Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 946: 946

Han Bin said, "intuition is not evidence, and the police can't accept it directly. If you have evidence, you'd better take out the evidence directly."

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"I'm not a policeman. I don't have any evidence." Yao Wenxi shook his head and continued, "Captain Han, is there anyone else claiming to be He Jun's girlfriend?


"If so, you must tell me that I don't want to be fooled."

Han Bin did not respond, this is not his responsibility, he has no reason to care about other people's private affairs.

"Are you sure you haven't met tonkatie?"

"No, what's the problem?" Yao Wenxi seems to think of something, "is Tang Kaidi the little three?"

Han Bin turned his pen, "why do you lean on Xiao San for everything? Do you know he Jun has a junior for a long time, and have you investigated privately? "

"No, I didn't investigate. It's just intuition."

Han Bin said, "that's OK. Let's talk about it today. If you think of any new clues, you can contact us again."

Yao Wenxi twisted his hands together, "Captain Han, I want to meet He Jun, I want to see him..."

Han Bin nodded, with the team next to command, "take her to the forensic room to identify the body."


Squadron leader's office.

After returning to the office, Han Bin compares Tang Kaidi's and Yao Wenxi's notes and finds that He Jun's relationship is unusual.

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Tang Kaidi claims to be friends with He Jun, but he Jun has the key to his home.

Yao Wenxi claims to be He Jun's girlfriend, and they also have a dog that symbolizes the crystallization of love. They have been dating for more than two years, but they don't have the key to He Jun's family. Moreover, He Jun's family hasn't found a group photo of them.

Han Bin also finds out a communication record, which records He Jun's contact number for nearly a month, including Yao Wenxi's mobile phone number and Tang Kaidi's number. Both of them have frequent contact with he Jun.

Han Bin is very interested in the relationship between the three people and will confirm it in the next step.

Tang Kaidi's relationship with He Jun is unusual. It sounds like they have an intimate relationship. If they really have a super friendly relationship, Yao Wenxi will not give up when he knows. This kind of relationship is also the most likely one to have an accident.

In Han Bin's view, Tang Kaidi and Yao Wenxi are both suspected.


At noon, Han Bin goes to the canteen for dinner.

In winter, the canteen will often boil mutton soup, eat a bowl of mutton soup, the cold was immediately driven away, the whole body warm.

Han Bin ordered a bowl of mutton soup, a bowl of noodle rice and a dish of two meat and two vegetables.

There isn't much meat in mutton soup, but it tastes very strong. There are lots of fine powder under it, and then some special chili oil and pepper powder. It tastes great.

After a few mouthfuls of mutton soup, Han Bin feels that the whole person is warm.

Zhao Ming also sat opposite Han Bin with his lunch box. "Team Han, there's a new leek box. I'll bring you one. "

Han Bin said with a smile," then I'm not polite. "

Zhao Ming picked up a leek box and put it on Han Bin's plate. "Team Han, you asked me to investigate pan Tonghai's two companions. I've already checked."

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"Eat first and come to my office later."

Zhao Ming swallowed his saliva. After investigating the case all morning, he was already hungry.

After dinner, the squadron leader's office.

Sitting on the sofa, Han Bin makes a pot of hot tea and pours a cup for Zhao Ming.

"Drink a cup of tea and eat."

Zhao Ming smelled the fragrance of the tea and took a sip of it. The tea was a little hot. He put down his cup and said, "team Han, I've found two friends of Pan Tonghai."

Han Bin is playing with the teacup in his hand, "is there any cable?"

"I made a record for them. They all had alibi during the time of committing the crime, and according to them, it was all drunken talk in the wine shop. It's not worth counting. It's impossible to kill people for Pan Tonghai's sake. It's not worth it."

"Do you think the two of them are suspicious?"

Zhao Ming thought for a moment and shook his head. "From the current evidence, they don't know the dead He Jun at all, and they don't share any friendship and grudges with each other. I don't think they are likely to kill people, and they don't even have the basic motive. It's probably just a few big words after getting drunk

Han Bin sipped another sip of tea, "put this clue away first, and I'll give you a new task."

"What mission?"

Han Bin ordered, "you go to investigate the economic situation of the people involved in these three cases, especially whether there is a large amount of capital flow before and after the crime."

Zhao Ming slightly pondered and responded, "Han team, do you think these three cases are hired homicide?"

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"My personal guess is that there is not enough evidence for this kind of thing at the moment. Go and check it."

"Yes, I'll investigate now." Zhao Ming is very convinced of Han Bin's judgment.……

The next morning.

Han Bin carrying a briefcase just walked to the door of the office, he saw Zhu Jiaxu waiting outside, "what's the matter?"

Zhu Jiaxu opened the door to see the mountain road. "Han team, we were looking at the monitoring, and found suspicious figures before and after the incident, probably a suspect."

"Come on, show me." Han Bin did not enter the office, but went directly to the second group office.

Han Bin into the office of the second group, the team have said hello.

Zhu Jiaxu said, "Qi Shanghai, take a look at the video investigation you found, please Han team."

Qi Shanghai sat in front of the computer, crackling operation.

Zhu Jiaxu explained to one side, "team Han, we have been checking the peripheral surveillance of Zhang Haonan and He Jun's two cases. At the beginning, we found no suspicious situation. Later, we compared the videos of the two crime scenes, and Qi Shanghai found that one of the suspicious people could have been to the two crime scenes at the same time."

During the conversation, Qi Shanghai also called out the video, "Han team, you see, this is the video I found. The above video is the video of the streets around Changfeng community. You can see that there is a person in the upper right corner of the video wearing Express staff clothes. This person looks fat and strong, and also wears a cap.

You can see the following video again. This is the video outside the Moxiang academy community. In the lower right corner of the video, there is a man in express service, who is also fat and strong, and is similar to the height of the courier in Changfeng community. This time, he doesn't wear a hat and has an ordinary flat head. I suspect the two couriers are probably the same person. "

Han Bin carefully observed, from the screenshot, the two couriers' bodies are indeed similar, but because the surveillance video is far away, it is difficult to judge whether they are the same person.

"Play the video."

"Yes." Zhu Jiaxu responded and played the surveillance video.

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The video played at normal speed. Han Bin first watched the surveillance video around Changfeng community and watched it carefully for three times.

He also asked Qi Shanghai to play the video near the Moxiang academy community. After watching it three times, he straightened up and looked thoughtful.

After a while, Zhu Jiaxu couldn't help asking, "team Han, are these two couriers the same person?"

Han Bin shook his head. "From the posture of walking Not alone. "

Hearing this, everyone around was a little discouraged.

He Yingsheng said, "team Han, I also found a suspicious figure in the surveillance video. Please help me to have a look."

"Well." Han Bin should be a, swept a glance at other people, "any of you who found suspicious situation in the monitoring, can find out, let me have a look."

Everyone started to tune the video separately.

The images in the video are all suspicious persons who appeared at the scene of the crime during the crime period.

Han Bin looked very carefully, compared the images in the video horizontally, watched several video surveillance in succession, and finally found some clues.

Han Bin found a suspicious person on Feng Na's computer and knocked down the space bar, "Qi Shanghai, send the monitoring of the suspicious courier you found in the Moxiang academy community."


Seeing that Han Bin had found something, the rest of the people came and looked at the computer screen

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