Chapter 40: There is a nando baba inside

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After talking with Satoshi, Ayano went around the entrance and noticed Shun was standing in front of the storeroom. “Shun. What are you doing?”

Shun didn’t answer and was just staring at the floor.

“I’m scared of this storeroom since I was a child. I have a feeling that I saw something here before,” he said and put a hand on his shoulder. “I remember at that time, someone put their hand on my shoulder and said to me – don’t tell this to anyone, Shun.”

Ayano: “So, it is not just a screeching sound but it seems there is really something here.”

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“Young lady, isn’t it obvious that something is there since there is a screeching sound?” Shimizu said annoyingly. It seemed he had come to help Tanimoto with the investigation.

Ayano: “Yeah. This place has been giving off a strange vibe since before. I thought it is just a nando baba[1] living inside.”

Tanimoto: “Nando baba?”

Ayano: “A ghost that lives inside a storeroom. You know, the one that would scream boo! and then pop out of the room. Oh, what is wrong with you?”

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She noticed that Tanimoto seemed surprised. She thought maybe nando baba had come out so she turned around to look at the storeroom.

Shun stood next to her and whispered, “It is because you suddenly shout with a blank expression unlike yourself.”

“Young lady. We are not here to listen to your funny story about nando baba. Shun-sensei, we are here to investigate about your incident. Shun-sensei… are you there?” Shimizu called anxiously.

Looking at his expression, Ayano was reminded that Shimizu was unable to see a living spirit.

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“It is useless to ask me. I don’t remember anything. But I think I said Ayano…the culprit right before I passed out was because I wanted to tell her who is the culprit,” Shun said calmly like someone else was the victim.

Ayano: “Aren’t lawyers usually have many enemies? It is hard to guess who had done it. By the way, why were you on the rooftop in the first place?”

Shun: “Jiro-san asked me to be his lawyer so I went up there to verify the situation when he pushed the victim down.”

Ayano: “Really? Before you were pushed down, did you do anything unnecessary?”

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“Well… Based on your principal, all my words and actions are unnecessary, isn’t it?” Shun said with a sneer. “Anyway… I can’t remember anything at this moment,” he added ambiguously.

[1] 納戸ババ(nando baba) is a granny ghost that lives inside the closet or storeroom. It is one of the folklores from the west Japan.

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