Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 943: 943

Han Bin said, "have you found out the identity of the owner?"

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"I got it." Zhang shungu went to the projector and put a piece of information on it.

master, Lu Zhi Cun

mobile phone number, 1583423XXXX

ID number, 370202199308221125

address, Jiudao Road, jiuyu Road, Chengdao District,

Zhang shungu continued, "there is another situation to explain, Lu Zhicun's mobile phone number is still in use, can implement positioning."

Ding Xifeng said, "then determine his position as soon as possible and take him to the police station to make a record."


Han Bin went on to say, "in addition, when team leader Zhu is investigating and monitoring, he should pay attention to the time node of 7:46, and determine the key investigation time with it as a reference."

"I see."

Han Bin looked to Ding Xifeng, "Captain, what else do you want to order?"

Ding Xifeng said, "according to the existing evidence, the approximate time for the suspect to enter the victim's home is likely to be around 7:30 to 8:00. If it is in summer, it is not too late. But in winter, it starts to get dark at more than five o'clock, and it's already night at seven thirty.

At that time, the victim was accompanied by a dog at home. It was almost impossible for the suspect to pry the lock, and he would certainly be found. I think the victim should have opened the door on his own initiative, and it was already night at that time. If he did not know someone, the victim might not have opened the door.

So, there is a great possibility that it was an acquaintance who committed the crime. When investigating the suspect's peripheral relations, we should pay more attention to those who have motive to commit crimes. "

Ding Xifeng looked at his watch and said, "what else do you want to say about this case?"

Some people shake their heads, others are silent.

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"That's OK. The meeting will be held here first. Let's investigate separately. The specific task is in the charge of team Han." Ding Xifeng said that, and looked to the side of Han Bin, "what's the situation, timely report to me."


Ding Xifeng closed his notebook, "OK, let's finish the meeting."


Han Bin arranged the task in detail, and then returned to his office.

He went through the files of the three cases in detail again and looked at them very carefully.

The victims of these three cases all have moral flaws, but they are not illegal, and the law can not punish them. On the surface, they are also the conditions for the murderer to find the target.

Han Bin infers the criminal's behavior pattern according to the traces left at the crime scene, further infers the psychological characteristics, and then infers the suspect's next behavior characteristics.

However, through the analysis of the three cases, Han Bin found that in addition to the appearance of moral defects and Z Peugeot, the three cases did not conform to the psychological profile of serial killers.

He's more likely to imitate or hire someone to kill.

First of all, after the 821 case, some details and modus operandi were revealed. The latter will continue to commit crimes according to the pattern of 821 case. The purpose is to transfer the accusation and police investigation direction to 821 case.

What he imitates is only some appearances, but the psychological characteristics of him and the real murderer do not match, and there will be differences in behavior.

As for hire killing, the way of killing is the same, but the purpose of killing is for money. Whoever gives money, the murderer kills. The choice of target is not based on the subjective consciousness of the murderer, and the psychological characteristics are not in line with the serial murderer.

Han Bin uses the exclusion method, if it is to imitate the crime, then it will be the second case and the third case to be imitated.

The first murderer is called the original murderer, and the imitator is called the imitator.

The pattern of killing in these three cases is the same, indicating that one of the killers committed two cases.

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There are only three possibilities.

The first case and the second case were committed by the original murderer, and only the third case was committed by the imitated murderer.

The first and third cases were committed by the original murderer. The second case was an imitation of the murderer. The original killer felt offended and carried out a third case.

The first case was committed by the original murderer, while the latter two cases were committed by the imitated murderer.

In view of these three possibilities, Han Bin analyzes the traces of the three cases again, but finds that these three possibilities are still not tenable, and any two cases do not conform to the essential characteristics of serial killers.

There are only two possibilities for this result. The first possibility is that there is a second imitator, and each of the three murderers has done a case.

The second possibility is that the three cases were not committed by imitation.

Han Bin thinks that the possibility of two imitators is very small, and he prefers the latter.

So there's only one possibility left, hire to kill.

