Moonlight Ball

Chapter 75

Every time Sidrain fondled Iris’s n*pples with his fingers, Iris would moan and squirm as the feeling spread across her entire body. If he played with it with his tongue, her legs would tighten around him.

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Sidrain knew these were all foreign to Iris and he found it so beautiful; he kept his hands caressing Iris’s bre*sts and had not explored her below yet. It wasn’t like she would allow entry below anyway. He barely got permission to play with her bre*sts with his mouth today.

He sucked on her bre*st to the point where it was completely soaked and red. Sidrain felt like he had reached climax upon seeing Iris shiver under his touch. But soon enough, after countless moans and quivers, Iris evaded Sidrain and quickly put on her pajamas.

“Ris.” Sidrain sent her a pleading look, but Iris shook her head with her red eyes.


“But I haven’t even tasted the other side.”


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“Will you give it to me in the morning?”

Iris’s lips parted. The inside of her panties was already wet. She wanted to change but she didn’t know where her clothes were kept, so she wanted to secretly clean up the current one at night. It was during these moments that she was relieved she was a wizard. But she wouldn’t have time to do that in the morning.

“Sid, that’s….”

“When are you going to give it to me? You gave me permission, hm?”

“To-tomorrow night.”

“You’re going to give me both sides tomorrow night?” Sidrain raised his eyebrows.

Iris had no choice but to nod. The thought of it caused more wetness on her underwear. She anticipated it.

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As Sidrain finally conceded, Iris crawled on the bed, and as she crawled her behind was exposed and Sidrain exclaimed to Ruthna inside. Dear Ruthna, give me patience. The silhouette of her round b*tt was shown over her thin pajamas. He wanted to bite it.

Ah, I curse myself for being a guy. Sidrain looked up at the ceiling and barely averted his gaze from her behind. Iris brought a paper, pen, and ink and put it in front of Sidrain.

“I heard honsy mold was spreading. That the Magic Tower wouldn’t take responsibility…”

Iris closed her mouth for a moment. She couldn’t believe that her teacher, Elaine, would make such a decision. Honsy mold was something that a wizard like her could fix quickly, but if left alone, it could take away one’s life. She couldn’t believe that the Magic Tower would ignore such disease.

‘The thing I have to guard is the Magic Tower.’

Iris could hear her teacher’s voice.

But teacher, what good is the Magic Tower if people are dying?

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Iris always said what she wanted, but she just couldn’t ask this. Iris then held back what she wanted to ask. She felt like she would hear something she shouldn’t hear. She felt like she would reach the point of no return, so unlike herself she chose to ignore it.

Maybe she should’ve asked.

If the Magic Tower wouldn’t do anything when major circumstances occur, such as war, disaster or pandemic, then the people wouldn’t support the Magic Tower. The Magic Tower’s budget came from taxes. If the people turned their backs against the Magic Tower, it wouldn’t be able to exist.

It was a painful thought to entertain that the teacher she thought so dearly of had different values than herself. Iris momentarily bit her lips and continued.

“Anyway, I thought about the honsy mold and truthfully, the structures of the honsy molds are quite simple and it is not too hard to cure. If the palace can pledge support for some items, we’d be able to fix quite a bit with just my power and,” Iris moved her pen quickly as she thought about if her power wasn’t enough, “There are many magical swordsmen in the palace anyways. We can convert their magic power.”

“We can’t do that.” Sidrain, after listening to all this, shook his head.

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When Iris lifted her head, he caressed her cheek with an apologetic expression. At which she moaned despite herself. The excitement left in her body was reacting to his touch. He removed his hand and before she could even say anything, he talked.

“Sorry.” He apologized shortly and continued, “Unfortunately, we can’t convert the magic power of the swordsmen. They are an army. Their magic power must remain in the army. We can’t just use it at any time.”

“Ah, is that so,” said Iris disappointedly.

“Unfortunately, yes. We are in a palace and always have to think about our defense.”

Iris nodded. She put a huge ‘x’ mark as she crossed out the word magical swordsmen.

“Ah, then….” Iris mumbled while drawing. “Honsy molds roughly acts like this; 100 days of incubation period, 30 days of progression and then death. We can save the patients that haven’t reached death yet with medicine. If we’re saving the people who already entered 30 days of progression, the amount of medicine I can make with my power is for around 27 people per day. And I know you may not understand the magic formula I thought of…”

Iris quickly wrote down the formula. Of course, Sidrain didn’t understand a single word. Every magic formula was made with numbers and ancient language so only those who had formal education could understand.

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