Moonlight Ball

Chapter 103

Sidrain kissed her again. Kiss? No, it was more like he was eating her. His mouth swallowed her lips and everything inside. She couldn’t even scream or say she didn’t like it. It was impossible to even shake her head.

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Hit me, Ris.

His voice swirled around Iris’s mind. She struggled to the point where the sheet was being crumbled, but she was still in his grasp. She could feel Sidrain’s hands trembling as they crept closer to her nether region, approaching her hidden forest little by little.

Sidrain’s lips came down on her neck, panting as he sucked in her skin. His thirst was blatant, as with the heat painfully radiating from his body. Iris couldn’t breathe, she felt suffocated. She was confused as to whether she was in a place full of vapour.

Ah. Iris opened her eyes wide. Sidrain’s rough hand had tyrannically grabbed her bre*sts. Her ample bre*sts stiffened, but was not a stranger to his burning touch. Her peaks were taut, submissive to the pleasure. Iris closed her eyes again, she wanted to be touched. It was instinct to focus on the feelings of ecstasy.

Sidrain caressed her n*pples so softly, but such mercy only lasted for moments until l*st became the master of his senses. He grabbed Iris’ bre*sts, massaging it with intensity.

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“Hm, mm. S, Sid. That, Ah, ah ah!”

Iris let out a cry-like moan, her eyes closed. Sidrain looked down at her, she looked naughty despite her innocence. Iris liked her bre*sts being caressed and sucked but she liked it more when Sidrain toyed with them harshly.

Meanwhile, Sidrain’s other hand lowered to her intimate part. He had never looked nor touched it when he was having s*x with Rosemary, but now, Sidrain’s finger carefully tiptoed on the place he never thought to touch, like a kid stepping on snow for the first time. The tip of his finger felt like it would melt. The moment his finger touched the small chunk of skin that went through the closing, Iris’s waist arched upward.


Iris’ arms flung in the air; Sidrain thought she might finally hit him. Even with a mind that had become senseless in pleasure, he thought for a moment: Was it because he touched her private part? Or because he made the teacher she respected abandon her?

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Her hands, however, wrapped themselves around his neck. Iris clung onto him like he was the only person in the world.

“S, Sid. Sid. I feel, feel weird. Ah, mm. Weird,” she moaned.

Sidrain was going insane at her reaction. She hadn’t even touched him like he did to her, but it was as if he was given the greatest pleasure in the world.

“Yes, I, hmph, too am becoming weird,” he groaned.

Underneath her small chunk of skin was becoming moist, wetting her underwear. He scooped up the juice from her underwear and lathered it on her opening.

“I, I feel weird. Please, Sid.”

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Iris cried. Her mind had become blank from pleasure. The expression she wore on her face would drive any man crazy. Rosemary never made this face. She didn’t give Sidrain this expression nor any emotion at all. Even though Iris possessed the same body with Rosemary, the body that felt boring even during intercourse was giving him this pleasure without an intercourse.

“Please? Ris, what do you want me to do? What should I do?”

“Ah, mm! Mm! Th, there, ah, mm, mm ,mm!”

“What should I do to drive you crazy? Hm?”

He realized that moment, the immense difference in emotion.

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She was lonely right now. She tried to push him away thinking she can’t lose to loneliness, but he came digging in through that crack, knowing she was feeling alone. He didn’t care whether it was sympathy or not. He was that desperate. He was this miserable even though he was born and raised as a king.

But she was his first love. The first love he didn’t even know the face of. He couldn’t look back. He never looked back. He instinctively knew that he shouldn’t look back. If he looked back, everything…

Yes, everything would collapse.

“Iris Elaine.”

Sidrain called her name in a low voice. Iris looked up at him through her blurry vision. At that moment her eyes opened wide. A tear was falling from Sidrain’s reddened eyes.

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