Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 896: 896

Han Bin cleared his throat. "Do you think this man looks familiar?"

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Zhu Jiaxu shook his head and wry smile, "team Han, this man wrapped himself so tightly that he didn't even show his hands outside. I can't see it."

Wang Xiao and others also shook their heads.

Zhao Ming said curiously, "team Han, who do you think he looks like?"

Han Bin, Dadao, "Zhong Xiuyuan."

"Zhong Xiuyuan!" Zhu Jiaxu shows his difference. He has seen Zhong Xiuyuan and has an impression of his physical features. But the people in the video are so tightly wrapped that he can't see anything like Zhong Xiuyuan.

"Team Han, how do you see that?" Zhang shungu was also a little puzzled. You can see it all. Can you see it through?

"Before, when sun Xiaopeng asked me to watch the elevator monitoring, I didn't recognize him. As like as two peas, he looked at his walking video. I think he walked the same way as Zhong Xiuyuan.

Zhu Jiaxu knew that Han Bin was proficient in footprint identification, but he didn't expect that he could still distinguish people's walking posture, which was too good.

Most of the team members have no doubt. They have worked with Han Bin for a long time and have seen the magic of Han Bin's footprint identification for a long time.

Bao Xing said with a smile, "team Han, since you say he is Zhong Xiuyuan, it must be wrong. Let's arrest people directly, so as not to let the boy run away."

Wang Xiao considered more comprehensively, "Zhong Xiuyuan himself is the person involved in the case, and his wife is the key suspect. If Jin Zhiwen really has the image of his wife killing people, he does have the motive to commit the crime. "

Li Qin said, "Zhong Xiuyuan has been derailed. Are you sure he still cares about Cen Yunna's life?"

Wang Xiao said, "cheating doesn't mean that he wants to divorce, let alone that he has no feelings for his wife. It's two different things."

Han Bin knocked on the table and interrupted their conversation. "Wang Xiao, you contact the colleagues in the Technology Department of the Municipal Bureau and ask them to locate Zhong Xiuyuan's mobile phone number."


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"Team Zeng, you take people to continue to check the surveillance video to see if there are other suspicious people."


"Team leader Zhu, check Jin Zhiwen's communication mode, not limited to mobile communication."


Han Bin got up and said, "today's meeting is here. Everyone acts separately, finds new clues and communicates in time."


House property Bureau family home, Zhong Xiuyuan home.

Zhong Xiuyuan is sitting on the sofa in the living room, with a bottle of Wuliangye, a cucumber and a plate of beef on the tea table in front of him.

After eating more than half of the cucumber, the meat didn't move, but the wine went down most of the bottle.

Zhong Xiuyuan sighed and took another gulp of wine. His eyes were empty and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Dong Dong..." There was a knock on the door outside.

Zhong Xiuyuan shivered and couldn't help looking at the door, but he didn't speak.

"Dong Dong..." There was another knock at the door.

Zhong Xiuyuan stood up slowly and asked in a hoarse voice, "who Who is it? "

"Xiao Zhong, it's me."

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Zhong Xiuyuan recognized the voice. It was Lao Wang, the section chief of his unit. He was half of his leader.

Zhong Xiuyuan rubbed his face with his hand, went to the door and took a picture from the cat's eye. It was really Lao Wang, and he was the only one.

"Creak..." The door opened, Zhong Xiuyuan squeezed out a smile, "chief Wang, what can I do for you?"

"Good guy, it's a great wine." Lao Wang is a man in his forties with a plate in his hand.

"Yes, two less drinks."

"Knowing that your daughter-in-law is not at home, I'll send you a plate of dumplings made by my wife, which will save you cooking by yourself."

"Thank you, chief Wang."

"You're welcome. We are both colleagues and neighbors." Lao Wang handed over the dumplings.

"Come in and sit down. I'll make a plate for you."

"I won't go in. I have to go home to eat dumplings."

"All right, just a moment."

Zhong Xiuyuan turned back to the room, poured the dumplings on his plate into his plate, and then walked out quickly, "chief Wang, here you are."

"Well, you eat first. If it's not enough, I'll give you a call

"Enough, enough, thank you so much. Thank my sister-in-law for me. "

"Don't mention it. A distant relative is better than a close neighbor. Let's say hello."

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"Well, take your time." Seeing Lao Wang leave, Zhong Xiuyuan breathes a sigh of relief. As he is about to close the door, he suddenly reaches out a hand to pull the door open, and a man appears behind the door.

Zhong Xiuyuan opened his eyes wide, "Han Captain Han, why are you here? "

Han Bin said with a smile, "I want to make a supplementary record for you. Just as the door is open, I don't have to shout.

What? Don't invite me in

Zhong Xiuyuan was stunned for a moment, and let him aside, "ah PleaseHan Bin comes in first, then Jiang Yang, Wang Xiao, Bao Xing and Li Qin. When he sees five people coming in all of a sudden, Zhong Xiuyuan is already confused.

"Captain Han, why are you all here. I've made it clear before. How can I take notes again? "

Han Bin did not answer, looking at the wine bottle on the table, "Wuliangye, Mr. Zhong, you are very interested."

"What a good interest, my wife has not released it yet. If she is in trouble, she will drink some wine."

"Mr. Zhong, do you think your wife is the murderer of Dong Yubei?"

Zhong Xiuyuan shook his head. "No, definitely not. My wife won't do such a thing. I know her."

"Who do you think killed Dong Yubei?"

"I don't know. If I had known, I would have told you that. I also want to get justice for Yu Bei and her baby. "

Han Bin changed the topic and said, "do you know a man named Jin Zhiwen?"

Zhong Xiuyuan's eyes flickered, "I don't know, I've never heard of it."

"Have you ever been to Guanghe district?"

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"Where were you between eight and eleven last night?"

"I'm at home."

"Lie!" Han Bin yelled, "we found the evidence you left at Jin Zhiwen's house. Don't forget, your fingerprints and DNA are on file at the police station. "

In fact, Han Bin is cheating him. Han Bin uses footprint identification to judge that the man in the surveillance video is Zhong Xiuyuan, but this is his personal experience judgment, which can not be used as evidence of conviction.

As long as people have been to the scene, it is possible to leave traces, Han Bin is also relying on this possibility, vague, bluff each other.

Zhong Xiuyuan's face changed greatly, and his hands twisted together involuntarily.

Han Bin eyebrows pick, obviously, his strategy worked.

"Zhong Xiuyuan, give you another chance. Be lenient when you confess and be strict when you resist. The only way out for you is to cooperate with the police." Han Bin stressed his tone and asked, "did you kill Jin Zhiwen?"

Zhong Xiuyuan's face changed again and again, and finally became tense. "Captain Han, I admit that I have been to Zhong Xiuyuan's house, but he is not me. He died when I went."

With these words, Zhong Xiuyuan sat down on the ground, as if in vain.

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