
The next day, Zhou Chenxi got up early and put on an apron to busy himself in the kitchen.

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Zhang Ayi, who was responsible for cooking at home, stood awkwardly on the side, not sure what to do. She said, “Let me do it, Young Master, so you don’t burn yourself.”

“It’s alright,” Zhou Chenxi said while cracking eggs into a bowl. “You know, I’ve become quite skilled at cooking lately. Have you watched ‘The Red Carp and the Green Carp’? Not to brag, but in one episode, I actually cooked the dishes myself!”

Zhang Ayi had certainly watched ‘The Carp.’ When it aired, Zhou Mingxuan happened to be watching it too. Zhang Ayi had passed by and said to Zhou Mingxuan, “Young Master Chenxi must have gone through a lot outside.”

Zhou Mingxuan remained silent for a while before responding, “Mom and Dad must be worried about him.”

Zhang Ayi figured that must be the case.

These past few days, with Zhou’s family members around, Zhang Ayi had witnessed Zhou Chenxi attempting several times to talk to his parents, but without success.

She knew that Young Master must be feeling uneasy, so she stopped trying to prevent Zhou Chenxi and simply watched from the sidelines.

After a while, she explained about Zhou’s parents, “I remember back when Mr. Zhou Senior was alive, he was particularly strict with Mr. Zhou. At that time, Mr. Zhou didn’t listen to his father, and his academic performance wasn’t that great. Later on, Mr. Zhou took over the Zhou Corporation and realized that he wasn’t competent enough. He let go of Zhou Corporation and went abroad for further studies. When he returned, Mr. Zhou Senior had aged significantly, and he wasn’t in good health, partly because of the stress of managing Zhou Corporation and worrying about Mr. Zhou.”

“Until Mr. Zhou Senior passed away, Mr. Zhou has always blamed himself, thinking that his own inadequacy during his youth prevented his father from enjoying his later years in peace. That’s why he’s especially strict with Young Master now. However, he also hopes that Young Master will make something of himself, at least enough to not leave any regrets behind.”

“But you’re different. Mr. Zhou Senior once said that he didn’t expect you to achieve great success. If you could manage the company together with Young Master or simply grow up healthily under Young Master’s protection, that would be enough. It’s dangerous outside, especially in the entertainment industry where there are so many unscrupulous people. Take, for example, someone like Luo Xinghe. I’ve seen news reports. Every year, the entertainment industry churns out so many vague gossip stories. People talk about them over tea and meals, pointing fingers at others, and some even poke fun. It’s like a constant thorn in people’s sides. Mr. Zhou is worried that you might not be able to handle those rumors and speculations.”

“Furthermore, Mr. Zhou probably thought that with so many people in the family paving the way for you, you didn’t have to choose a path no one else had taken and struggle so hard. That was probably his initial thought,” Zhang Ayi said.


Zhou Chenxi smiled.

“Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou always said Young Master is difficult to teach because he’s tough and has been disciplined by Mr. Zhou Senior since he was young. He listens when they say something. But for you, you’ve been protected by Mr. Zhou Senior since you were young, and Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou don’t know how to handle you.”

“Young Master, you’re livelier, and you have a stubborn temper. You can’t be scolded or punished; it seems like nothing they say is right.”

Zhou Chenxi paused as he poured the beaten eggs into the pan and started frying them. He shook his head and said softly, “I’m just like my brother. I’m sure my brother used to feel the same way—why does he have to shoulder more responsibilities than I do when we’re both Zhou family children? I believe he went through a period of struggle, but now, both he and I have come to terms with it.”

“My brother is great and talented,” Zhou Chenxi continued. “He’s found his purpose in life, and so have I. We’re different. Although sometimes I feel like I was born into the Zhou family, in a different environment, I’m just an ordinary person like everyone else. Sometimes, I even have bad luck, as if no matter how hard I try, I can’t succeed, while others achieve success effortlessly. But like my brother, I’ve found my own value in this matter. I won’t give up, and I’ll work even harder than my brother.”

“So why should Mom and Dad worry? My brother and I are the same; we’ll take care of them in their old age!” Although he might not be as wealthy as his brother.

“Yes, yes,” Zhang Ayi wiped away her tears and thought he made a lot of sense. “Young Master has been working very hard. One day, there will be rewards, and I believe Mr. and Mrs. Zhou can see it too.”

Zhou Chenxi smiled and plated the fried eggs. He was ready to continue making a stir-fried asparagus dish. The millet porridge was already in the pot, and the kitchen was filled with fragrant aromas. Dinner would be ready soon.


