
The upstairs and downstairs of the Lu residence were like two different worlds.

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Upstairs was quiet and undisturbed, while downstairs was bustling with guests. Although everyone was polite and refrained from speaking loudly, Zhou Chenxi, who was following Lu Ji down from upstairs, still felt it was somewhat inappropriate to be holding onto Lu Ji’s arm in the midst of a crowd. So, he discreetly withdrew his hand.

Lu Ji noticed but didn’t say anything and quickly lowered his own hand.

The whole process took only a few seconds, but someone with sharp eyes spotted it.

Everyone was here for the evening banquet, and discussing the host’s affairs in public wouldn’t be appropriate. So, even if they saw it, they didn’t say anything. At most, they exchanged glances, silently acknowledging what they had witnessed, and continued with their own activities.

It was already dark, and the outdoor self-service dessert table in the backyard had been closed, replaced by an indoor Western-style buffet.

Lu Ji went to greet the guests, and Zhou Chenxi suddenly felt a bit hungry. He wandered around the living room aimlessly and, after a while, grabbed a plate and went to get some food for himself.

Zhi Qi happened to be carrying a plate as well, loaded with a variety of delicious items. He seemed quite satisfied with the Lu family’s buffet.

While savoring some foie gras, Zhi Qi asked Zhou Chenxi, “Did Mr. Lu talk to you about something, like a new advertising collaboration?”

[Foie gras is a popular and well-known delicacy in French cuisine]

“No, why would he discuss a collaboration with me?” Zhou Chenxi looked around, “If he wanted to talk about it, he should have approached you!”

Zhi Qi felt relieved.


Zhou Chenxi’s recent career had been on the rise. Previously, someone had paved the way for him during the audition for “Cat Demon Chronicles.” Although Zhi Qi still didn’t know who that influential figure was, he was worried that Zhou Chenxi might develop bad habits. If that happened, he’d either have to flee with the influential person or leave his poor agency and seek new opportunities.

With Zhou Chenxi’s reassurance, Zhi Qi let out a sigh of relief, “Don’t worry, I’ll pay you back for the perfume as soon as possible.”

Zhou Chenxi waved her hand, not concerned about the perfume. “So, what did he talk to you about?” Zhi Qi was genuinely interested in this matter. “Do you know what people were talking about when I left the side hall earlier?”

Zhou Chenxi turned his head slightly toward Zhi Qi, indicating that he was listening, but his eyes were still searching for food.

He wasn’t interested in Western cuisine; it always felt a bit cold.

“They were saying that Mr. Lu has taken on a little starlet as his protégé, and he’s bringing him here to meet Madam Lu today,” Zhi Qi said.

[A “protégé” is a noun that refers to a person who is guided, supported, or mentored by someone more experienced, typically in their career, education, or some other aspect of their life.]

“Really?!” Zhou Chenxi finally turned his head, surprised. “Who is it? Why didn’t I know?”

Zhi Qi looked at him and said, “Well, it’s been talked about quite a bit. Everyone’s waiting to see what happens. You really shouldn’t take it lightly. When you and Mr. Lu came down from upstairs earlier, many people were giving you strange looks. Be careful; if you’re misunderstood, I won’t know how to handle the public relations.”



So, he was reminding him.

Zhou Chenxi muttered a few words and, spotting the tamago-yaki in his bowl, his eyes lit up. “Where did you get that? I want some too!”

“Tsk, all you think about is food,” Zhi Qi said, rolling his eyes at him and pointing to the side. “It’s over there. Do you see the chef? Funny thing is, the Lu family specifically brought in a chef and set up a table just for tamago-yaki. I thought they’d at least prepare a nice steak or something, but instead, it’s just tamago-yaki. They even brought the chef from the film and television city.”

“Wow, really?!” Zhou Chenxi was delighted and quickly grabbed his plate, rushing over.

Zhi Qi sighed, “This kid is beyond help.”

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Half an hour later, Mrs. Lu arrived fashionably late. She was dressed in a dark evening gown, with smooth skin that made her look youthful.

She wasn’t very tall, and combined with the slim-fitting dress, she appeared delicate and vulnerable, arousing people’s protective instincts for no apparent reason.

