Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 911: 911

The next morning.

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Han Bin office, Municipal Public Security Bureau.

There is a table of information on the desk, which is all from Zheng Kaixuan. Han Bin printed it into a document in person. Although it can be viewed on the computer, the paper information is more convenient for research.

Bao Jiansheng, a 45 year old man from the suburb of Quancheng, was suspected of being involved in a robbery and homicide case 14 years ago. However, the evidence chain has not been sufficient to convict him.

Among them, a very important clue is a group of shoe prints found at the scene. That group of shoe prints has been printed out by Han Bin. After careful study, this is a rubber sole shoe, which is rare now, but it was very popular more than ten years ago.

Bao Jiansheng's footprints were also collected by the police. In order to facilitate identification, they were also printed out in rubber soled shoes. However, in the past ten years, they couldn't find exactly the same shoes, so they had to go back and look for shoe prints with similar patterns.

The research started yesterday afternoon. Until this morning, the comparison between the two groups of shoe prints was very interesting. In order to increase the accuracy, Han Bin asked Zheng Kaixuan to take some pictures of the wear marks on the soles of Bao Jiansheng's old shoes.

More than 10 am, Han Bin finally had the result, picked up the mobile phone to dial Zheng Kaixuan's phone.

Zheng Kaixuan's voice rang out in the mobile phone, "binzi, is there any result?"

"Yes, I've done it."

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Zheng Kaixuan asked, "does the set of footprints at the scene of the crime match Bao Jiansheng's?"

"Not exactly."

Zheng Kaixuan's tone was a little disappointed, "so we caught the wrong person."

Han Bin did not answer the rhetorical question, "team Zheng, please answer me a question first. Has Bao Jiansheng injured his right leg?"

Zheng Kaixuan hesitated for a moment, "yes, he was really injured. As far as I know, he had broken his leg and had surgery."

"When did he hurt his leg?"

"About five years ago."

"According to my research, the footprints of the crime scene 14 years ago should have been left by Bao Jiansheng," Han said

Zheng Kaixuan was a little confused. "Didn't you just say that these two groups of footprints don't exactly match?"

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Han Bin's words changed, "although the footprints don't exactly match, they are the footprints left by the same person."

"Binzi, what do you mean by that

Han Bin explained, "footprint identification is different from DNA, fingerprints and other evidence. People's DNA and fingerprints will not change, but footprints are not immutable. With the change of age, physical condition and mentality, people's footprints will also change.

These two groups of footprints are totally 14 years apart. What happens in these years will affect and change a person. How can they remain unchanged? "

Zheng Kaixuan asked, "if you say that Bao Jiansheng's footprints have changed in the past 14 years, how do you know it's the same person's footprints?"

"It's more complicated to say. I'll give you a few simple examples. The first is the length of the foot, which basically will not change. Another change of footprints is traceable, which can also be reflected from the human body.

From the information you gave me, we can see that Bao Jiansheng's weight is about 180 Jin now, compared with 120 Jin more than ten years ago. His weight has increased by half. With more than 60 Jin of meat on his back, his walking posture, step distance and gait will change.

Moreover, his right leg was injured five years ago, which will also affect his walking posture, which to some extent increases the difficulty of identification.

In addition, with the growth of age, the foothold of the footprints will move backward, and these changes are traceable. " Han bingdun continued,

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"as long as these conditions of changing footprints are reversely deduced, we will find that Bao Jiansheng's footprints basically match the footprints of the crime scene of that year."

Zheng Kaixuan roughly understood Han Bin's meaning, "with your words, I feel at ease, but you have helped me a lot."

"Team Zheng, this is only my personal experience analysis after all. You'd better ask the experts from the provincial department to help you identify. Their words are much more useful than mine." Han Bin said with a smile.

Zheng Kaixuan showed a wry smile. He really wanted to ask the experts from the provincial department to help issue the footprint identification certificate, which could be used as evidence. But the expert Liu couldn't see clearly. Ma didn't know when he would be discharged from the hospital, so he couldn't drag it on all the time.

"The appraisal will be fine later. I can wait for Mr. Ma to leave the hospital. The key is that your identification results make me feel at ease, and make clear the next investigation direction. Otherwise, the police force will spread out and eventually get an oolong. I can't account for it. "

"Brother, if you want me to say that it's more than enough to get the qualification of a provincial footprint expert with your skills, I'll find you to give an appraisal report in the future, so how much work will be saved."

Han Bin laughed, "team Zheng, don't flatter me. It's so easy to get the name of an expert. I'd better check my case down-to-earth."

"You think clearly." Zheng Kaixuan also thinks that Han Bin is a criminal police officer, and the footprint identification belongs to the technology department. The two departments are not the same at all. The police system pays attention to the establishment. If a person from other departments wants to obtain the title of expert in other departments, how can it be so easy, even if you really have the ability? There are so many people who have the ability to go, you have to cross the threshold to become your own person, otherwise everything will be in vain.Of course, this is not absolute, when a person stands high enough, the so-called threshold will become his stepping stone.

Another way of thinking, Han Bin is so young that he is the leader of the squadron. In a few years, he will achieve even higher success. If he detects several well-known major cases, he will be proficient in footprint identification. By then, it will not be he who actively asks for the title of expert of the provincial department, but the technical department of the provincial department who actively asks for him.

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Two people chatted for a while, Han Bin mentioned Bao Xing, "team Zheng, I have a colleague named Bao Xing in the Municipal Bureau, the young man is good, has been working under my hands. I was transferred to the provincial department a few days ago. I should be in the Criminal Investigation Corps. If you see me, please take care of me. "

"Bao Xing, right? I wrote it down. I'll talk to him when I see him later. " On the other end of Zheng Kaixuan's mobile phone, someone seemed to call him, "brother, I'm busy. Let's talk later."

"Good." Han Bin should be a, and then hang up the phone.

The reason why he mentioned Bao Xing is not temporary. After all, they all went out from Qindao, and they have a good relationship with Hanbin. One is Hanbin's leader, the other is Hanbin's subordinate. It's good for Hanbin to have a good relationship with them.

These two people are in the provincial department. Maybe Han Bin can use them in the future.

As for asking Zheng Kaixuan to take care of Bao Xing, it's just a way to connect the two. Bao Xing was transferred to the provincial department because of his father's relationship. His father's position is higher than Zheng Kaixuan's. It's really uncertain who will take care of him in the future.

After finishing his work, Han Bin tidies up his desk and smashes all the documents on it. The provincial criminal investigation team is responsible for all the major cases. Han Bin doesn't want these materials to spread out from his own hands.

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