Meanwhile, Zhou’s mother discreetly hid behind the kitchen door, wiping her tears with a tissue. She found it difficult to bear the atmosphere. When she turned around, she saw Zhou Mingxuan standing behind her.

Zhou Mingxuan approached and whispered, “He’s been wanting to apologize to you all. Over the past two years, he left without a word to the family, but… Chenxi has indeed been working very hard.”

He had truly done his best.

In the first two years, Zhou Chenxi didn’t do well outside and kept getting into trouble. Zhou’s mother heard about it from Zhou Mingxuan and wondered when he would come back. But as time passed, he never returned. He persisted in pursuing dreams that seemed utterly useless to Zhou’s mother and father. He got injured, picked himself up, got injured again, and picked himself up again.

Eventually, Zhou’s mother became numb from the heartache. She realized that he might not come back; he might really go down this seemingly endless path.

Suddenly, she realized that she and her husband owed their youngest son a lot.

She had always thought that her youngest son was the happiest person in the Zhou family. If the sky were to fall, he had his brother to protect him. He had been cherished since his grandfather’s time, and all they wanted was for him to be happy.

Now, looking back, it wasn’t true. He had suffered so much outside, and none of the family members had extended a helping hand to him. He had walked down an unimaginable path, stumbling along the way, and she hadn’t heard him cry when he returned home.

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These parents are not responsible enough.

Zhou’s mother wiped her eyes and went upstairs to call Zhou’s father down.


Zhou Chenxi had already prepared breakfast and served a bowl of porridge to each family member.

“Mom, Dad, come and eat!” Zhou Chenxi said.

“Xixi,” Zhou’s mother took the initiative, “I watched your performance in ‘Journey of the Immortals’ yesterday; it was excellent. Since we didn’t give Mingxuan any gifts for his birthday this time, and he doesn’t lack anything anyway, he can buy whatever he wants. Next time it’s your birthday, Mom and Dad want to celebrate it with you. What kind of gift would you like?”

A hint of joy flashed in Zhou Chenxi’s eyes as he happily replied, “I want Mom and Dad to be happy and healthy.”

Zhou’s father turned away, secretly wiping away a tear.

Zhou Chenxi glanced at Zhou’s father and then at Zhou’s mother. He felt that his answer was flawless, a perfect response. He playfully nudged Zhou Mingxuan, making a gesture that said, “See how great I am today!”

Zhou Mingxuan chuckled and told him to eat his breakfast.

After finishing breakfast, the family’s mood improved. Zhou’s mother went to catch up on the TV drama and variety show episodes featuring Zhou Chenxi that she hadn’t seen yet, while Zhou’s father and Zhou Mingxuan discussed the guest list for the evening and prepared for the birthday banquet.

Meanwhile, Zhou Chenxi took advantage of the moment when no one was paying attention and quietly slipped out of the Zhou residence.

It was because earlier in the morning, Lu Ji mentioned that he would try to end his meeting early to go gift shopping with Zhou Chenxi.

Zhou Chenxi was ecstatic; he could see Lu Ji earlier, which made him very happy!

What he didn’t know was that Lu Ji suddenly realized he knew nothing about Zhou Chenxi’s brother and was afraid of offending him by giving an inappropriate gift.

In fact, Lu Ji had once looked into Zhou Chenxi’s background.

It was when they had just started collaborating on “Carp,” and he was very curious about Zhou Chenxi, so he went through his files.

Zhou Chenxi’s background was exceedingly simple, almost suspiciously so.


At that time, Lu Ji had a vague feeling that something wasn’t quite right, as if someone had tried to prevent him from investigating Zhou Chenxi.

However, as he got to know Zhou Chenxi, he found him to be a regular guy, and his suspicions gradually faded.

This time, when Zhou Chenxi mentioned his brother’s birthday and the large number of people attending, asking him to dress more formally, Lu Ji couldn’t help but wonder if it was typical for an ordinary family to have such a formal celebration with so many guests. He also noted that the birthday party location was the same place where Zhou Chenxi lived.

That place?

To be honest, at that time, Lu Ji was a bit puzzled. He thought that the residential complex where Zhou Chenxi lived was separated by a wide road from where he parked, and it even required going around in a large circle to reach the main entrance of the complex.

Why didn’t Zhou Chenxi let him park closer? Was it really because he didn’t want to inconvenience him?

