Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 935: 935

Han Bin can't hear what Zhao Ming said, but the cry for help is still very clear. Of course, whether the sound can be heard outside the cellar depends on the sound insulation effect of the cellar.

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After a while, Han Bin called, "OK, open the cellar door."

No response.

Jiang Yang yelled again, "open the cellar door."

After a while, the door of the cellar was opened, the sunlight sprinkled into the cellar, and the feeling of depression was dispelled immediately.

Zhao Ming took out the mask from his mouth, "my mother, it's suffocating me."

Han Bin shouts to the cellar, "how about it, can you hear it?"

Li Qin replied, "Jiang Yang's voice can be heard. He seems to have another voice before, but it's not very clear. As for the other voices, I can't hear them. "

"Sister Li, where were you standing just now?"

"Stand at the base of the house."

"I see." Han Bin answered, although the wall is a little far away from the cellar, he has not entered the room. If he stayed in the room, he might not hear the cry for help in the cellar.

I have to say that the sound insulation effect of this cellar is really good.

After Hanbin came up from the cellar, he asked Tang Wenjie, "village head Tang, did you hear anything before?"

Tang Wenjie replied, "I'm standing close. I heard two shouts. The first one didn't hear clearly, and the second one said that I was asked to open the cellar door."

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Han Bin nodded, "village head Tang, when did Tang Wenyao dig this cellar?"

"I don't know."

"Before the crime, did you know that there was a cellar in his house?"

"I don't come to his house often. I'm not impressed." Tang Wenjie looked at Zheng Yuanchao and said, "Uncle Wu, you should know."

Zheng Yuanchao said, "I know that their cellar has been dug for several years. During the construction, I heard some noise. However, the cellar of his house is generally covered, and sometimes something is pressed on it. When outsiders come, they don't pay attention to the observation, and it's not easy to find out. "

Han Bin looks thoughtful. If the murderer has already figured out the way to kill, it means that the murderer knows the existence of the cellar. However, Tang Wenjie, a relative of his own village, doesn't know about it, but the murderer knows it clearly. It means that the murderer either steps on the spot in advance or is an acquaintance.

Han Bin and Zheng Yuanchao chat a few words, did not ask more clues, took people back to the city.

At this time, it's about 6 p.m. and it's almost time to get off work. Some people are looking for Han Bin to report the situation.

Taking advantage of a gap, Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and dials Cui Shaohai's mobile phone number in person.

Through this visit to the scene, Han Bin thinks that Cui Shaohai is the key person, and Jiang Suli's death may be due to other reasons.

The phone rang, but no one answered until it hung up naturally.

Han Bin also did not wait to continue to call again, outside a knock on the door, "Dong Dong."

"Come in."

The door opened, he Yingsheng came in from the outside, "Han team, I want to report the situation near Changfeng community to you."

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Han Bin pointed to the opposite chair, "sit down and say."

He Ying thought, "I analyze that since the suspect is a car thief, he will leave traces when he goes in and out of Changfeng community. There are two possibilities for him to go in and out of Changfeng community. The first possibility is that he has a means of transportation. In this way, he needs to check Skynet monitoring.

In the second case, the suspect enters the community on foot. If this is the case, it is difficult for Skynet to take photos. I have collected all the private shops around Changfeng community. "

Han Bin said, "have you found anything?"

"Not yet." He Yingsheng shook his head and continued, "team Han, I've been thinking about whether there will be another possibility."

Han binlue thought and said, "you mean the suspect himself lives in Changfeng community, and there is no need to go in and out of the community before and after the crime."

"Yes, it's worthy of the Korean team. What they think is comprehensive."

Han Bin thought for a while and said, "you don't have to worry about this. I will ask the local police station to help me investigate whether there are car theft criminals in Changfeng community. You are responsible for continuing to check the monitoring of Changfeng community


"Ding Ling Ling..." Han Bin's cell phone rings.

Han Bin picked up the mobile phone and saw that it was Cui Shaohai's mobile phone number, "hello."

"Who are you?" There's a man's voice on the phone.

He Yingsheng got up to leave.

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Han Bin nodded.

He Yingsheng closed the door and left the squadron leader's office.

Han Bin continued to call, "are you Cui Shaohai?"

"It's me. Who are you?"

"My name is Han Bin, from the Municipal Public Security Bureau."

"From the Public Security Bureau, what can I do for you?"

"Do you know Jiang Suli?"

"Yes, that's my mother."

"We are re investigating her case."The other end of the cell phone was silent for a moment, "there's a new clue to the case."

Han Bin said, "it's inconvenient on the phone. Come to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Let's talk face to face."

Cui Shaohai hesitated for a while, "tomorrow, I'll go there tomorrow morning."

"Yes, when you get to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, give me a call and I'll send someone downstairs to meet you." With that, Han Bin hung up his cell phone.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Han Bin summarized the situation of the case, and went to the captain's office to report his work.

Ding Xifeng took a big teapot, just made a pot of tea, "you come just in time, I just came back from the meeting, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau also talked about the case of Rongyuan community, how's the investigation going?"

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"Captain, I'm going to report to you." Han Bin made a concise report on the progress of the case investigation.

Ding Xifeng took notes while listening. After listening, he read his notes again.

After a while, Ding Xifeng asked, "do you suspect that the murderer in the 821 case has another purpose?"


"Is there any evidence?"

Han Bin shook his head, "it's just my guess for the moment, but I've invited a person involved to come to the police station to take notes. Maybe he can provide some new clues."

Ding Xifeng took a sip of tea and put down his cup. "You went to the scene of the 821 case. Do you think the two cases are related? Is it the same killer? "

Han Bin pondered for a moment, "there must be a connection, at least it's an imitation. As for whether it's the same murderer, it's not sure for the moment."

Ding Xifeng knocked on the table with his right index finger, "then I assume the murderer is the same person. Do you think the killer will continue to kill? "

Han Bin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Ding Xifeng to ask this question. From the existing evidence of the case, if the murderer in the case was the same person, his purpose of killing people is likely to be to "do justice for heaven", and his so-called "Tao" is the moral standard.

The standard of killing people is very low. Anyone who violates the moral standard may become his target.

It's only a matter of time before he kills again.

Han Bin takes a deep breath. He has taken over the case. If the murderer does it again, he will be under great pressure

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