“Sorry, I’m late,” Lin Yujiao smiled and apologized to the nearby guests who came to greet her, “I had an appointment with a monk from Dazhi Buddhist Temple for meditation, and I lost track of time.”

“Every year on her birthday, Mrs. Lu goes to Dazhi Buddhist Temple for meditation. It brings inner peace, no wonder she looks so young.”


Lin Yujiao nodded with a smile and walked to the center of the main hall.

“Thank you all for coming,” she raised the microphone and smiled slightly, “Today’s birthday banquet was organized by my son, Lu Ji. It’s all his effort, so feel free to enjoy. If there’s any lack of consideration, please forgive us.”

The guests politely wished her a happy birthday, and she accepted their well wishes with a smile.

Before long, Lu Ji approached, and Lin Yujiao whispered a few words in his ear. Lu Ji smiled and lightly embraced her.

“Something’s off,” Zhou Chenxi wrinkled his brow, holding a plate.

“What’s wrong?” Zhi Qi asked him.

“Ordinary people don’t act like this on their birthdays,” Zhou Chenxi said while eating a chicken roll, “My mom wouldn’t thank me like this.”

“I don’t understand,” Zhi Qi said, puzzled. “Wasn’t today’s birthday banquet organized by Mr. Lu? What’s wrong with expressing gratitude? And how can you compare your family to the Lu family?”

Zhi Qi couldn’t grasp what was on Zhou Chenxi’s mind.

“I don’t know, it just feels strange,” Zhou Chenxi said.

Not only that, Zhou’s mom wouldn’t even express gratitude to Zhou Mingxuan.

Back when Zhou Chenxi was young, just like the Lu family, the Zhou family was a family that needed to socialize with the outside world.

So Zhou Mingxuan wouldn’t forget to organize a birthday banquet for Zhou’s mom.

Although their circles were different, the purpose was the same.

Zhou Mingxuan managed Lu Corporation, and the purpose of this birthday banquet was to expand his social network and establish various business collaborations during the interactions.


As they say, business is best discussed at the dinner table.

Although everyone had their own motives, Zhou’s mom knew that the celebration wasn’t just for her. Yet she still wouldn’t give Zhou Mingxuan too much face at the birthday banquet.

After all, Zhou’s mom was the protagonist of the birthday banquet. Even when others asked her about it, she would casually say, “Oh, my son organized the banquet today. What’s the matter? Isn’t that how it should be? What? You’re talking about my younger son? Ha, don’t mention him. He’s always just fooling around, spoiled by his brother. Look at the gift he gave, that painting. He insists it’s well-drawn. I had to put it there for you all to appreciate all day, haha…”

Although Zhou Chenxi was teased by his mom, he knew that was what a mother should do.

To appear astute and capable in front of guests, to reassure others about the Zhou family, that’s what was necessary.

However, it seemed that Mrs. Lu wasn’t clear about this.

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It was as if, in such gatherings with many people, she carried a hint of timidity. It was almost like Lu Ji was always standing in front of her, guarding her heart.

“I told you, you wouldn’t understand,” Zhou Chenxi was too lazy to explain to Zhi Qi, suddenly losing his appetite.

Seeing no issues here, Zhi Qi left, leaving Zhou Chenxi eating quietly and not doing anything worrisome. He went to continue his conversation with his colleagues.

Not long after, Lu Ji approached, asking Zhou Chenxi in a low voice, “How’s it going? Are you satisfied with the food today?”

Although Zhou Chenxi hadn’t eaten much, he still patted his stomach and said, “It would be great if I could find a place to collapse.”

Lu Ji instantly got it and chuckled, “Since you’re full, my mother wants to meet you. Will you come with me?”

Suddenly, Zhou Chenxi felt nervous.

“What’s wrong?” Lu Ji glanced at him. “Don’t worry, she’s very nice and won’t give you a hard time. Just meet her.”

“I just haven’t figured out what to say to her,” Zhou Chenxi explained, adjusting his suit and following Lu Ji to the side hall.

There weren’t many people in the side hall, and it was very quiet. There was a small coffee table in the corner, facing the French windows, and Mrs. Lu was sitting there, sipping tea.

