Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 890: 890

Han Bin was also a little confused when he saw Lao Jin, a photographer. His testimony overturned the previous judgment of the police.

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When Lou Hexiang left, Dong Yubei was not dead, so his suspicion was greatly reduced.

The reason why the suspect has not been completely cleared is that the suspect may still return to the scene to commit the crime.

Han Bin will Lao Jin to the office, ready to personally make a record for him.

Han Bin met each other and asked politely, "elder brother, what's your name?"

"My name is Jin Zhiwen."

"What do you do?"

"I used to work in a newspaper, but when my unit went bankrupt, I became a freelancer and worked as a photographer in a wedding company. This wedding is not every day. When I have nothing to do, I like collecting wind, traveling and wandering around."

"What time did you go to mount Wuhua on November 30?"

"I have to think about that." Jin Zhiwen showed the color of thinking.

Huang Qianqian poured a glass of water in front of him.

"Thank you." Jin Zhiwen held the cup in his right hand. "I remember that I got married on the 29th. I had been busy all day since early in the morning. That night, I had a drink to relieve my fatigue. I woke up naturally the next day. By the time I got up, it was already more than nine o'clock. "

"I had some dinner in a small restaurant. When I arrived at Wuhua mountain, it should be around 11 o'clock. At that time, the weather was warm and suitable for mountain climbing."

Han Bin wrote down the time in his notebook and asked him to identify the photos of Dong Yubei and Lou Hexiang. Then he asked, "when did you see them?"

"At 3:30, I remember this more clearly, because I took pictures at that time."

"What time did Lou Hexiang leave?"

"At about three forty, I left with him."

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"From which part of the road did you two separate?"

"I can't remember that clearly, because I stop and go. When I see my favorite scenery, I stop for a while and take a picture. Lou Hexiang goes faster than me."

"When did you last see him, the more accurate the better?"

"Three forty-five."

"When did you last see Dong Yubei?"

"It's three forty."

"How was she then?"

"It's normal. Nothing happened."

"When did you leave Wuhua mountain?"

"About five thirty."

"How did you leave?"

"I go by bus. There is a special bus in Wuhua mountain. It leaves at 5:30. It's very convenient."

"Have you met Lou Hexiang and Dong Yubei before?"

"I haven't seen it."

"Have you ever seen Lou Hexiang since you left Wuhua mountain?"


Han Bin's question seems to be relatively fragmented, but it is the node of the case, which is very important for the next investigation.

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"There's one more thing I'd like to ask for your help, Mr. king."

"What's the matter?"

"I want to keep your camera and tablet."

Jin Zhiwen widened his eyes and resisted, "why is that? I just took that picture. There's nothing else. Besides, even if I take other photos, I will provide them to the police for free. I don't want to take them for myself. It's useless for me to take these things. "

"I understand that it's not that I don't trust you, but that I do a routine investigation so as not to trouble you later."

"My camera is professional. It costs tens of thousands of yuan. What if it's broken?"

"You don't have to worry about this. If the camera is damaged, the police will pay for it at the original price, and you will never suffer."

"This..." Jin Zhiwen holds the bag tightly, and the reluctance on his face is obvious.

Hanbin did some ideological work, Jin Zhiwen reluctantly agreed to come down.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. king." Han Bin took out his business card and handed it to the other side, "think of any clues, you can contact me at any time."

Jin Zhiwen took the photo, stood up and said, "this lens is easy to damage. You should be careful when you check it. Don't waste it."


Jin Zhiwen sighed and left the office if he had something to lose. Zhu Jiaxu sent him to the door of the office.

Close the door of the office, Han Bin called a meeting.

"I've heard everything just now. Let's talk about your views."

Zhu Jiaxu said, "we met Jin Zhiwen on the mountain by chance, and we asked him voluntarily. I think the possibility of his perjury is very small. The picture he took proves that he was really near the scene of the crime. "

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"Judging from the current situation, I think he should not have lied. Dong Yubei was not dead when Lou Hexiang left."

Wang Xiao continued, "even if what Jin Zhiwen said is true, it can only mean that Lou Hexiang didn't kill people at that time. Is it possible that Lou Hexiang also found him when he took a picture, so he didn't do it immediately. After Jin Zhiwen left, Lou Hexiang returned to the scene to kill again. "There is a certain truth in what Wang Xiao said, but no one refuted it.

Others stopped talking. Han Bin concluded, "what you two said is reasonable. I think it can be divided into two problems."

"First, does Jin Zhiwen lie? Second, is it possible for Lou Hexiang to return to the scene to commit the crime. Only when these two possibilities are ruled out can Lou Hexiang be proved innocent. "

Han Bin looked at his watch. "I'll arrange the task now. Team leader Zhu is responsible for verifying whether Jin Zhiwen is lying. Let's see if Jin Zhiwen and Lou Hexiang have any connection and interest relationship. In addition, we will send Jin Zhiwen's tablet computer and camera to the technology department for testing. "

"Wang Xiao is responsible for investigating whether Lou Hexiang is likely to return to the scene of the crime. He will remember the time points I just asked. In addition, he will determine the departure time of Lou Hexiang through road monitoring, and let the team members go back and forth according to Lou Hexiang's route to see if this time is enough to kill and bury their clothes. When simulating the scene, we should consider the actual terrain and do more tests. "


After Han Bin's arrangement, everyone acts separately.

Han Bin is not idle, he and Li Qin, Bao Xing stay in the office to continue to investigate Cen Yunna.

He has asked people to call up Cen Yunna's mobile phone communication records and bank account information, and now the task is to find suspicious contacts from these data.


The next morning.

When checking Cen Yunna's bank account information, Han Bin found a suspicious account. From November 10, cen Yunna successively transferred money to this account, and the accumulated amount has exceeded 50000.

Registered person of the account, Lin Baoguo

gender, male

date of birth, 22 May 1988

mobile number, 1555864xxx

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address, 302 Changsheng Road, Qindao City, Changdao district.

Early in the morning, Han Bin came to the Municipal Bureau and asked his colleagues from the technology department to track and locate.

At 10 am, Han Bin arrived at the location with Bao Xing, Li Qin and Zhao Ming.

Bao Xing is responsible for driving, and Li Qin keeps in touch with the technology department to determine the location of the suspect.

Zhao Ming sat in the car, opened the window and looked out, "Sister Li, where is the suspect?"

"It should be around here. It can't be more accurate."

"What's the state of the goal now?" Han Bin asked

"Still state." After a while, Li Qin continued, "it's moving. It's going east along Changsheng Road."

Han Bin sat in the co driver's cab, looking forward, "pay attention to people or cars moving to the East."

Zhao Ming sharp eyed, pointing to the front, "brother bin, there is an electric car ride to the East."

Han Bin looked in the direction Zhao Ming pointed out. He was a delivery man, wearing a yellow uniform.

Bao Xing also drove up.

After a while, Li Qin reminded, "the target turned right and entered the South Lane. The moving speed is fast, so we can rule out the possibility of walking."

Han Bin has been staring at the front, the delivery man riding an electric car also turned right.

Zhao Ming's eyes widened. "Damn it, is it hard for us to catch a takeaway? What kind of delicacies Cen Yunna ate actually cost 50000 yuan!"

Han Bin looked around and confirmed that there were no other suspicious vehicles, "arrest at the next intersection!"

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