
Coming down from the airplane, Zhou Chenxi had a healthy wheat-colored complexion, a tall stature, and his relatively light hair made his skin appear even darker. He was naturally eye-catching, and with this added tan, he became especially noticeable.

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As soon as he stepped off the plane, he overheard whispers from fans in the distance, “Chenxi seems even darker today. I didn’t really notice when I saw the set photos Director Luo posted, but now it’s really dark!”

“Yeah, where did the fair-skinned and beautiful Chenxi from before go?”

Zhou Chenxi wore sunglasses on his nose bridge and felt his mood sinking to the bottom. He quietly asked the person next to him, Xiao Liang, “Am I really tanned?”

“Don’t you know if you’re tanned or not yourself?”

Xiao Liang muttered to himself discreetly and comforted him patiently, “No, it’s just a shade darker than before. It’s understandable; the sun at filming locations is scorching. Look at me; I’ve gotten a lot darker too compared to before!”

Xiao Liang was naturally dark-skinned, so Zhou Chenxi couldn’t see any difference in him from before. But Zhou Chenxi was different; he used to be fair-skinned, and after a short turn around the set, he had turned dark. Even his fans were dissatisfied, and Zhou Chenxi, who was always nitpicking about himself, suddenly felt uncomfortable.

It was all because of the sunscreen that Zhi Qi had bought for him before. It was advertised as having whitening effects. Just stick to sun protection!

Why add all those random effects?

Not only did the sunscreen not protect well enough, but it also turned into a “blackening” agent.

Chenxi grumpily grabbed his luggage, but the fans outside were just as enthusiastic as ever, still surrounding him and asking for photos and autographs.

Chenxi fulfilled each request one by one, but there was a forced smile on his face. He didn’t want to bring his personal emotions to his fans. He seriously signed a few autographs for them.


Because his mouth was continuously upturned, his dimples became even more prominent.

“Chenxi!” A fan suddenly exclaimed, “Looking at you like this, your teeth are really white!”

Chenxi: “…”

Xiao Liang couldn’t help but burst into laughter beside them.

This made Zhou Chenxi even more annoyed. After signing a few more autographs, he didn’t have the patience to check if there were more fans today compared to before. He hurriedly walked in the direction of the parking lot.

Zhou Mingxuan had said he would come to pick him up today, so Zhou Chenxi had secretly lied to him that there might be a delay in his return flight and that the company had arranged a car to pick him up, so his brother didn’t need to send Zhao Yi and Qian Er over.

Like underground agents, Zhou Chenxi and Xiao Liang bypassed the crowd and made their way to the underground parking lot. Xiao Liang first brought his own car over, Zhou Chenxi got into his car, and they drove to the outside of the parking lot and waited for a while. When they saw Lu Ji’s car approaching, Lu Ji waved to them from inside the car, and Xiao Liang drove the car over.

The two cars parked side by side, Zhou Chenxi got out of Xiao Liang’s car and into Lu Ji’s car, and Xiao Liang drove away.


The underground agent rendezvous was officially completed.

Zhou Chenxi breathed a sigh of relief, fastened his seatbelt, and said, “I really don’t know what Zhi Qi was thinking, insisting that I be careful, and whispering to Xiao Liang for so long, even making you take such a detour.”

Lu Ji chuckled, “Being careful is never a bad thing.” He didn’t mind these things.

In reality, what Zhi Qi had said was that although the hype for “Carp” had passed, the hope for the CP fans was still alive. When they heard that Lu Ji would be picking him up on his return journey, he advised Zhou Chenxi to be cautious.

Zhou Chenxi was even more confused. Since there were CP fans, shouldn’t they just shower them with affection?

Zhou Chenxi removed the sunglasses from his face and appointed, saying, “Laugh at me if you want.”

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Lu Ji casually glanced at him and said, “Why would I laugh at you?”

“From today on, I’m going to change my name to Zhou Black Charcoal!” Zhou Chenxi said in a self-deprecating tone.

Lu Ji looked at his face and couldn’t help but curl the corner of his mouth.

“You see, you see!” Zhou Chenxi raised his voice, “You’re definitely laughing at me!”


Lu Ji explained, “No, I think you look cute like this.”

“Really?” Zhou Chenxi was skeptical.

