Moonlight Ball

Chapter 93

Iris nervously glanced at the teacup. She held her breath and kept looking at the Duke. The Duke tried to open his eyes while sitting on the chair as if he was trying to confirm where he was. As if he was trying to confirm who was standing in front of him.

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Iris grabbed the jade vase again. Thump. The second hit sounded louder than the first. The Duke slumped again before he could confirm the culprit.

This time, Iris became really scared so she quickly put her finger on the Duke’s neck. Thankfully, she felt the vein pumping. She breathed another sigh of relief and put the jade vase down. The vase scarily had no scratch.

Pop, pop, pop. House fairies popped out consecutively from the teacup. They all were holding something and other than Leiden, they all looked around curiously.

<Wow, it’d be nice to clean a place like this! I want to be a house fairy here! I want to clean that chandelier! I’ll clean the teacup!>

The house fairies all mumbled without knowing the hostile situation. Then, Leiden pointed at the Duke and all seven of the fairies’ simultaneously turned their heads. Then, seven fairies instantly shut up.

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<He’s not dead.>

Seven fairies breathed a sigh of relief at Leiden’s short explanation. Iris wanted to cry.


Thirty-eight years old this year. Seventeen years ago, at twenty-one years of age, Raymond en Zeneth was a thug who inherited the duke title. He went in as a magic performer but was a dropout and lived like a thug. Meeting a young twenty-two year old Queen last year was the biggest event in his life. It was one thing to be evicted from the Magic Tower, but to not do anything in his life for 17 years just showed the kind of person he was. Anyways, that carefree personality of his was perfect to be a mistress to the Queen. To take every crazy b*tching from the Queen just for a crumble of glory was perfect for him.  When they were sleeping together, he did everything the Queen asked, which was great as well.

It was a submissive life but it was a pretty peaceful one. But he, as a man, had an ambition. So, when the Queen said she’ll become the ruler, he felt an aggressive emotion for the first time. He thought that if the Queen became the ruler, he might become her husband and become a king. He could put everyone under his feet then. Even the powerful contributing family Sethang would have to bow in front of him and swear their loyalty to him. How sweet would that be?

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An important opportunity in life had come for him. Duke Zeneth believed that it was now.

He opened his eyes.

Queen Rosemary was standing in front of him. Pale skin and blue orbs and blonde waves. It was a common combination but it fit the Queen so well. Her skin that felt like milk was poured on it; her eyes that reminded him of the sky reflected on a lake;  her blonde locks that gleamed under the warmth of the sun; her sharp nose which attracted so many men; and her rosy lips that mirrored a cherry’s redness. Rosemary was such a beautiful woman.

“What’s gotten into you again?” Duke Zeneth asked shortly after regaining his senses. It was a nice way of saying ‘have you gone crazy again?’

“Tell me how far you planned treason.”

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“What? Why are you asking me that?” The Duke tried to get up but couldn’t move. The moment he realized he was tied to a chair, he yelled, “What are you doing!”

“I’m asking you about the progression of treason,” Iris replied, emphasizing every word.

“Why are you asking me about something you’re doing!” Duke Zeneth aggressively answered.

He was part of the Queen’s plan of treason but at the same time only had one foot in. The Queen was a crazy woman! He had no confidence in her succeeding a treason. Being a partner of the Queen was a sweet dream but he had kept his title as Duke for 17 years. He wasn’t someone who would fully participate in such a blasphemous activity which his mistress would do. He had only agreed to the Queen’s plan a bit and then flew abroad on purpose. He was going to argue that he thought the Queen was talking crazy as usual, and that there was no evidence of him being part of treason, if something went wrong.

However, he had heard from abroad that the Queen had become mature and a kind mother to the nation. She saved the royal family from the magical mold situation and became a hero. The King had also become obsessed with her and their relationship became so healthy that neither of them was meeting their respective mistresses. No way, he had thought, the King likes the Queen? And vice versa? They were famous enemies. How could they be good to each other? Such thing couldn’t happen!

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Shocked, Duke Zeneth rushed back home, only to realize Queen Rosemary was still as crazy as she had been! He was annoyed that he was fooled by such false rumour and at himself. He glared at the Queen and sighed, “Mary.”

“Don’t call me that. And be formal. I’m a queen.”

She’s even crazier than before! The Duke was startled but was somehow becoming scared. He answered willingly with a sigh, “Yes, Your Majesty the Queen.”

“How far did treason progress?” asked Iris.

“I don’t know why you are asking me. It was something that you’ve been planning everything yourself, so why are you doing this to me?”

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