Zhou Chenxi’s last name was Zhou, and Zhou Mingxuan, who was celebrating his birthday today, also had the last name Zhou. Lu Ji heard that many people in the entertainment industry who had collaborated with him had received invitations.

The Zhou family’s villa was also located in that area, and Zhou Mingxuan had a younger brother who was the same age as Zhou Chenxi.

Lu Ji felt like a complete fool.

He had always thought he should respect Zhou Chenxi’s privacy. If Zhou Chenxi didn’t want to talk about his family, Lu Ji didn’t want to pry. Now he realized that Zhou Chenxi might not have been avoiding the topic out of embarrassment but rather had assumed that he should already know everything.

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Lu Ji ended the company meeting prematurely, drove to pick up Zhou Chenxi, and on his way, his secretary, who was hurriedly organizing the meeting materials he left behind, couldn’t help but wonder if Lu Ji had started dating someone. Why else would he be leaving work more eagerly than the company’s employees?

When they arrived outside the Zhou family’s villa, at the spot where Zhou Chenxi had disembarked earlier, it was clear that Zhou Chenxi was already waiting there.

Lu Ji noticed that Zhou Chenxi was standing by the road closer to the entrance of the Zhou family’s villa, clearly having come out from inside.

Lu Ji got out of the car and opened the door for Zhou Chenxi.

“Thank you!” Zhou Chenxi happily got into the car and fastened his seatbelt.

“Do you know?” Zhou Chenxi was excited, “I did what you suggested this morning, and my parents were really happy. They even said they would get me a gift for my next birthday.”

“Oh?” Lu Ji casually inquired, “What do they want to give you as a gift?”

“Do you know about Lemeix Island, a small island in A Country?” Zhou Chenxi said, “My parents said they’ve bought it already, as my birthday gift. I thought it wasn’t a good idea. My parents really like that place, and I think they bought it with the intention of retiring there. So, I declined. What do you think I should ask for as a gift? If I don’t ask for anything, won’t it make my parents sad?”

Lu Ji silently lamented and secretly congratulated himself for bringing an unlimited black card today.

“If you feel it’s not appropriate, just be honest and ask for something you like,” Lu Ji advised.

“True,” Zhou Chenxi said happily, “I want my parents to be happy and healthy.”

Lu Ji smiled.

That’s just how Zhou Chenxi was, seemingly infinitely accommodating to the entire world.

The two of them arrived at a shopping mall.

This mall was also owned by the Lu Group. The first time Lu Ji met Zhou Chenxi, he was eating Jianbing Guozi at the entrance of this mall.

For some reason, Lu Ji suddenly felt a bit restrained and that this place might not be suitable. “How about we go to a different mall?”

One that was more upscale.

“It doesn’t matter,” Zhou Chenxi had already unbuckled his seatbelt and gotten out of the car. “My brother doesn’t care about those things. I used to give him gifts worth tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, and he wouldn’t even look at them. He’d just toss them aside casually. He’s a difficult person to please. I don’t even know how to please him anymore.”

Lu Ji, the CEO of the Lu Group, felt the heavy weight of responsibility on his shoulders for the first time.

“It’s okay,” Zhou Chenxi patted his chest. “I’ll help you choose. If I pick something my brother likes, you can say you chose it yourself. If I pick something he doesn’t like, you can say I helped you pick it. I’ve got your back.”

This was probably… the taste of being taken care of or protected in some way.

Lu Ji couldn’t help but smile, and they entered the mall together.

The two of them circled the men’s clothing section.

Zhou Chenxi seemed to often choose gifts for Zhou Mingxuan, and he confidently picked out items.

“He doesn’t like flashy colors. Except for black, gray, and some dark navy in the sportswear series, don’t consider anything else,” Zhou Chenxi said while selecting clothes, “Look at this pattern, it’s a big no-no in my brother’s eyes.”

Zhou Chenxi held the clothing in front of himself, frowned, and then vividly imitated his brother’s expression, “Tsk, too flashy.”

Lu Ji chuckled.

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Upon closer inspection, Zhou Chenxi did indeed bear a slight resemblance to Zhou Mingxuan in his facial expressions.

A nearby salesperson approached them and asked, “Sir, would you like some assistance with your selection?”

Lu Ji made a “please don’t speak” gesture to her, indicating that they were fine on their own.

The salesperson realized that this was President Lu, who might come to choose a birthday gift for someone, as told by colleagues from the headquarters in the morning. Most of the mall’s staff didn’t know what President Lu looked like, but fortunately, this salesperson had seen “Carp” before.

