Chapter 42: It is kind of scary… in a different way

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The backup team from Mihara Police Station came to the mansion again while wearing a sour face.

“The first person to find the body… is you again?” Taira sent a glare at Ayano without concealing his contempt.

No, I’m not the first person to find the body. It is just that I’m always among the first group of people who find a dead body, Ayano complained inwardly and heaved out a sigh. “Why is there always some kind of incident happening around me? Do you think maybe there is a grand trap waiting for me?”

Taira looked at her with eyes that said: Yeah, right.

Ayano: “The residents in this mansion frequently move in and out of this place, so I’m not quite sure who actually lives here. Based on my recent memories, I think Onoda-san don’t live here. Am I right?”

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Taira was dumbfounded by her question. “Don’t you think it is weird asking the police to verify whether someone lives in your house or not? To answer your question – it seems he doesn’t live here.”

“Well, even if he doesn’t live in this mansion, I feel like I have seen him here a lot lately,” Ayano muttered in a low voice.

“Since you can even remember his face and name, it seems he really came here a lot,” Shun said while standing next to Ayano.

“Shun,” Ayano said as she turned towards him. “Just now the hospital called me and said that your body is stable. You are not going to return to your body yet? How long do you want to continue being a wandering spirit?”

Although Ayano was worried about him, Shun himself seemed unsure about the situation. Actually, she could understand his reaction. After all, it was his first time experiencing a disembodied spirit, so it was understandable that he didn’t know how to return to his body.

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Despite all that, Ayano looked at his well-proportioned face and asked, “Shun, do you actually have an unfinished business?”

Ayano thought maybe there was something that he wanted to verify – something that could only be done by a living spirit that could see other ghosts.

* * *

After a while, the police finished their initial investigation and the mansion regained its calmness.

Shimizu continued his story from earlier, saying, “Matsuko and I were in the track team back when we were in high school.”

“Yeah, Shimizu-san was a fast runner,” Kana said as she served some light refreshments on the dining table.

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“Huh?” Shimizu turned around but Kana had already left the dining room.

Ayano: “Kana-san was your junior in high school.”

“Kana?” Shimizu muttered to himself. “Oh! Is it Asada Kana? How would I recognize her, she—”

After her husband passed away, Kana came to the mansion and remained using her husband’s surname.

“Don’t shout and speak nonsense. Otherwise, you won’t get to eat these cookies,” Ayano warned him even though she could understand what he was going to say.

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Previously, Kana had shown her some photos taken when she was in the track team in high school. Frankly speaking, the current Kana was twice the size of the previous her in the photo. But Ayano felt that the current plump version of Kana was charming especially her cute laugh.

Ayano: “Shimizu-san, you still remember? Kana-san told me that the track team back then had a lot of members, so you might not remember her because she was 2 years younger than you.”

Shimizu: “Well, Asada was very cute back then.”

“Back then?” Kana said in a low voice as she stood behind Shimizu and held out a cup of cold tea.

Shimizu froze and was unable to turn around.

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