“Really,” Lu Ji reassured him, “Do you still remember the endorsement contract you signed for Lu’s Revitalizing Skin Water before? Your agent mentioned that you have some free time recently. Can we arrange something nearby?”

As soon as he heard about work, Zhou Chenxi became nervous and very professional. He asked, “Should I get a skin-whitening injection first?”

Many celebrities who endorsed products related to their faces were often required by their sponsors to get skin-whitening injections or similar treatments to look good on camera.

“No need,” Lu Ji shook his head, “Clear Spring Revitalizing Skin Water is specifically for outdoor enthusiasts. It’s a product for oil control and moisturizing, there’s no emphasis on skin whitening.”

Lu Ji was a conscientious sponsor!

Zhou Chenxi was pleased, “That’s great!”

His emotions were like a rollercoaster, and soon he and Lu Ji were discussing the latest episode of “Journey of the Immortals,” which had just finished airing.

“Did you watch the drama yesterday?” Zhou Chenxi asked.

“Of course,” Lu Ji said, squeezing it into his spare time.

In the latest episode, Fu Zheng had already experienced spiritual trials, and Liu Li was being pursued by the antagonists from the immortal realm. Every day, he was either injured and coughing up blood or on his way to being injured and coughing up blood.

Zhou Chenxi had also watched it and sighed, saying, “I used to not watch the dramas I acted in, but ‘Journey of the Immortals’ is really good. At most, I fast-forward when it’s my turn to appear,” he continued, “Now thinking back to that period of filming, I really don’t know how I managed to get through it. I had to cry every day, and I even skipped several meals.”

It was from that period onwards that Zhou Chenxi had become much thinner than before, and he still hadn’t gained back the weight.

Lu Ji said, “Let’s have dinner together tonight, and afterward, I’ll give you a ride home.”


Feed Zhou Black Charcoal a few extra meals and turn him into a little coal ball before sending him home.

Zhou Chenxi grinned, revealing a row of beautifully white teeth.

By the time he returned home in the evening, it was already quite late. His brother was sitting on the living room sofa watching TV.

Sure enough, recently, at this time, his brother hadn’t been staying at the company but had been coming home to catch up on “Journey of the Immortals.”

As soon as Zhou Chenxi walked in, Zhou Mingxuan glanced at him and said, “I just asked Zhao Yi, he said he followed your flight, and it wasn’t delayed. You landed a little after 4 pm. Where did you go?”

Zhou Chenxi didn’t hide anything and said straightforwardly, “I went to have dinner with Lu Ji!”

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He was completely open, but Zhou Mingxuan remained silent.

Zhou Chenxi moved closer, grabbing his brother’s arm and sensing that he was not happy. He turned his head to look at him and asked, “Are you mad?”

Zhou Mingxuan replied, “Why would I be mad?”

On the TV screen, Zhou Chenxi’s character, Liu Li, was being pursued by an antagonist from the immortal realm, dressed like a peacock. He was covered in injuries and cornered at a cliff.

Zhou Chenxi nudged his brother’s arm again and asked, “Then why do you have such a stern face?”

Zhou Mingxuan finally shifted his gaze from the TV to Zhou Chenxi.

As soon as he saw Zhou Chenxi’s face, Zhou Mingxuan couldn’t hold back anymore. He exclaimed, “How did you get so much darker?”

Zhou Chenxi: “…”

On the TV screen, the on-screen Zhou Chenxi suffered a heavy blow, spitting out blood with a “puh.” Fresh blood slowly dripped from his lips, making his skin at that moment appear even paler.

Zhou Chenxi felt a deep sorrow, realizing that he did indeed look better in the past. He suddenly broke through his fragile emotional barrier, lost interest in pleasing his brother, and shook off his brother’s hand before going upstairs.

It was only then that Zhou Mingxuan realized he had misspoken.

Zhou Chenxi used to have a thin skin and cared about his image.

When he was in school, he was chosen as the lead singer for the school choir. By that time, he was no longer the little black monkey from kindergarten; he had grown into a handsome boy. The teachers liked him because he was good-looking, but he still lacked confidence in himself.

The school choir wore uniforms, and everyone had a strong sense of unity. Boys wore white shirts and black pants, while girls wore knee-length skirts.

Zhou Chenxi thought his classmates’ clothes all looked nice, but he was the only one wearing a small vest that the teacher had specially arranged for him.

