Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 898: 898

Zhong Xiuyuan came back and said, "this is the situation. This is how I met him."

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Han Bin said, "have you ever seen the evidence in Jin Zhiwen's mouth?"

Zhong Xiuyuan shook his head, "No."

"Then you are willing to buy 300000?"

"He showed me that picture. He was at the scene when Yu Bei died, so I chose to believe him. I need to seize the evidence of the murderer. I want to avenge Yu Bei and the children and give my wife justice. I owe them too much and can't be bought with money. "

Wang Xiao curled his lips, obviously did not approve of his behavior, "you did not want to tell us, let the police to communicate with him."

Zhong Xiuyuan sighed, "I thought about it, but he said that if I inform the police that I don't approve of his works, he would rather destroy the evidence so that the police can't find anything."

"Did Jin Zhiwen tell you the identity of the murderer?"

"No, he just said the killer wanted to buy evidence. He won't say who the killer is. "

"Apart from that meeting, do you have any personal contact?"


"How did you get in touch?"

Zhong Xiuyuan licked his lips. "He told me a website called photography lovers forum. His account name on the website is Jin Daya. I registered an account named Xiao Zhong. We all contacted through that website."

Han Bin to the side of Wang Xiao command, "contact the website side to check."

"Yes." Wang Xiao turned to one side.

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Han Bin continued, "tell me about your detailed experience last night."

Zhong Xiuyuan sighed, "I made an appointment with Jin Zhiwen. I went to his house at 9:30 last night. We paid the money and delivered the goods. I went out at 9 o'clock in the evening and arrived at Guanghe community at about 9:30. After that, I went to Jin Zhiwen's house as an elevator. The door of Jin Zhiwen's house was open. I thought it was the door he left for me, so I opened the door and went in. "

"There was no light in the room. I called his name and no one responded. I turned on the light in the living room with my mobile phone and saw..."

Zhong Xiuyuan's lips trembled. "There was blood at the door of the bedroom. I was scared. I looked in and saw a man lying on the bed with blood everywhere The first time I saw such a scene, I was so scared that I didn't care about anything and ran away. "

Han Bin confirmed, "after discovering the body, you really ran away without doing anything?"


Han Bin continued, "according to my investigation, you got on the elevator at 9:35 last night, and you got off the elevator before 9:36. It's 9:42 when you take the elevator to leave again. It's night at that time. It won't take long to wait for the elevator. Even if it takes one minute to wait for the elevator, you have five minutes to enter the room. In these five minutes, you turn on a light, look at the corpse, and then run away? It's too slow. "

Zhong Xiuyuan took a deep breath. "I remember. After I ran outside the door, I thought I had touched the door handle and the light switch. I went back to the room and wiped the light switch and the door handle to make sure I didn't leave any fingerprints. Maybe I spent some time in this period, and I really haven't done anything else. "

Han Bin asked, "don't you look for the evidence that Jin Zhiwen said by the way?"

"I had this idea at that time, but I didn't dare. There was blood everywhere. I think it should be the murderer who killed Dong Yubei. He must have taken away the evidence. Another one, I'm afraid he will come back and kill me, so I'll leave quickly. " Speaking of this, Zhong Xiuyuan showed some fear.

Han Bin said, "how can you prove that you didn't kill people? You can kill people in the transaction, forge a robbery scene, and then run away with the evidence. "

"I don't have any blood on me. If I kill him, I'll be splashed with blood. You can check the surveillance video. When I get off the elevator, I'm wearing the same clothes without a drop of blood."

Han Bin said, "there are many ways to kill people without blood. It's OK to put a raincoat, apron or coat on the outside. It's not your evidence. If you didn't kill the person, why didn't you report it then? "

"I'm scared. I'm scared to see the dead. I I'm also afraid that the police will suspect me. "

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Han Bin said, "you think so. If the police want to rule out all crimes, they will naturally think so. If you want to clear your suspicion as soon as possible, you have to cooperate with the police investigation."

"I'm willing to cooperate, you say."

"Where are the clothes, shoes, hats, masks and backpacks you wore at Jin Zhiwen's last night?"

"I'm hiding it in the cupboard. I can get it if you need it."

"Which cabinet?"

Zhong Xiuyuan pointed to the right room, "the wardrobe of the master bedroom."

