Moonlight Ball

Chapter 100

Margaret hastily took over from the Countess, sat in front of the Queen, and attended her with the documents. As she approached, the Queen visibly flinched. Margaret became tense. She was worried that the Queen might have someone else attend her instead. Iris, however, tended to keep things peaceful. She suppressed her discomfort and merely pursed her lips together as she signed the papers.

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Iris felt Margaret’s gaze. Uncomfortable, she lowered her gaze at her blatant staring. She didn’t like her step-sister. She could feel malice from her persistent gaze and she could only hear curses from her speaking tongue.

Teacher, thought Iris as she shut her eyes. Her teacher was disappointed in her, and he had no trouble cutting people off. From now on, he won’t help me.

Even now, she wanted to run to the Magic Tower. She wanted to explain. She didn’t know what Sidrain said but she wanted to say not everything was true. She didn’t do anything to disappoint her teacher. Never.

No, maybe she did.

Iris couldn’t be sure. She knew that she was very slow on certain aspects. Even that day, there was a raging tension between Sidrain and her teacher, but she had only grasped half of the situation. She couldn’t even explain. Either way, Iris felt that she had lost her teacher. Iris gripped the quill unconsciously, and pain pierced her skin.

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Margaret, who was arranging the documents, was surprised at the Queen’s sudden groan. She then saw blood trickling from the Queen’s hand. She gasped, “Oh my, Your Majesty!”

Now’s the chance! Margaret quickly approached the Queen, stretching out one hand towards the Queen’s bloody hand. But before her fingers could reach her, Iris snatched her arm away.

“I’ll see it myself,” she said. Her voice was as cold as ice. Iris couldn’t hold back anymore. She got goosebumps thinking Margaret’s hand touching her own.

The noble ladies’ eyes widened at her reaction. Countess Mutarion approached her in haste, “Your Majesty!”

The two queen bees, who were busily conversing outside, were summoned. Both walked in with a rehearsed smile, but their faces instantly turned white when they saw the Queen’s bleeding hand.

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“Your Majesty!”

The first person that came running was none other than Elena. Flustered, she pushed Margaret out of the way. Elena quickly grabbed Iris’s hand and checked her wound. She yelled, “Call the doctor, now!”

A doctor was immediately dragged inside by the royal knights. She felt extreme pressure. It was difficult to attend the Queen’s in the midst of all the noble ladies. Especially when…

“You can’t leave a scar!”

Marchioness Lasian kept on insisting on her left.

“Does it hurt? How, what happened… Why is the treatment so slow!”

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On the right, Duchess Sethang kept rushing her in an enraged voice. The ladies were all so distressed over a small cut that some may even think she was giving birth.

The doctor sighed, she had to treat the Queen while being threatened at every side, but she was skilled enough to become a doctor, so she was able to treat Queen’s wound cleanly.

“As you know, just because you treat it with magic doesn’t mean it’s treated completely, Your Majesty,” the doctor said, “The magic of course treats the wound, but it doesn’t hasten the healing. In fact, the magic has sewed the torn skin together, so that part of the skin has become weak. So please be careful.”

“I know,” murmured Iris.

The doctor nodded. There was no way the Queen wouldn’t know; she was the hero who destroyed the mold. The doctor bowed, “Then I shall dismiss myself.”

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The doctor tilted her head as she left. This wasn’t the first time she saw the Queen. She has always been treating Rosemary since she has become the Queen. She had no choice. The Queen’s emotion varied greatly and she was the youngest doctor so she had to take on the challenge. She heard that in other palaces it was quite the opposite, but not in En Letaire.

Was the Queen’s magic power that big?

She found it questionable when she heard that the Queen got rid of Honsi mold. The Queen’s magic power was so weak that it couldn’t even be used on medicine, so how did she do it? Even if she had the power, did she have that kind of professional knowledge? The Queen?

The doctors all found it weird. That Queen? The one that overreacted to even her nail being broken and called the doctor, that Queen?

Also that magic power, it seemed familiar.

The doctor, Vivian Lapin, tilted her head. She was the third doctor of the Viscount Os, but because she possessed magical power, she joined the Magic Tower and became a doctor. She was assigned the Queen’s doctor as she was the youngest and had the least experience. But it was also because she became a doctor at such a young age. The doctor’s office wasn’t a place anyone could simply acquire.

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