Moonlight Ball

Chapter 98

Elena’s only son, Rodrick En Sethang. 27 years old. He grew up fair and considerate, but the son who grew up being dominated by his mom carefully took a step back at his mother’s dark aura. Ah, I don’t want to go anywhere near a mother like that.

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“You said we’ll go for a picnic today.”

Clarence En Sethang, who was standing beside Rodrick, carefully spoke. He loved Elena. Since his childhood he only loved her, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t scared of her.

“But the mother right now is like when I was taking a break from the Academy.”

Clarence stayed silent at Rodrick’s words.

Clarence then was staying abroad as a consulate and all business including Rodrick’s education was being taken care of by Elena. Elena then did a great job being the deputy of the Duke, but there was something unique about her ways. Rodrick recalled the time he was 14 years old; he had returned from the Academy without permission.

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Rodrick had fought with a friend and was angry about how the teacher handled the situation. Rodrick didn’t think he was in the wrong but the teacher had punished them both equally and he thought that unfair. So, he climbed over the Academy’s resident wall, got on a carriage somehow and returned home. It took him three days to arrive and during that time, his home and the Academy were both on alert.

Rodrick became conscious of himself when he arrived at his home three days later. His mother was waiting for him with a very cold face. He later found out that she had been waiting in front of home the moment she found out that he had disappeared from the Academy. The young Rodrick didn’t understand what it meant for the Duchess to wait for her son in front of the mansion regardless whether people looked at her or not. He only thought of the unfairness of the teacher, feeling wronged and angry. He wanted to complain to his mother about it, so he announced: “I’m not going to school!”

His mother didn’t say anything for a while. She lowered her gaze and listened to him until the end of his whinings and nodded in agreement. That moment, Rodrick thought he had won.

But his mother made sure not to hire a teacher for him. He quickly became bored of fooling around after a week. After two weeks, young Rodrick realized that he wasn’t fooling around, but rather being neglected. When he went to his mother, she was busily scribbling her quill.


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As Rodrick called her, she turned around and looked at him, pretending to be aware of his presence only then.

“Rodrick, how’s the life of a loser?”

That moment marked what Rodrick would call his nightmare. Young boys came in and out of the mansion every day. His mother had said that she was looking for a great child, unlike Rodrick. Rodrick would lose the title of the duke, but he wouldn’t be so poor, so his mother had told him not to fret. However, she had also warned him that he might use honorifics toward the friend that he fought with, as  their places in society would be different.

His mother bullied Rodrick for a week and Rodrick cried for seven days, afraid of her finding his replacement. At the end of the week, he asked for forgiveness and returned to the Academy. After that, no matter what happened at the Academy, Rodrick didn’t go back home. No matter what happened, even if he may die, what occured in the Academy was resolved within its premises.

Later, he found out that the young boys that were coming in and out from their mansion had nothing to do with him. Rodrick was angry that he was fooled, but he vowed never to fight against his mother. In Rodrick’s heart, Elena was a frightening conspirator.

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“S, should only the men go to the picnic today?” Clarence asked. He dearly cherished Elena, but love alone wasn’t enough to make peace. Especially when it was Elena.

“Sure, father. Should we go to Haran’s river? I keep hearing rumours about how Haran’s river is poisonous. The rumor was so widespread that we heard complaints from neighbouring countries about contaminating the sea,” Rodrick replied.

“It’s only a rumour,” his father interjected.

“There was a rumour about the contamination of Haran’s river during the magical mold situation,” Rodrick prodded.

“They have Magic Tower too and should know that that’s nonsense.”

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That moment, laughter sounded in Elena’s study. It was clear and ominous. The father and son shivered in spite of themselves. Whenever she acted like that, no matter how much they loved her, they desperately wanted to forget about her. They hastily walk towards the end of the hall, spouting excuses.

“I, it may be nonsense but we should go to the river. Inspection is important too,” Clarence nodded to his son’s suggestion, albeit nervously.

“Right, father?!”

“Of course, son! Let’s go now, now!”

Their steps quickened. Eventually, the moment they turned the corner, they laughed. Regardless how frightened they were of her, so much that they had to flee for their lives, they loved that woman so much.

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