Zhou Chenxi said, “Mrs. Lu.”

Lin Yujiao hurriedly stood up. “Is it Chenxi? Didn’t you call me auntie before? Don’t be so polite, please sit.”

Zhou Chenxi sat down opposite her.

Lu Ji stood beside, helping to make tea.

Lin Yujiao glanced at Lu Ji and said with a smile, “An’an is a good boy, as you should know, he’s never been a cause for concern. I was just worried that he’s too busy, and there won’t be anyone to take care of him in the future, so I did those things before. Well, don’t mind it.”

Zhou Chenxi didn’t understand. Why couldn’t he understand anything she said?

“Oh, An’an is Lu Ji’s nickname,” Lin Yujiao explained.

So Lu Ji’s nickname is “An’an”?

Zhou Chenxi suddenly became spirited and blinked at Lu Ji as if he had discovered some incredible secret.

Lu Ji was at a loss.

“What I mean is,” Lin Yujiao saw that he didn’t understand and explained with a smile, “I didn’t know about the relationship between An’an and you before, so when I saw Yunyi on the show, I encouraged the director to prompt you. Yunyi is a good girl, but she’s strong-willed. I’ve always wanted to match them… Later, I found out from An’an that he doesn’t like women…”

“Mom,” Lu Ji interrupted her.

Lin Yujiao snapped back to reality.

Lu Ji was just introducing Zhou Chenxi to Lin Yujiao. He didn’t want to say too much and scare her away.

Not like women?

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Not like strong women?

Zhou Chenxi was completely puzzled. She said, “It’s okay; the most important thing is that everyone is willing. Sometimes, it’s best to talk openly about these things for the sake of each other.”

Lin Yujiao nodded in agreement and glanced at Lu Ji.

Lu Ji was sure that what the two of them were talking about was definitely not the same thing, and he felt a bit helpless.

The time was almost up. Lin Yujiao would need to go back to rest soon. She had been looking a bit unwell lately, catching colds often, and she would have to send some important guests off later, so as not to waste time.

Lu Ji had initially wanted to introduce Zhou Chenxi and Lin Yujiao to each other to reassure her. He didn’t want Lin Yujiao to arrange for him to meet other people again.

This balance was just right. He told Lin Yujiao that Zhou Chenxi hadn’t agreed to his pursuit yet, giving her some hope, and also said that he probably wouldn’t like someone else in the future, preparing her psychologically.

Lin Yujiao took Lu Ji’s lifelong matter very seriously, but she didn’t have strong opinions on other things. After Lu Ji said that, she would definitely be nervous and afraid of saying the wrong thing in front of Zhou Chenxi.

That was enough.

Lu Ji said, “Mom, go and send a few guests off. Uncle Jiang has been waiting for a long time.”

“Okay,” Lin Yujiao stood up, adjusted her clothes, and said, “What should I say when I meet him later?”

“Just normal conversation is fine. Uncle Jiang is just coming to see you; don’t reject his kindness.”

The three of them were about to leave the side hall when they suddenly heard a voice from outside, “Why can’t we go in? Today is Lin Yujiao’s birthday, right? As her younger brother and sister, can’t we celebrate her birthday? Your family is getting more and more prosperous. Now that the Lu family is under Lu Ji’s control, are we, the older generation, being ignored by Lin Yujiao?”

Lin Yujiao heard this and exchanged a glance with Lu Ji before walking out.

Lin Yujiao wasn’t good at dealing with these situations, so Lu Ji went over and said, “Go back and ask what your brother, Mingshen, has done before saying this.”

“Lu Ji?” The woman saw Lu Ji and smiled. “You’re becoming more refined in your speech. How about it? Are you planning to keep us aunts and uncles outside?”

“Lu Ming Shen tampered with Lu’s confidential business documents without authorization, deceiving people in the name of Lu’s, causing direct losses to Lu’s estimated at thirty million. Lawyers are gathering evidence. Don’t worry, Aunt, the lawyer’s letter is on its way. When the time comes, I’ll invite you to my office myself.”

“You…” The woman was quite angry.

