Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 918: 918

Zhao Ming continued, "speaking of this movie, it's not a good memory. After watching it, it's depressing. The suspect is a serial murderer. His purpose of killing is not hatred, but according to the seven original sins of Western Zong Religion: arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony and Yinyu.

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I can't remember the details of the story, but one scene I still remember is a very fat victim who was forced by the murderer to eat a lot of food until his stomach was broken to death - Original Sin gluttony.

The case of Rongyuan community and the 821 case in 2018 have a similar feeling. Will it have a certain connection with Zongjiao.

In addition, I would like to add that when it comes to Zong religion, such murderers will be very dangerous. The murderer in the movie is not only cruel to the victim, but also cruel to himself. He killed the police officer's wife because of jealousy, which represents the jealousy of the original sin.

In his opinion, he should die as well. He deliberately angered the police officer and asked him to kill him. The police officer also committed the original sin of anger at the moment of killing and will be punished by law. "

Han Bin said, "at present, the case of Rongyuan community has not found any clues related to the Zong religion, but Zhao Minggang's words also have some reference significance. The murderer may follow some rules. As long as we find out the rules of his killing, we can bring him to justice as soon as possible."

"Besides, do you have any other opinions?"

After a while no one responded, Han Bin continued, "then I'll arrange the task."

"Captain Liao, you are responsible for informing the family members of the victim Zhang Haonan to recognize the body and investigating the victim's communication records. Is there a problem?"


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"Wang Xiao, you are responsible for checking the surveillance near the crime scene."

"Sister Li and Zu Dawei, you go to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Chengnan Branch. I'll contact Chengnan Branch in advance. You can bring back the file of 821 case. If you have any questions, please contact me."


Han Bin looked at his watch and said, "let's finish the meeting. Let's have something to eat. You can't go hungry. Don't make do with it. You can't afford to eat instant noodles all the time. "

Not long after his promotion, Han Bin was also a low-level case handler. He was very clear about the hard work of the case handler. Sometimes he was in a hurry. In order to solve the case, he didn't care about eating. He only dared to eat some simple food, such as instant noodles or bread. Han Bin almost ate and vomited himself.

The presence of a warm heart of the police, if Han Bin does not speak, in order to save the time of investigation, at least half of the people present will eat instant noodles. Now with Han Bin, they can have a down-to-earth meal.

After the meeting, Han Bin went to Ding Xifeng's office first and reported the case to Ding Xifeng.

Knowing that this case is likely to be related to a homicide in 2018, Ding Xifeng paid enough attention to it, and said that he would contact the criminal investigation team of Chengnan sub bureau to ask them to provide the files and evidence of 821 case.

With Ding Xifeng, Han Bin saved a lot of things. After reporting his work, Han Bin left Ding Xifeng's office.

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Han Bin did not return to his office, but went to a group of offices, Zhao Ming has helped him buy a good meal.

At this point, the canteen is almost closed. It's all leftovers. Zhao Ming went to the public security bureau to pack some rice. Han Bin ate a green pepper shredded meat rice and an old duck soup.

After the meal, everyone was engaged in the intense investigation work

In the afternoon, Liao Pingsi contacted Zhang Haonan's family. At four o'clock, Zhang Haonan's mother and sister came to the police station to identify the body.

Zhao Ming took Zhang Haonan's mother and sister to identify the body. They held the body and cried for half an hour. At 4:40 in the afternoon, they returned to the second middle school to take notes.

Han Bin is going to take notes for them and ask Zhao Ming to take them to a group of offices.

Zhang Haonan's mother's hair is a little gray. She looks about sixty years old. She is wearing a gray coat and a light gray wool hat. She wipes her eyes with her sleeve from time to time.

Zhang Haonan's elder sister is in her thirties. She is dressed in a black down jacket. She is tall and thin. She looks a little like Zhang Haonan, showing a sad look.

Han Bin asked them to sit down and look at Zhang Haonan's mother, "Auntie, please be patient. My name is Han Bin, who is in charge of investigating Zhang Haonan's case. "

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Zhang Haonan's mother smelled Han Bin's eye and looked a little surprised. "How old are you? You are about the same age as my son. You are too young. How old and experienced people in your public security bureau don't care."

Zhao Ming said quickly, "Auntie, this captain Han is the leader of our second squadron. You don't have to look at his age alone. He has solved many big cases. His ability to investigate cases is one of the best in Qindao. I admire him most. "

Zhang Haonan's sister quickly apologized, "Captain Han, I'm sorry, my brother's death is too big a blow to my mother. Her mind is in a mess now. What she says is unintentional. "

"It doesn't matter." Han Bin does not think, "elder sister, how do you address?""My name is Zhang Cuilan. I'm Zhang Haonan's second sister. We know that something happened to Haonan, so we came here quickly." Zhang Haonan's sister choked, "Captain Han, have you found the killer who killed my brother?"

Han Bin shook his head, "Zhang Haonan's body was found in the morning, many clues are still under investigation."

"How did my son die? How did he die?" Zhang Haonan's mother asked with a cry.

"He was smoked to death."

Zhang Haonan's mother widened her eyes, "what? Smoked to death! What's smoking so much, it's killing my son. "

"It's a regular cigarette."

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"It's impossible. My son smokes every day. I don't see anything wrong with him. And my husband has smoked all his life. Now he's in his sixties and he hasn't died. Why is my son smoked to death? "

"If he smokes normally, Zhang Haoran will not be smoked to death, but he smokes hundreds of cigarettes in a short time, causing vasoconstriction, spasm, myocardial infarction and sudden death."

"Why, my brother is not stupid. Why does he smoke so many cigarettes all at once?"

"From the available evidence, he may have been hijacked by the murderer and forced to smoke a lot of cigarettes."

"Ah Zhang Haonan's mother yelled, "this is murder, comrade police. You must catch the murderer and avenge my son."

Han Bin nodded, "of course, this is our work and the purpose of inviting you. I hope you can provide some valuable clues to help the police catch the murderer who killed Zhang Haonan as soon as possible."

"Comrade police, I have a clue. Some time ago, my son was injured. I asked him who beat him. At first, he refused to say. Later, he said that he was beaten by a bastard surnamed Huang."

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