Moonlight Ball

Chapter 87

Three days later, Elena met an unwelcome guest.

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“A lady called Margaret En Surah has been waiting for four hours, ma’am.”

She wondered how she felt when she was killing time for four hours drinking tea. Elena smirked. She opened the envelope and then shook her head, “Tell her I will not see her.”

“She said she won’t leave until she sees you.”

It seemed like Margaret came determined, but Elena had no intention of making it easy for her. Officially, Margaret was embarrassed by the Queen after Elena praised her. It was only right for her to not meet Margaret out of anger.

She shouldn’t meet her easily. “Take her out,” Elena hummed.

Not long after, there was a scream outside. Elena neared the window; Margaret was being forcefully hurled outside.

“Let go! Let go! How dare you lowly things touch a noble! You will be punished by the law! Let go!” she screamed.

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Elena laughed at the sight. It had rained last night, her only decent dress might have been ruined in the mud.

“I won’t let you go easily! If I succeed, I’m going to kill you all!” Margaret screamed at the top of her lungs, even reaching Elena’s study.

She’s this easy? Elena scoffed. It wasn’t that she wasn’t clever, but she was just plain stupid. To be fighting with a child like this, too easy.

Elena laughed. She felt like an elephant fighting an ant. She was going to use that foul woman and her stupidity and greed to destroy her name and family. Honestly, it was too easy that it was boring.

Elena’s fingers flipped open the letter written to her. As she read the content, her laughing ceased at once. A message that seemed to be from a spy was urgently written.

(Duke Zeneth coming back. ETA on 29th.)

Duke Zeneth, who was the most infamous lover of the prior Queen Rosemary, not the current Queen Iris, was returning. Oh my god. The Duke would ask to see the Queen the moment he comes back!

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Elena hurriedly called the butler, who showed up at once.

“I’m going to the King. Prepare the carriage!” She yelled sharply.


That night, Iris waited for Sidrain with a strange feeling.

He always came to Iris at the same time. Ever since Iris looked down since meeting Margaret, he stayed with Iris until she fell asleep. He didn’t do anything odd, he only hugged her and told her everything was okay. If she wanted to run, she could. He assured her he would destroy her nightmare. It felt as if he knew about her nightmare even though he didn’t.

His embrace was comfortable and now that he was nowhere by her side, Iris felt a little lonely. She didn’t know why but she missed his touch little by little. She wasn’t missing the pleasure, but she wanted him to show his passion towards her again. It was the first that anyone wanted her that much. The courtship was sweet and intense. It was her first time, and she felt flustered, but later she became addicted. Without his presence, her heart felt a little empty.

Other people were still uncomfortable to her. Even Elena’s presence was uncomfortable. The maids always surrounded her and Iris was tired of being exposed to people all the time. Sidrain was different. When he touched her and caressed her, she felt like she was going into a deeper part of a cave. Only he could give her that feeling.

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As he didn’t come past midnight, Iris was restless. Did something happen?

It was when she got up from the bed and wore the ivory bracelet that the door opened, revealing Sidrain.


Iris ran to him in surprise and he staggered.

“Hi, Ris,” Sidrain smiled and balanced himself. Iris held his large body. She could smell alcohol.

“D, did you drink?”

“Ah, a little.”

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It wasn’t a little. He reeked of alcohol. Iris was a little bigger than an average woman, but she was thin so she couldn’t hold onto Sidrain’s large body. She barely supported him.

“It seems like you drank a lot.”

“No, just a little. Mm, but it was a high percentage. Or else, I won’t get drunk.”

He kissed Iris’s cheek as he spoke. Iris’s shoulders shrank as his lips were colder unlike the usual. Sidrain walked while leaning against her and mumbled.

“From the damn Testalia to the dragon heart, I ate too much. Ris, I don’t really get drunk unless it’s a high percentage alcohol. But I wanted to get a bit drunk today.”

“Wh, why?”

“Just… I wasn’t feeling good,” Sidrain mumbled.

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