Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 94: 94

"Actors." Han Bin muttered.

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Han Bin's Micro expression analysis method is entry-level, and there are advanced and expert level.

Micro expression analysis method is to judge people's real feelings and emotions through the subtle facial expressions and body movements.

The entry-level micro expression analysis method can only be identified by body movements.

The advanced and expert micro expression analysis method is to judge people's emotions through facial micro expressions.

"Micro expression" can last for 125 seconds at least. It is a kind of instinctive expression and will not be controlled by people's thinking. It is very difficult to accurately capture it.

To be an actor is to learn how to control emotions, put yourself into that role, put in emotions and act like what.

Han Bin's Micro expression analysis method is only an entry-level method. If Tang Yu's acting skills are good enough, it is possible to cheat him, and Tang Yu's notes will have no credibility.

The materials of Tang Yu, Xiang Hongbo and Luo Xinghua were successively displayed on the projector, and Luo Xinghua's address was also recorded in detail.

"Ding Ling Ling..." Zeng Ping's mobile phone rings.

Zeng Ping got up to answer the phone.

When he returned again, Zeng Ping showed a smile: "wechat company came to the news, they checked the payment records of he Shirui, and spent 48 yuan in Jinsha bar at more than 10 pm the day before yesterday."

It's time to file a case!

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There are many office buildings around the cafe. In order to cater to the taste of the white-collar class, the decoration of the cafe is mainly white and elegant, which is quite petty bourgeois.

Two men and a woman are sitting on the inner side of the wall. One of them is Tang Yu and Xiang Hongbo. The man opposite looks like he is in his twenties with black glasses.

"Hongbo, the police didn't find me." The man with black glasses asked.

"No Xiang Hongbo said.

"That's good." The man with the black glasses breathed a long sigh of relief.

Luo Xinghua said, leaned down to pick up a travel bag from below and put it on the coffee table

"Tang Tang, you have more contact with the police, you'd better talk about it." Xiang Hongbo said.

Tang Yu nodded and described his contact with the police yesterday.

Luo Xinghua listened and asked occasionally. They chatted for half an hour before leaving the cafe.

The three left the cafe on their forefeet, followed by a young man, wearing a cap, who was Han Bin's informant Chen San.

He touched his chin and muttered, "what's in the bag?"

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After Zeng Ping reported the progress of the case to Zheng Kaixuan, Zheng Kaixuan formally applied to the sub Bureau for investigation.

At this time, Zhao Ming sent the communication records of the three to the wechat group.

Wechat company also cooperated very much and sent the chat records of Hong Bo and his three people.

Zeng Ping came into the office with the printed documents: "mobile phone communication records and wechat chat records are here to see what relationship they have."


Four people with different ways of contact, sort up or more chaotic, in Han Bin's mention, according to the timeline.

It took half an hour for Han Bin and others to get to the bottom of the matter.

"Daddada..." A burst of footwork sounded, Zheng Kaixuan walked into the office.

"Team Zheng, has the application been approved?" Zeng Ping asked.

"Although no fatal injury was found on the deceased, according to the wechat payment records and the testimony of the bartender, it is enough to confirm that this is not a simple accidental death, and the sub Bureau has approved the case for investigation."

"That's great. It's an account for the family of the dead." Tian Li Road.

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"Don't be happy too soon. If you can't catch the murderer after setting up the case, it's your responsibility." Zheng Kaixuan warned.

"Team Zheng is right. Filing a case is just the beginning of success. Our real challenge is still behind us." Zeng Ping echoed.

Zheng Kaixuan pulled a chair and sat down: "is there any new progress in the case now?"

Zeng Ping nuzui: "Han Bin, you say it."

"We transferred the contact information of he Shirui, Tang Yu, Xiang Hongbo and Luo Xinghua. After comparison, we found some anomalies." Han Bin took the carbon pen in his right hand, turned it a few times, and then said:

"before he Shirui's death, Luo Xinghua contacted Xiang Hongbo and he Shirui very frequently, but after he Shirui's death, Luo Xinghua seldom contacted Xiang Hongbo again, even if the contact was just a phone call, and he never used wechat again."

"What is the relationship between these four people?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"Luo Xinghua and Xiang Hongbo are friends, Xiang Hongbo and Tang Yu are lovers. Luo Xinghua is pursuing he Shirui, so she is willing to help her pay the high room fee."

"Did you pursue success?"

"I don't think so." Han Bin said.

"Does Luo Xinghua have anything to do with he Shirui's death?"

"Before he Shirui died, Xiang Hongbo knew that Mao Yiran had come to Qindao and told Luo Xinghua about it, which made Luo Xinghua angry and nervous. He even wanted to find someone to deal with Mao Yiran." Han Bin said."How did Xiang Hongbo know that Mao resolutely came to Qindao?" Li Hui asked.

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"I think Tang Yu lied." Han Bin squatted on the table with a pen:

"he Shirui should have told her about Mao's decision to come to Qindao, or even discussed with her. Tang Yu told her boyfriend about it, and sent a wechat to Hongbo to tell Luo Xinghua."

Zheng Kaixuan touched his chin and thought for a moment: "where was Luo Xinghua on the day he Shirui died?"

"From the chat records between Luo Xinghua and Xiang Hongbo, we can see that Mao Yiran's arrival has put a lot of pressure on him. In order to pursue he Shirui, Luo Xinghua plans to rent a yacht to take he Shirui out to sea. The appointment time is 8:00 p.m. on August 24." Han Bin said.

"He's death time is 8:00 to 10:00 in the evening, that is to say, he probably died on the yacht." Zheng Kaixuan guessed.

"He Shirui can't swim. After falling into the water, she wants to grab the yacht to save herself. That's why there are paint debris left between her fingernails. The conclusion of forensic doctor Wu is consistent." Zeng Ping analysis.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded: "finally found out the point eyebrows."

"Ding Ling Ling..."

A mobile phone ring, Zeng Ping went to one side to answer the phone.

A moment later, Zeng Ping came back frowning:

"team Zheng, something happened again!"

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