Moonlight Ball

Chapter 110

<The blood from the prey was dirtying the floor, so we were cleaning it secretly, he!>

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<Do you want to die?!>

Iris clenched her teeth. The other spirits glared at the house spirit representative as Iris gave them a death glare.

<Ah, please notice the air before you say anything.>

<You’re embarrassing all the spirits.>

<The princess of Magic Tower, the Queen, I ask for forgiveness on his behalf. Please calm your anger.>

<Get lost!>

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The house spirit representative looked sad. The news of Iris Elaine giving away endlessly was already spread throughout the spirits. The house spirits also wanted to get something. The house spirits asked after pondering.

<Would you like me to clean the chandelier? So that His Majesty the King would shine!>

Iris almost mumbled the magic to blaze that moment.


“I give my glory to my lady, my Queen.”

Sidrain smiled as he spoke. Iris thought that she saw that face somewhere. Ah, that’s it. The young magicians made that face from time to time. It was usually when they thought they helped their teacher but actually, they didn’t.  It was similar to when a child washed the dishes for the first time and asked to be complimented, even though he drowned the house and broke a few dishes.

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It was a situation that which only Iris could realize its gravity. The representatives were writing the bill and that bill was so long it covered the floor. Ah, it’s a long, so long. My heart is stretching like that bill.

Iris looked at Sidrain. He looked very happy and seemed to seriously want to give her that glory. That 337 prey of glory. He was smiling like a boy; he seemed to be in a very good mood as he could give her the glory of victory. His face was saying that he didn’t want to lose to anyone and that he really wanted to give that glory to his wife.

He really likes me.

Iris didn’t do this because she liked him. She only felt guilty, and she was regretting her decisions up to that moment.

“It was thanks to that charm you gave me.”

Charm? Sidrain could feel people were looking confused but he didn’t answer them. He was only staring at her. Sidrain was walking in the Hall of Greatness. His red hair and red eyes were all shining.  The winner of life.

I see. Iris suddenly realized. She wanted to make Sidrain the winner of life. This kind of emotion was first to her. She was called the most powerful knight to the Grand Wizard Elaine, but truthfully, she never acted as his sword voluntarily before. When her teacher needed her, she answered but she didn’t voluntarily show up. She didn’t want to. If it wasn’t about magic, she had even less interest. She didn’t know politics.

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But she wanted to know politics for Sidrain. She wanted to protect him and wanted him to win. This was the first time she felt like such in her life.

She felt that man was blinding.

<The house spirit can bill me too.>

Iris whispered as she covered her mouth, then she stood up. Her one and only man was walking towards her to hand her that glory. He walked up the alley that was sparkly cleaned by the house spirit and kneeled in front of her.

“My Queen.” He spoke like he wanted everyone to hear. “Your King has returned with victory.”

Elena covered her mouth with a fan and whispered to Iris, “Your Majesty, give your hand to the King and the congratulatory kiss.”

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Iris stood up.

She walked slowly. She was wearing rider fashion without a corset so it was more comfortable than usual but she felt dizzy for some reason. She felt like she was swaying. Like she walking into the destiny that was being held and that can’t move, which made her eyes tremble.

It was a clear night. The night of the summer hunting tournament.

Iris Elaine gave Sidrain En Letaire her hand. Sidrain grabbed that hand and kissed the back of it. As he stood up, Iris’s head went up with it. He was very big and to her, he felt like a giant.

I did something stupid even though you’re very strong and why am I not regretting it, thought Iris.

Sidrain lightly pulled Iris and locked her in his embrace; it was as if they were dancing. He lowered her head towards her and closed his eyes. “Ris, don’t forget your promise,” whispered Sidrain.

Iris looked at his sculpture-like face, laughing at his anticipating face. This man couldn’t hide his feeling and was waiting for her kiss. It showed too obviously. She knew this now. Before, she wouldn’t have known even when she saw his face, but now she does. She couldn’t go back to the time when she didn’t know.

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