"You don't have to go. If you agree, I'd like to search your room, which is the best way to prove your innocence. "

Zhong Xiuyuan hesitated, "do you have any documents?"

"We can apply if you need, but it's even more difficult to clear your suspicion because it delays the investigation and can't find the real killer." Han Bin is sincere and sincere.Before coming, it was difficult to apply for a search warrant because of insufficient evidence. But now it's different. Zhong Xiuyuan admits that he has been to the scene. With his record, it's only a matter of time before he applies for a search warrant.

Of course, if Zhong Xiuyuan voluntarily asks the police to search, it will not only save time, but also prove his attitude of assisting in the investigation, which is good for him and the police.

"I have a clear conscience. Search for it. Even if I buy evidence from Jin Zhiwen, I will give it to the police. " Zhong Xiuyuan made up his mind.

With a wave of Han Bin's hand, Li Qin and others begin to search the room, while Han Bin continues to stare at Zhong Xiuyuan, "if Jin Zhiwen's so-called evidence proves that your wife killed the person, would you like to give the evidence to the police?"

Zhong Xiuyuan Leng for a moment, "impossible, I know my wife, she is a very rational person, I don't deserve her to do such a stupid thing."

"I'm just assuming that if..."

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Zhong Xiuyuan showed a wry smile, "if there is a if, I will never walk with Dong Yubei again, so Dong Yubei will not die, and my life will not be a mess."

Zhong Xiuyuan did not answer directly, but Han Bin has got the answer he wants.

Husband and wife are birds in the same forest. If they have the ability, the first thing men think of is to maintain the forest.

During the conversation, several team members returned to the living room one after another.

Bao Xing was wearing gloves, carrying a coat and a backpack in his hand, "Han team, look what I found?"

Han Bin recognized at a glance that the coat and backpack were exactly what Zhong Xiuyuan had worn last night. "Open it and have a look."

"Yes." Bao Xing put his bag and coat on the tea table, looked at Zhong Xiuyuan, and said, "Zhong Xiuyuan, what are you nervous about?"

"I'm not nervous." Zhong Xiuyuan swallowed.

Bao Xing said tentatively, "it's too late for you to explain now."

"I'm innocent. I've said all I have to say."

Han Bin Yang Yang chin, "open it."

Wang Xiao and Li Qin went to both sides of Zhong Xiuyuan to prevent him from any Ji behavior during the search.

With a smile, Bao Xing opened the zipper of his backpack, which was filled with stacks of red banknotes. "Oh, there's a lot of money here."

Bao Xing took out stacks of money, a total of 20. Besides the money, there is a hat.

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"Not 300000?"

Zhong Xiuyuan replied, "I'm going to give him 200000 yuan first, and then give him another 100000 yuan when I'm sure the evidence is true."

Bao Xing began to search the black coat again. He first touched the left pocket of the coat, took out a blue mask from the inside, and then went to the right pocket. At this time, his face changed slightly, "lying trough, look what I found."

Voice down, Bao Xing took out a knife from his pocket, the knife is not big, the handle and scabbard are black, a total of only 20 cm, coat pocket can fit.

Han Bin took the knife, opened it and had a look. The blade was about ten centimeters long, which was in line with the size of the preliminary body examination report. However, the body of the knife was clean, and there was no blood.

Han Bin sniffed under his nose and looked at Zhong Xiuyuan, "is this the weapon you killed Jin Zhiwen? Why are you so careless and don't hide it well? "

Zhong Xiuyuan was stunned. His forehead was full of sweat. "Police Captain Han is wronged. I didn't kill Jin Zhiwen. This dagger is not a murder weapon, but a weapon I bought for self-defense.

I I took so much money. At night, I was worried that there would be bad people on the road and that Jin Zhiwen would collude with others to rob me of my money. So I took a dagger to defend myself. I didn't use it at all. Look, the dagger is new. "

Han Bin takes a closer look at the dagger. He has believed Zhong Xiuyuan's words for seven or eight minutes. Once the dagger is stained with blood, it will leave some smell of blood. It is very difficult to clean it.

One more thing, this dagger is not sharp yet. The human body is not tofu. This kind of thin blade knife can easily cause some damage when it touches human bones.

But there is no sign of curling or breakage.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that the quality of the knife is good or it has been washed with special liquid medicine. Han Bin handed the knife to Bao Xing, "send it to the technical department for testing to see if it's a murder weapon."

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