Moonlight Ball

Chapter 112

The kiss wasn’t their first, but it was a night that everything felt like a first.

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Damn it, cursed Sidrain as his fingers slipped the second time while he was taking Iris’s pants off. Everything wasn’t going as he wanted. The sound of his heart thumping was loud around his ears. The tip of his hand trembled to the point he felt numb. He was trying hard not to lose his mind, but pathetically failed. He was finally doing it with Iris.

Iris’s scent was different from Rosemary’s. He didn’t know why, but they were completely different, as Rosemary’s scent was like that of a flower; Iris’s scent was reminiscent of grass and pungent. Sidrain dug his nose into Iris’s neck—with a mere inhale of her skin, he lost his senses, and his lust grew.

Iris didn’t reject his advances. When Sidrain started taking off her clothes, she didn’t assist him nor stop him. She wrapped her arms around Sidrain, trembling. She seemed scared.

Her pants dropped to her knees, revealing Iris’s round butt and golden bush. Sidrain wouldn’t be able to completely undress Iris unless he removed her boots, but he had no such intention. He lifted Iris up in that state.

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Iris called him in fluster. Her clothes weren’t completely off. Her coat was off and on the floor but only half of the buttons of her shirt were unhooked, and her pants only went to her knees. She looked like a mess. Iris had hoped that Sidrain would completely undress her—she would only hide under the sheets—but Sidrain didn’t give her a chance to do so as he laid her on the bed.

“S, Sid! I have to take off the boots,” protested Iris.

“Wait,” whispered Sidrain.

He knew well about Iris’s way of avoiding s*xuality. Now that she has mustered the courage, it was his job to make it so that she doesn’t have anywhere to run. He laid Iris to the side with her legs tied up and went behind her. He gave his arm as a pillow and softly caressed her bre*sts with one hand and the other hand dug in between the legs.

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“Just for a moment, Ris. You remember where I sucked you before?”

Of course, I do! Iris pouted her lips.

Without delay, Sidrain buried his face in between Iris’s cr*tch, and he sucked on Iris’s juice over and over until she throbbed and swelled. Drunk on the sensation, Iris unconsciously widened her legs in the air, giving Sidrain the most secretive part of her.

Sidrain delved into parts she didn’t even think about her entire life, burning her with the caress of his hungry tongue. Every time her legs trembled, he laughed in satisfaction. He would play with her bre*sts to calm her down and softly graze her skin with his loving hands, but a tongue was worse than a thug. It came inside her and danced around like her inside was where it belonged. Iris cried, begged, and rebelled to no avail—she could only surrender to the dizzying sensations.

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On their way to the cottage, Iris learned oral s*x. Thoroughly, and of course, as receiving end.

Her folds became easily sensitive, trembling the moment Sidrain laid a finger on them. Iris tried to turn as she felt her stomach tightening. But it was hard to do so.

“Ris, I’ll wet it a little, and then take it….. You’re already a little wet.”

Sidrain laughed quietly. That laugh was more of pure joy than making fun of her. He kissed the back of her neck as if he was giving her an award for becoming wet the moment he touched her.

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“Don’t, say, mmm, that.”

“Why?” asked Sidrain as he sucked on the back of Iris’s neck, leaving a red mark. Satisfied, he didn’t stop; she wouldn’t feel pain. To be precise, she wouldn’t have the mental capacity to be hurt right now.

And he was correct. Iris was out of her mind. Was Sidrain’s finger this thick? His finger seemed long just looking at them, but his finger was too thick. The finger that came through her skin was too big. That finger was caressing the little thing between her skin.

Her waist rose in the air multiple times when he played with her insides. Iris would attempt to close her legs, but Sidrain was too good at his job. Iris shook her head. She wanted to escape from his grasp because she was feeling too much.

“Hm, mm! Mm!”

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