Moonlight Ball

Chapter 135

“Your Majesty, we are your servants. You can tell us anything,” Lily declared.

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The other female knights smiled in agreement with Lily’s words. Ah, women. They were powerful and ruthless knights who had climbed their way to the top, stepping over and crushing men. But in moments like this, they happily employed their femininity, appearing innocent and approachable. “We’re not scary, Your Majesty. Don’t worry,” they reassured Iris, flashing bright smiles.

Iris Elaine was not one to shy away from her curiosity, even if it meant admitting her desire to see ghosts. Lily looked at her with wide eyes, but the young queen simply shrugged in response. “Is it not possible?” she asked innocently.

Lily was determined to fulfill every wish of the queen, no matter how unconventional. She knew that by granting Iris’s desires, she would become the queen’s loyal messenger and earn the admiration of the female guards. And so, she promised to prepare for Iris’s journey to Mt. Sato, one of the twelve rugged mountains located in the capital.

Ghosts were nothing more than baseless rumors, but Lily understood the importance of building intimacy with the queen. All the female guards knew Lily’s intentions and quickly began to assist in the preparations for the queen’s departure. Iris summoned Leiden and had him bring her robe made of Lophine, an item that took her nearly a year to craft. The inside of the robe was engraved with numerous spells written in an ancient language, making her and her companions look like witches and messengers.

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As they journeyed towards Mt. Sato in the Oswald family’s carriage, Iris pondered the recipe for creating ghosts. She knew that it was a difficult feat, requiring multiple overlapping conditions, but as a wizard, Iris refused to rely on possibilities alone.

Iris ascended Mt. Sato with a sense of anticipation, flanked by her loyal companions Wendy and Lily. The flickering light of their torches illuminated the rugged trail, casting eerie shadows on the rocky terrain. Despite their precautions, the queen’s protectors were anxious about her safety, fearing she might stumble on the unfamiliar path in the darkness.

However, Iris seemed unfazed by the rugged terrain, her eyes fixed on the mountain ahead. As they climbed higher, the chill of the night air intensified, and the sound of their footsteps echoed across the rocky terrain.

But no matter how far they walked, Iris couldn’t detect any trace of ghostly energy. It was just an ordinary mountain, and the queen felt a tinge of disappointment at the realization. Although she could sense a faint aura of spirits around her, there was nothing particularly noteworthy about the place. Instead, she found an abundance of herbs, and the fresh scent of grass mingled with a hint of fragrance in the air.

“Are we halfway there?” Iris asked, her eyes shining with curiosity.

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After a while, Iris paused and attempted to withdraw her hand from her companions’ grasp. Wendy and Lily, however, held onto her tightly, not wanting to let go of their queen.

“Can you let go of my hand,” Iris said with a gentle tone, trying to free her hand from the grip of her devoted followers.

Wendy’s annoyance was palpable as she raised her head. As the Queen’s most devout follower, she was determined to protect her Queen at all costs, even if it meant holding onto her hand like a lifeline. Every little thing was getting on her nerves – from the rocks on the ground to the rustle of the leaves in the wind.

“How could I let go of you, Your Highness?” Wendy asked, her voice tinged with concern. “This mountain path is treacherous at night, and there could be evil spirits lurking in the shadows.”

Lily, another one of the Queen’s followers, also refused to let go of Iris’s hand. The Queen lifted her head and gave a reassuring smile.

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“I can take care of myself,” she said, her voice calm and soothing. “Also, most of the spirits here are on my side, so you don’t have to worry.”

Wendy’s frown deepened as she looked at Iris with the eyes of a mother who had been forced to release her child into the river. Lily, on the other hand, lowered her head in a show of respect.

“Of course, Your Highness,” Lily said softly. “We will take a few steps back and keep a watchful eye. Please be careful.”

Wendy couldn’t hide her frustration as she reluctantly withdrew her hand, still keeping a watchful eye on the Queen’s every move.

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“I, Iris Elaine, I beseech thee to hear my call,” the Queen’s voice echoed through the dense forest. “All the spirits of Mt. Sato, I humbly request your presence. Those who reside here, those who own this place, please do not refuse the request of this visitor. In this place full of good energy, on Mt. Sato—”

But before Iris could finish her plea, a bloodcurdling scream pierced through the tranquil atmosphere. The Queen’s loyal messengers swiftly formed a circle around her, their swords drawn and ready to strike. The blades gleamed in the silvery light of the moon, casting an eerie glow upon the clearing.

“What is happening?” Iris asked, her eyes darting around frantically.

Lily En Oswald shouted, “Wendy!” and Wendy of them charged towards the source of the scream. The horses beneath them whinnied nervously, sensing the tension in the air. The knights turned to calm their mounts, but before they could utter a word, Iris bellowed a command in an ancient language.

The words were laced with magic and authority, and as they reverberated through the forest, a sense of calm descended upon the panicked animals. Their trembling ceased, and they stood still, as if rooted to the spot.

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