Chapter 29.1

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After the bodyguards left, Zhou Chenxi and Lu Ji went to Lu’s family house together.


Lu Ji’s hands and feet were injured and he was not able to move well, so he had to be taken by the arm and assisted when he came out of the hospital.


Zhou Chenxi was busy, first helping him put his suitcase properly before then helping the other bodyguards to get Lu Ji into the car.


It was only when the car was moving that Zhou Chenxi breathed a sigh of relief in the back seat.


Lu Ji smiled gently: “Thank you for your help.”


“No need to be so polite!” Zhou Chenxi waved his hand, very generously, “We should help each other out anyway!” That was what he called treating one another with absolute sincerity!


Once they arrived at the Lu family’s home, Zhou Chenxi was completely subdue to the tamagoyaki made by the Aunty** of the Lu Family.


When they were recording the variety show before, Zhou Chenxi said in the West City’s food court that he loved tamagoyaki. He used to work at one of the Film Studio; there was a small stall outside the Film Studio that sold the tamagoyaki and Zhou Chenxi was a regular customer there.


Many times, when he was still hungry after eating the boxed lunch prepared by the film crew, he used to go there to buy the tamagoyaki as an extra meal for himself. It was cheap and delicious, simply the delicacy in the human world.


For Zhou Chenxi, it was probably more than just delicious food, it was more like a bittersweet ( find a joy in sorrows) memory of his past.


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Lu Ji listened to it and after he returned, he asked (speak without thinking the matter through) the aunt at home to look into it and make one, not knowing what kind feeling he felt at the time, but he never thought it would come in handy now.


Zhou Chenxi sat in the Lu Family’s dining room, eating a tamagoyaki covered with tomato sauce and mayonnaise. He felt like his life had been raised to a higher level.


“Is it good?” Lu Ji asked him.


“It doesn’t taste the same as the stall outside, but it’s also delicious, I’m already satisfied.”


Zhou Chenxi wiped his mouth, recalling his time in the Film Studio. 


“What’s the difference?” Lu Ji asked carefully and thoroughly. 


“Well, it’s probably the ingredients ba! The small stall used the cheap oil, the watery mayonnaise and ‘the mix with flour ham sausage’,” Zhou Chenxi pointed to the empty plate in front of him, “However, the ham in this tamagoyaki has a pure smoky flavour.”


Lu Ji smiled: “That’s good if you like it!”


Zhou Chenxi rubbed his stomach, “Ah! What’s the point of living if you can’t eat and drink to your heart content?” There he went again with his poisonous chicken soup.


Lu Ji vaguely remembered him mentioning that the doctor had said he was weak and thin during his medical check-up: “But you can’t eat too much at once either, it’s not good for your stomach.”


Zhou Chenxi suddenly remembered that the book said Lu Ji had a problem with his stomach, so he asked, “Is your stomach still uncomfortable now?”


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Lu Ji did not understand.


“That … book said. ” Zhou Chenxi pointed out. 


Lu Ji was stunned for a moment and shook his head, “Not anymore. It was a long time ago.”


Zhou Chenxi passed a questioning look.


Lu Ji broke into laughter, “I did have a stomach problem. Someone even used it, making up a rumor that I loved the food he makes.”


Zhou Chenxi: “…” Is that person Luo Xinghe?


“Later, when Lu Group was purchased. Many people said that I was willing to give it up for him submissively. Maybe Luo Xingzhou was also involved in the middle of this.”


A hint of mockery flashed across Lu Ji’s face, “Forget it! Now, we don’t know the details of Luo Xinghe. He may not remember all of this, but I don’t want to experience the same thing for the second time and the third time, so there are some aspects I have been very careful about.”


Zhou Chenxi suddenly had a thought: “Do you only remember these two rebirths of yours? What about before that?”


Lu Ji pondered over it and said, “The matter with the memory is we bring nothing with us when we’re born and we take nothing with us when we die too. Based on logic, there should be no such thing as past lives and this life. I don’t really remember much about my previous life. The only thing that gave me a deep impression is that I had a vague sense of empathy for certain events in my … so-called first life. There was a vague feeling that it was going to happen, and then it did.”


“So could it be that … you actually indeed have a previous last life?” Zhou Chenxi murmured.


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Lu Ji shook his head, “Based on your interpretation, I prefer the other speculation, that the world in the book has become reality.”


Zhou Chenxi was surprised.


“The world in the book came to life, pulling in ‘Luo Xinghe’ from the other dimension as the main character. We, these supporting characters followed suit and became conscious, hence there is ‘you’ and there is ‘me’.”


As if he found this speculation interesting, Lu Ji raised his eyebrows slightly when he said the latter half of the sentence.


Zhou Chenxi usually loved to open his brain but he was still a little confused by Lu Ji’s words. However, it didn’t matter. He wasn’t Charles Darwin and didn’t need to study human origins.


“Can I ask what books Lu Zong usually likes to read?” Zhou Chenxi quickly put this matter behind him.


“I read everything, finance and economics, philosophy, mostly written in foreign languages. If you’re interested, the study room is upstairs. Do you want to go take a look?” Lu Ji seemed to have suddenly become entertaining in conversation today.


“No, no …” Zhou Chenxi silently covered his mobile phone, all simply in Chinese with a listening book function,《The domineering president and his contracted male wife》, “I’m just checking!”


Zhou Chenxi had just eaten full and he was ‘paralyzed’ for a while on the sofa in the living room of Lu Ji’s house without batting an eyelid. 


He was afraid that he would be rude, paralyzed in an especially reserved way. However Lu Ji could see right through his ‘seven down eight crooked’1 sitting position, he couldn’t help but say, “Do you want to go and exercise together?”


When Zhou Chenxi heard the word “exercise”, he became nervous and his whole body stiffened, “You’re injured, how can you exercise?”


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Lu Ji laughed, “I can watch you exercise.”


Zhou Chenxi’s face changed and he waved his hands repeatedly, “That would make me unhappy!”


Lu Ji raised his eyebrows: “Wouldn’t exercise make you happy?”


“No!” Zhou Chenxi said plausibly and volubly (in self-justification), “There is a kind of exercise that is called someone else’s exercise for you. When you watch someone else exercise, it’s as if you’ve exercised yourself. This is in the same way as you experience others’ happiness first and then you can be happy yourself!”


Lu Ji: “… Then why don’t you let me follow after you, to be happy with you?” 


Zhou Chenxi’s face was dejected, feeling that their friendship which had just built up because they treat one another with absolute sincerity were about to have a gap :”Lu Zong, I can’t do that.”


Lu Ji laughed, in his current state, there was no way he could make Zhou Chenxi happy with him, so at this point, the exercise plan was abandoned.


After spending some time at Lu Family’s house, the sky was already dark outside. It was inconvenient for Zhou Chenxi to (stay) disturb there. His older brother was still waiting for him and it was time for him to go back.


The bodyguard had already driven over and they were waiting for Zhou Chenxi outside.


Lu Ji walked Zhou Chenxi to the front door.


Zhou Chenxi stood outside Lu’s residence and waved goodbye to Lu Ji: “Lu Zong, don’t need to see me off! Take good care of your injuries. I’ll see you again next time!”


He dropped the honorific ‘you’ (changed from the polite 称 into the regular one 你), the way he talk sounded much more pleasant to Lu Ji’s ear. Lu Ji said warmly,  “Be careful on your way!”

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