So, looking like that person standing next to him, is it Zhou Chenxi?

Oh, oh, oh! Hoping for CPSZD!

The waitress silently stepped aside.

Zhou Chenxi picked up a coat and gestured in front of himself, saying, “What do you think of this one?”

Lu Ji had no objections.

If he had known earlier that he would be attending Zhou Mingxuan’s birthday party, Lu Ji would have had his secretary prepare several gift options. His secretary was much more experienced in these matters. If it were clothing, they could go to the studio where custom high-end clothing was often made for the Lu family.

However, this time he was invited by Zhou Chenxi personally, and Lu Ji carried some hidden secrets. It seemed inappropriate to have his secretary select gifts, as it would make the process too formal and public.

It was a tricky situation.

Lu Ji also felt a bit undecided. As the two of them continued picking items, they veered off track.

“Why do I feel like this outfit would suit you better?” Zhou Chenxi compared a suit set in front of Lu Ji, “Wow, I’ve never seen you in clothes like this. So handsome!”

Lu Ji raised an eyebrow and glanced at the style of the outfit, “Don’t I have something similar?”

“Do you?” Zhou Chenxi said, “When did you wear it?”

“In the third episode of ‘Carp,'” Lu Ji replied.

Zhou Chenxi instantly recalled, bursting into laughter, “Oh, right! But this one is different. How about I buy you one? You’ll definitely look better in it than my brother.”

Waitress: “…”

Is it common for friends to shop together like this? I don’t believe it. They’re a couple! A couple!

After the waitress’s inner turmoil had subsided, Lu Ji and Zhou Chenxi had already left.

They both felt that giving clothes as gifts felt somewhat odd and inappropriate.

So, they went down to the jewelry area and picked out a tie clip.

Lu Ji paid with his card, and Zhou Chenxi, acting surreptitious, also held a receipt and was planning to go to another cashier to pay.

Lu Ji finished paying and approached, conveniently intercepting Zhou Chenxi on the way.

“Didn’t you say you already bought a gift for your brother?” Lu Ji asked, taking the receipt from his hand.

“Yeah,” Zhou Chenxi said, “But I felt the cufflinks I gave you last time didn’t match your clothes well. I wanted to give you something else. When we picked out the tie clip just now, I thought the one with diamonds would suit you, so I wanted to buy it too.”

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They had just picked two, with slightly different styles, and Lu Ji had selected a different one.

Lu Ji sighed, “I’ve noticed, you just love giving things to others.”

Zhou Chenxi chuckled and said, “I give gifts to those I like. I don’t give gifts to those I don’t like.”

Lu Ji asked, “So, do you like me?”

“Of course, I do!”

“Pfft—cough, cough, cough!” This unexpected conversation made the cashier next to them choke on her water for some reason.

Lu Ji, feeling helpless, rolled up his suit sleeve to show Zhou Chenxi the cuffs of his shirt, “I’ve been wearing what you gave me today.”

Zhou Chenxi’s face suddenly turned red.

Lu Ji said, “Let’s go, it’s getting late.”

Reluctantly, Zhou Chenxi said, “We’ve already checked out… you should buy it.”

Lu Ji could only take the receipt and pay on his own, saying, “I really can’t handle you.”

Zhou Chenxi felt a bit regretful that he couldn’t give the gift.

“Don’t worry,” Lu Ji said as he took the gift box, “I’ll cherish everything you’ve given me, just like this one.”

“Oh,” Zhou Chenxi said happily, heading home with Lu Ji.

On his brother’s birthday, Lu Ji received gifts. On his mother’s birthday, Lu Ji received gifts. In the future, on his own birthday, Lu Ji would receive gifts too!

Zhou Chenxi thought, “I really like Lu Ji!”

Author’s Note: Brother: My birthday doesn’t matter; it’s just an excuse for receiving gifts.

Thanks to “某琥” for the landmine!

Thanks to “松鼠lisa,” “神秘路人,” “噠噠噠噠噠噠多多多多多多多多多,” “你看我飄了嗎,” “@米霖霖Love,” “櫻,” “Pan,” “萌萌噠小葵,” “簡隋英對象,” and “熊寶” for the nutrients!

1TL: YSIAD “ Hi! sorry for not updating these days. Just busy with school stuffs I hope yall doing fine!

You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ”

1TL: YSIAD “ Hi! sorry for not updating these days. Just busy with school stuffs I hope yall doing fine!

You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ”

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