Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 956: 956

Qin Yanxue did not admit it and the trial was suspended.

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As for the release of Qin Yanxue, it is impossible. Han Bin has already sent people to investigate separately. There will be new progress and clues in the investigation. I believe there will be a result soon if Qin Yanxue is innocent.

After returning to the office, Han Bin called Li Qin and Zhao Ming, who were interrogated together, "what do you think of Qin Yanxue's confession?"

Li Qin said, "this Qin Yanxue quietly wants to go abroad, and we just caught her. It's her own bank card, but it's all the responsibility. I don't believe her. She's very suspicious. She's probably the real murderer behind the hiring. "

Zhao Ming said, "what's the purpose of Qin Yanxue's killing? Even if she killed Zhang Haonan, the property right of the house can't belong to her. Moreover, from the clues of the current investigation, there is no obvious contradiction between the two people. Qin Yanxue doesn't have enough motive to kill people. "

Li Qin said, "let's assume that if Qin Yanxue is not the murderer and does not lie, the real holder of that card is Zhang Haonan. How can Zhang Haonan hire someone to kill himself? It doesn't make sense.

In return, Qin Yanxue lied. As for the reason for the lie, it is very likely that she is the employer behind the scenes, and she went to Australia in a hurry to avoid the police investigation. "

Zhao Mingdao said, "although the online store is very suspicious, it is not necessarily the contact point of the killer organization. For the time being, it is impossible to prove that the two large sums of money are the expenses of employing the killer. Can it be that Zhang Haonan stealthily misappropriates the money from the card, but Qin Yanxue finds it out. They fight each other, and Qin Yanxue employs someone to kill him. "

Han Bin concluded, "the analysis of both of you is reasonable. No matter who transferred the money from the bank card, the operation record will be left. Zhang Haonan's mobile phone has not been found yet. You can investigate Qin Yanxue's mobile phone and computer.

Zhao Ming, go to the technology department to see if Qin Yanxue's mobile phone has operation records. Sister Li, go and apply for a search warrant to search Qin Yanxue's house. "

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"Yes." The two men answered and acted separately.


Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Conference room of Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Second team members who went out to investigate returned one after another. Han Bin held a case summary meeting, and Ding Xifeng also attended the meeting.

Ding Xifeng sits on the main seat of the conference room, while Han Bin sits on his side and whispers, "Captain, have you heard about Feng Yuanhua?"

Ding Xifeng said, "I've already contacted the provincial department. I don't know if it's the real name. How can it be so fast? Wait."

Han Bin nodded.

Ding Xifeng continued to ask, "is there any new progress on Qin Yanxue's side?"

Han Bin replied, "I sent someone to search Qin Yanxue's house, but no evidence related to the case was found. In addition, the technology branch also checked Qin Yanxue's mobile phone and found no transfer and operation records. "

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Ding Xifeng said, "do you know the purpose of Qin Yanxue's going to Australia?"

"According to her, there was something wrong with the Australian supplier. We also checked with the Australian side, but the other side said that it was not the supply problem, but Qin Yanxue offered to go to Australia to inspect the new products, so they sent out the invitation letter. So, I think whether Qin Yanxue is an employer or not, she has something to hide. "

Ding Xifeng looked thoughtful, glanced at the people in the meeting room and said, "people are almost here. Let's have a meeting."

Han Bin nodded and coughed, "well, let's get ready for the meeting."

Han Bin opened his notebook, his eyes fell on Zhu Jiaxu, "team leader Zhu, talk about the situation over there."

Zhu Jiaxu slightly pondered, "I found the address registered on Feng Yuanhua's ID card, but I didn't find Feng Yuanhua himself. Feng Yuanhua's mother still lives in the original address. According to her, Feng Yuanhua hasn't been home for three years, and she hasn't seen each other for three years.

We didn't fully believe her confession, so we visited our neighbors. Most of the neighbors were employees of the food factory. Feng Yuanhua's mother was also an employee of the food factory before, so the neighbors knew more about his family.

The neighbors generally have a good impression of Feng Yuanhua. They say that he is a very honest man. He has been doing small business in other places. He used to run in other places before, and he hasn't been back home for two or three years. The neighbors don't know exactly where Feng Yuanhua is, and no one has seen him. "

Ding Xifeng asked subconsciously, "what's the relationship between Feng Yuanhua and his mother?"

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Zhu Jiaxu replied, "according to the neighbors, it's OK. Although Feng Yuanhua hasn't been back in the past two years, he will mail things to his mother every new year's day. Many neighbors have seen it. It's said that he has all kinds of things.

We also tried to trace the mailing address, but Feng Yuanhua's mother always shirked that she couldn't remember clearly, and the package bag of the things was lost. He didn't know where Feng Yuanhua was sent from. Before the meeting, I asked Zhang shungu to go to the local post office to investigate. I believe we can trace the clues of express delivery soon. "

Han Bin nodded, "this Feng Yuanhua is very suspicious, you continue to trace, find new clues, the first time to report to me.""Yes."

"That's right." Ding Xifeng asked, "have you ever seen a picture of Feng Yuanhua at his mother-in-law's home?"

Zhu Jiaxu recalled for a moment, shaking his head, "No."

"When you go back, you can take someone to Feng Yuanhua's mother's house to find some photos of Feng Yuanhua." According to Ding Xifeng's conjecture, Feng Yuanhua doesn't go home all the year round. He may be deliberately hiding his identity. Maybe he has changed his identity and name. As long as he disguises a little, it's hard to find a photo with only one ID.

"I see."

After Zhu Jiaxu's report, Han Bin looks at Wang Xiao, "leader Wang, tell me about your investigation."

Wang Xiao cleared his throat. "Before, you sent Zhao Ming to investigate the financial situation of the people involved in the case. He found that there was something wrong with Qin Yanxue's account. I will send more people to expand the scope of the investigation. Among them, Tang Kaidi, the person involved in the murder of He Jun, is somewhat suspicious. Tang Kaidi has a good friend. Before and after he Jun's death, he made two large transfers, one was 100000 yuan, the other was 300000 yuan, totaling 400000 yuan.

I think this situation is very suspicious. He continued to trace the whereabouts of the funds and found that these two sums of money were online consumption. He bought the goods on a shopping platform called "buy it quickly". The shop was called Shennong pharmacy, which sold some medicinal materials, including millennial wild ginseng, Cordyceps sinensis, Polygonum multiflorum and so on.

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We contacted the person in charge of the website and called out the identity information of the legal person of the shop. "

Name, Zhu Xiaohong

gender, female

date of birth, May 14, 1966

mobile number, 1854737xxxx

the registration time of the store is July 13, 2020.

Wang Xiao just finished.

On one side, Zhu Jiaxu patted the table and said, "I know this person. She is Feng Yuanhua's mother. I made a note for her today."

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