress."

"I have a little impression of this dress and hat. I was still a little puzzled at that time. What's the purpose of wearing a sun hat this evening..." Memories of Jiang Anyang.

Because the surveillance did not show the face, Han Bin pointed to the life photo: "is this person?"

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Anyang frowned and said, "I saw one side again. It's dark at night. The other side is wearing a sun hat. I don't know if it's alone."

"Remember, looks, accents, accessories, payment methods." Han Bin reminds a way."It seems that she paid by wechat." Jiang Anyang patted her forehead lightly on the palm of her hand. "Yes, I remember. She painted her nail polish."


"I can't remember anything else about the guests, but I put the wine on the bar, and I'll pay attention to anyone who serves the wine." Jiang Anyang said.

"what color nail polish?"

"Pink? Yellow? It's not I don't know what color it is. Anyway, it's between pink and yellow. It's not so gorgeous. "

Han Bin turned to Li Hui and said in a low voice, "call Zeng DUI and ask him to contact the Internet company to see if he Shirui used wechat payment last night."

Li Hui nodded and went to one side to make a phone call.

"Did she have a ring on her hand when she served the wine?" Han Bin continues to ask.

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"I can't remember."

"Do you have a bracelet on your wrist?"

"Officer Han, I really didn't pay much attention. I still have to help people get and pour wine. Although the bar is not big, there are many things in a mess." Jiang Anyang showed his hand.

"Well, if you think about it, if you think of any clues, please contact me." Han Bin exhorted.

"You can rest assured that I have saved all my mobile phone numbers. I hope this case can be solved as soon as possible. Only when this matter is over can our business get better."

"Please." Han Bin got up and left the bar.

"Any news from team Zeng?"

"No, I told team Zeng that he was in contact with the Internet company." Li Hui shrugged his shoulders.

"Binzi, do you think the woman who came to the bar last night is he Shirui?"

"Jiang Anyang said that the woman who came last night was painted with light nail polish, but when I checked her body, I didn't see that she painted her nail polish." Han Bin said.

"will it be long after being soaked in the sea? Nail polish has been washed and decomposed." Li Hui guessed.

"It's possible, but there must be some residue on the nail surface, which can pass the chemical test even if it's not visible to the naked eye." Han Bin said.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

A burst of mobile phone ringing, Li Hui looked down: "Zeng team call."

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