The vest was a leftover from senior students and wasn’t tailored, so it didn’t fit him well.

The young lead singer had to stand out from the other students.

In fact, Zhou Chenxi’s singing wasn’t that pleasant, and his selection as the lead singer was mainly for the sake of appearance. However, he didn’t realize this initially, and he was even happy about it. He boasted to his brother when he got home. But since receiving the performance costume, he had started throwing tantrums, saying that he didn’t want to be the lead singer anymore.

His brother, who was a middle school student busy with his studies, didn’t have time to deal with these matters. He didn’t understand what was wrong with his younger brother and thought he was just being childish.

Once you agree to something as a man, you should stick to it, and that’s how Zhou Mingxuan educated Zhou Chenxi.

Zhou Chenxi cried loudly, causing chaos in the house.

However, he wouldn’t make a scene at school because he had been ostracized at kindergarten, and he knew how to win the hearts of teachers and classmates. The teacher hadn’t noticed anything wrong with Zhou Chenxi, so he continued to wear the small vest and stood in the front row.

Because Zhou Mingxuan was afraid that something might happen to Zhou Chenxi, he, as the class monitor, had taken a day off to accompany his younger brother to the school auditorium to watch his choir performance.

It was only just before the performance that Zhou Chenxi hesitated and timidly told Zhou Mingxuan that he didn’t like his costume and was afraid that no one would like him.

The burden of being a young idol was quite heavy. Zhou Chenxi had a traumatic experience at kindergarten where he was neither well-liked nor favored, and his young age prevented him from expressing his demands effectively. If he had told Zhou Mingxuan earlier, Zhou Mingxuan could have asked the housekeeper to have a well-fitting vest tailored for him.

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Zhou Mingxuan had no choice but to comfort him patiently. He sat in the front row of the auditorium, watching his performance attentively, applauding him sincerely, and telling him afterward that he did a great job. Several teachers who were scoring the performance also liked him very much.

Zhou Chenxi’s eyes were still slightly red from crying, and wearing the ill-fitting vest, he hesitantly asked, trying to please his brother, “Is it true?”

His little brother was so cute; what could Zhou Mingxuan say? He could only tell him, “Of course it’s true.”

That’s how he managed to comfort his little brother.

Zhou Mingxuan sighed and lost interest in watching TV. He went upstairs to soothe his hard-to-handle little brother.

“Chenxi?” Zhou Mingxuan knocked on the door and said as calmly as possible, “Big brother didn’t say you don’t look good. I’m just worried about how hard you’ve been working outside. Come out, there’s something I want to discuss with you.”

Zhou Chenxi hesitated before opening the door, revealing his dark head from the inside. He hadn’t even turned on the lights, and his wheat-colored face blended into the darkness, leaving only a pair of beautifully round eyes visible.

Zhou Mingxuan suddenly felt like laughing but cleared his throat and said seriously, “Your birthday is next month, and after discussing it with Mom and Dad, we’ve decided not to celebrate it at home. It’s too chaotic with all the guests, and it doesn’t suit your current status. When so many people ask you for autographs, it can be overwhelming. We want to celebrate your birthday properly. Where would you like to spend it?”

Where to celebrate?

Zhou Chenxi was momentarily unsure.

His work had become increasingly hectic, and he had less time to go elsewhere.

Zhou Mingxuan continued, “Our hotel in the South City is about to open. Would you like to stay there for a few days before the opening?”

Zhou Chenxi instantly became excited and agreed, “Sure!”

The South City!

The last time he was there, he got injured, and he didn’t get a chance to hang out with Lu Ji properly. Could he invite Lu Ji for his birthday this time?

Zhou Mingxuan could see what he was thinking and clarified, “Our family will go together, and if you want to invite friends, we can arrange it separately. Our hotel hasn’t officially opened yet, so we don’t want various business competitors coming to snoop around for our trade secrets.”

In other words, he didn’t want to see Lu Ji.

Zhou Chenxi let out a small “hmph” in his heart but replied cheerfully, “I understand!”

After discussing the important matter, Zhou Mingxuan encouraged Zhou Chenxi, “Aren’t you endorsing Lu’s skincare products? I heard they have a wide distribution network. When the advertisements are released, more people will like you. Be confident; being tanned is not a bad thing. It’s healthy. Many people deliberately get a tan to look better. This is a good time for you to start going for morning runs…”

Here we go again!