Behind her were a few people, well-dressed but with the demeanor of ruffians. They seemed to want to speak up for the woman. However, several security guards from the Lu estate arrived in time and drove them away. “Leave quickly, or we’ll call the police!”

Seeing that someone was actually considering calling the police, they left in a hurry.

Most of the other guests took this in stride. After those people left, they continued to chat with each other or greet Lin Yujiao, indirectly comforting her a bit.

Lu Ji accompanied Lin Yujiao while she spoke with a guest. Zhi Qi walked over.

“We haven’t been invited by the Lu family before,” Zhi Qi said in a low voice. “It’s the first time I’ve seen something like this. Look how calm everyone is. I’ve heard a bit about the Lu family’s affairs. Lu Ji’s journey here was not easy. His father is the eldest son of the Lu family. I heard he went missing when he was young and was found after he grew up.”

“Old Lu’s father is very fond of his long-lost eldest son. After all, he’s his own flesh and blood, and he was lost once. When he grew up, he compensated him. But other siblings of the Lu family don’t think so. They say that Old Lu’s father doesn’t look anything like his other siblings…,” Zhi Qi lowered his voice, “Of course, these are just rumors. We haven’t seen them, and these siblings of his aren’t willing to give up. They insist on a paternity test to prove his identity. Old Lu was forced to do it several times and went to the hospital for a paternity test twice. Each time, the result confirmed his biological identity, but it couldn’t stop those people from talking.”

“Later, Old Lu had no choice but to prepare to revise his will and distribute the shares reserved for his father. He didn’t want to let his father control the Lu family. Those people wouldn’t accept it. If Old Lu died, they wouldn’t know when they would be stripped of their rights. So, he resolutely broke up with his girlfriend and married the mother of Lu Ji.”

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“Then, you know the rest. At that time, Lin’s business was complementary to the Lu family, and without Lin’s help, the Lu family couldn’t have grown to what it is today. Although the Lin family has declined now, the Lu family has nothing to do with other people. It’s all Lu Ji’s own ability. But there are still some people who are dreaming, thinking that Lu Ji and his mother snatched away their things.”

Zhou Chenxi had read about these things in books before, but it was different to see them happening in person.

Zhi Qi said, “These people come to make trouble from time to time, probably because they know that Lu Ji can’t do anything to them openly. He really can’t do anything because of their family ties. If he did, it would damage the reputation of the Lu family. So, everyone just ignores it. It’s become a common practice to forget about these things when you leave, after all, who wants to offend the Lu family?”

Zhou Chenxi was worried for Lu Ji.

The guests dispersed, and Mrs. Lu and Lu Ji saw them off. Zhi Qi was going to drive Zhou Chenxi home, but Lu Ji stopped him.

“Chenxi,” Lu Ji said, “wait a bit longer. I’ll take you home later.”

Zhou Chenxi let Zhi Qi go first. Zhi Qi left with some concern, telling Zhou Chenxi, “Go home early and send me a text when you get there.”

He looked like he was afraid that Lu Ji would eat Zhou Chenxi.

“I know!” Zhou Chenxi said, “Don’t worry, you can go.”

With Zhi Qi’s reluctant departure, Lu Ji finally spoke, “I’m sorry if today scared you.”

Zhou Chenxi looked around, and Lin Yujiao had already gone upstairs to rest. The security guards were busy sending off guests, and no one paid attention to them. Zhou Chenxi went up to him and grabbed Lu Ji’s hand.

Lu Ji was startled for a moment, tried to pull his hand away, but eventually couldn’t bear to do so.

“I’ll give you strength,” Zhou Chenxi held his hand and said, “No matter what, I’ll stand by your side.”

Lu Ji lowered his head.

Zhou Chenxi held his hand for a full five minutes until someone approached, and then slowly let go. “Feeling better now?”

“Much better,” Lu Ji said.

At this moment, he had forgotten everything else. He only had one thought.

He wanted to kiss the person in front of him, very, very much.

Author’s Note: Don’t just think, do it.

Thank you “奈笑随风” and “梦生是萝莉!” for the landmines!

Thanks to “sunny89,” “花朝,” “池池嫁给我,” “6769,” and “天言” for the nutrient solution!

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ”

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ”

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