Moonlight Ball

Chapter 105

“Don’t be on the receiving end. I’ll get angry.”

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Melanie nodded. This younger husband wasn’t talkative and scary but also obsessed with her safety. She faintly knew that that was his way of trying to protect his family. He was so sick of people that he didn’t want to have children, yet he wanted to protect his wife.

He was probably a really kind person, she thought.

Melanie dug her face into her husband’s hard chest. She also didn’t love her husband, who was an arranged marriage partner. She had someone she loved. But she was a daughter and he was someone she couldn’t have. She married and lived a noble wife’s life. She couldn’t love anyone. She came too far to do so.

So she felt more dear to this husband. They had a good relationship. It wasn’t love but it might be remorse and companionship that were stronger.

As Melanie didn’t let him go, Retendon stood still. His heart didn’t beat and there was no fluttering because of her. But he felt a bit of comfort. He closed her eyes and remembered Duke Zeneth. What a shame. If it was Duke Zeneth, he won’t be able to beat him for a while. Because there was a long line in front of him.

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The first in that line, Sidrain En Letaire looked down at his lawful wife, feeling a little difficult.

He came to pick up Iris at noon to leave for the cottage Restona and Iris was wearing a noble wife’s riding clothes. She did her curly blonde hair up and wore a short brim brown hat, white shirt and beige jacket and ivory coloured pants. The latest trend for noble wife’s riding pants showed the shape of her legs and she wore boots that came up to her knees. The jacket opened up dangerously because of her breasts and her waist was tight. The back end of the jacket had a tail that was split into two and the shape of her butt was almost showing. This kind of clothes she wore was too sensational for her who only wore a dress.

No, honestly she wasn’t sensational but sensational to him. Iris usually dressed like a man so she didn’t have too much interest in her current clothes. Her interest was skewed to the treason that Duke Zeneth told her about.

A hunt with a gun. What if the people involved in treason are after Sid during the tournament? she thought.

“Wouldn’t it be better to wear a dress?”

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Iris tilted her head at Sirdrain’s question. She answered, “The pants are more comfortable to be honest.”

The maid was also questioning. Every noble wife that attended the hunting tournament wore like this, so why did the king look displeased? They also didn’t know what the problem was.

Iris didn’t even notice that the king was displeased as she kept thinking about the possible treason. Many spells went through her head. Protection spell, defense spell… She thought of everything she knew and kept trying all kinds of different combinations.

If only she knew a bit earlier.

It was just this morning that she found out what the hunting tournament was like. Her head was about to burst as she tried to do this in her head instead of writing it down.

I heard that we’ll be riding the carriage for the next 10 hours. Iris calculated the time in her head. She thought she could make a protection spell if she thought of the formulas for 10 hours in the carriage with no sleep. It’d be best if it was small but if it was small, it was hard to use the formula within that area.

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Her teacher said this about a magic formula.

“The magic formula is like a carry on. In the end, the problem is how much more compact we can make it. We have to use the spells and formulas that could be of more use and efficiently compact it. The formula is stronger the shorter and simpler it is. It also costs less.”

The teacher was a prodigy when it came to this. Iris always thought of how her teacher would do it while making the formula. But right now, she couldn’t ask for his help. The teacher wouldn’t be writing a protection spell for the king.

I have to do it my way. Iris closed her eyes. As the carriage kept running, she kept thinking of the magic spell. First remember the entire formula and erase the repeated one….

“What are you thinking?”

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Iris opened her eyes at the voice that came from beside her. Come to think of it, it was only them two in the carriage. Why was it only them two? She occasionally rode the carriage, but she was always with the head of the maid or Elena. But the carriage she rode with the king, it was only them two.

Of course, it was because of Sidrain’s order but Iris didn’t know. Sidrain was nervous for a while. Alone with the woman he liked. And she was wearing something that showed her bodyline unlike usual. He had to fist his hands to calm the temptation to touch her. He couldn’t even set the mood as she wasn’t looking at him.

As she didn’t look at him no matter how long he waited, his patience ran out and spoke to her first.

“Ah, a spell,” she finally replied.

“What spell?”

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