Zhou Chenxi hurriedly stopped him, “I know!” He quickly ushered his brother out, closing the door before Zhou Mingxuan could say more.

As long as no one dislikes him for getting darker, he’s happy!

A few days later, Zhou Chenxi went for a photo shoot for Lu’s skincare products.

In the studio, a makeup artist did his makeup.

The makeup looked great on him, and the photographer, a foreigner, particularly liked this healthy skin tone. Additionally, Zhou Chenxi had spent a long time on location shooting, and although he hadn’t gained much weight, his arm muscles had become quite firm. The photographer kept praising him with phrases like “fantastic,” “good-looking,” and “a muse.” Such unreserved and straightforward compliments boosted Zhou Chenxi’s confidence, making him feel light-headed.

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This encouraging style of photography was indeed effective. Zhou Chenxi felt much more confident, and the photo shoot yielded quick and excellent results.

The photographer immediately edited a few photos and showed them to Zhou Chenxi. After a brief discussion with the staff, one of them told Zhou Chenxi, “Mr. Zhou, the photographer said you can choose one photo to post on Weibo right away.”

The photographer quickly edited a few pictures of Zhou Chenxi and, after a brief discussion with the nearby staff, they told Zhou Chenxi, “Mr. Zhou, the photographer says you can choose one photo to post on Weibo.”

Being called “Mr. Zhou” left Zhou Chenxi pleasantly surprised, and he quickly responded, “I don’t deserve that title.”

Normally, there would be agreements for these kinds of advertisement photos, and you couldn’t just post them without permission. However, it seemed the photographer really liked these photos, and combined with Zhou Chenxi’s request earlier, they must have discussed it with the person in charge and decided to let Zhou Chenxi release one early as promotional material.

Zhou Chenxi selected a side-profile photo and posted it on Weibo, triggering a flurry of comments:

– “Ah! My beautiful Chenxi has appeared!”
– “Chenxi, how are you on set? Miss you!”
– “Huh? Is this for an advertisement?”
– “It’s an ad for the Lu skincare products! Ah! I can’t believe it’s been so long since ‘Carp’ ended. Finally, we get to see Chenxi in a Lu ad. Hope for a CP reunion!”
– “The person above probably doesn’t know, right? After Chenxi finished shooting that movie, President Lu even visited the set. This CP has been spreading sugar non-stop!”
– “President Lu is also the sponsor for ‘Cat Demon Chronicles’! What kind of heavenly couple is this? I’ll invest in any project you’re a part of! All in! I can’t handle it; my mind is filling in all sorts of indescribable scenarios.”
– “Big guys, don’t just talk, the pen has been passed; someone write quickly!”

Zhou Chenxi was overwhelmed by the comments and didn’t have time to read them all. Just then, Lu Ji’s secretary approached him and asked him not to leave after the photoshoot because there was a new collaboration they wanted to discuss.

A staff member named Xiao Liang drove away, leaving Zhou Chenxi alone. It was his first time shooting an ad at Lu’s headquarters, and the environment here was much better than his previous jobs. The studio was spacious and well-lit, and the team was highly professional.

However, their work here was finished, and the team moved to another room, seemingly for a new project. Zhou Chenxi stood in the corridor, feeling awkward about peeking into the room to see what they were doing, so he leaned against a corner and patiently waited for Lu Ji to arrive.

After a while, footsteps approached from the end of the corridor, and someone greeted Lu Ji, saying, “President Lu.”


It was Lu Ji, and Zhou Chenxi recognized his voice. Emerging from the darkness, Zhou Chenxi first smiled, revealing a row of white teeth, and said, “Lu Ji, you’re here!”

Zhou Chenxi, previously a hidden piece of coal, gradually emerged from the darkness, bathed in a soft light.

Lu Ji couldn’t help but think that Zhou Chenxi had really white teeth. Of course, he also thought Zhou Chenxi was very handsome.

Author’s note: Thanks to “Tianzhao” for the inspiration!

Thanks to “Pan,” “Huazhao,” “Ah~Rabbit,” “Four Little Plants,” “Fairy Lin Qiao,” “Sarahte” for the nutrients!

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ”

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ”

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