This hired killer is very smart. He deliberately disguises himself as a serial killer in order to cover up the real purpose of the killing and protect his employer. As long as the employer is not exposed, his business network will not be exposed and he can continue to hide.

After receiving the task, the murderer will look for the moral flaw on the target, and use this moral flaw as a reason to kill the victim, and lead the police's investigation direction to other directions, so as to prevent the police from tracking down the employer behind the scenes.Some people may think that it's a coincidence that the three targets of the murderer all have moral flaws.

In fact, this situation can be reversed. It's not easy for you to find good students in ordinary schools, but if you want to go to Tsinghua and Peking University, you can also find them with a closed eye.

In the same way, if a person is deeply resented and even hired to kill at any risk, there must be some shortcomings in the person killed, and one slap can't make a sound.

It's not hard for a killer to find a reason.

Although there is no concrete evidence, Han Bin still believes his own judgment. He is ready to adjust the direction of the investigation. He can't be led by the nose by the murderer and investigate the case by employing the murderer.

Hire killing is different from passion killing.

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The victim and the murderer will have a deep connection, either emotional, enmity, or a huge conflict of interest.

Professional killers all have certain anti reconnaissance ability. It's not easy to find their whereabouts.

The victim must have known the employer behind the scenes. We can start from the victim's peripheral relationship.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Han Bin received a report call, and Lu Cunzhi had found it.

When Han Bin arrived at the second group office, Zhang shungu was already taking notes.

"Team Han."

"Captain, here you are."

"You go on." Han Bin pulls a chair and sits down.

Zhang shungu and Feng Na are taking notes for a young man who looks like an employee of Jingdong express company in overalls.

Zhang shungu continued to ask, "Lu Zhicun, is the mobile phone number of 1583423xxx yours?"

"It's mine, but my cell phone was stolen. This morning, I renewed the number

"When was your cell phone stolen?"

Lu Zhicun thought, "it should be around 7 o'clock last night. I don't know the exact time."

"Where did you lose it? How did you lose it? "

"I lost it at the gate of Changdao District, nongnong road and Yongxi community. I'm a courier. I'm responsible for the express delivery in that community. I pulled a load of goods to the east gate and called the people who took the express delivery. I moved the goods from the car and waited for them to come to the east gate to pick them up. "

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"I have two mobile phones, one is a smart phone, to contact my family. There is also a machine for the elderly, which is free of charge and used as a mobile phone for work. I remember when I got in touch with the courier, I put my work cell phone on the tricycle, and I used my smartphone to watch videos. "

"Because of the nature of my work, I often get a call from my work mobile phone. But after watching the video for a while, I found that I hadn't called for a while. I felt that something was wrong, so I went to my work mobile phone. As a result, the mobile phone on the tricycle was gone.

At that time, I didn't expect to lose my cell phone. I couldn't sell it for dozens of yuan. Who would steal it? But I couldn't find it for a long time, so I called the mobile phone number and found that I couldn't get through. I knew it was stolen.

Speaking of this, Lu Zhicun sighed and said, "you said that anyone who is so immoral has stolen this broken mobile phone. I was really angry at that time, because this is my work mobile phone. Without this mobile phone, how can I contact customers.

But it was already seven o'clock at that time, and the business hall was closed. I couldn't get a replacement number. I had to wait all night. The next morning I went to make up the number. I didn't even care to have lunch. I finally finished the rest of the express delivery. "

Zhang shungu asked, "yesterday, did you go to Moxiang academy community?"


"Do you know a man named He Jun?"

"I don't know."

"Between 7:46 and 11:00 last night, where were you?"

"I went back to the company at more than seven o'clock, explained the situation to our supervisor, invited the supervisor to have a meal, and went home at more than nine o'clock in the evening."

Zhang shungu asked, "what's the name of your supervisor? Who else in your family... "

Han Bin sat on one side and didn't speak. He just listened quietly. He basically understood Lu Zhicun's situation.

First of all, the case is so complicated. Apart from the mobile phone number, Lu Zhicun has nothing to do with the case. If he is really a murderer, he can't expose it by such inferior means. It's meaningless.

Han Bin is more inclined to believe him.

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