Chapter 48: It is strange even for a cursed mansion

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Ayano began her lengthy deduction. “A series of incidents continue to occur in this mansion and it began with the murder of Uncle Yamamura. Even if it is instigated by Grandpa Sokichi’s will, the incidents seem to be occurring much too frequent.

Regarding Uncle Yamamura’s case— Well, it is most probably because of the will. The relationship among the residents here originally is not so good, and the will only make it worse. Uncle Yamamura insisted to stay in this mansion even though he was no longer part of the family. It incurred others’ enmity and he ended up getting killed. The murder itself was incited by the ghost from the altar room.

But what about the cases after that? Is there any reason to kill Hisami-san, Shun and Onoda-san? If it is because of the will, then shouldn’t the murderer target me instead?”

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Shimizu realized what she had said made sense. If someone was desperate to take over the mansion, the first person they needed to eliminate was Ayano.

Ayano continued, “I feel that there must be another reason for these cases. Besides, it is strange for murder cases to keep occurring one after another even for a cursed place like this Rainy Mansion.

The police might not feel it is weird because this is Rainy Mansion and everyone know about the inheritance dispute. But the truth is, it is too strange.

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And so, I have been thinking – perhaps there is another reason why Hisami-san was killed. And then maybe Onoda-san’s death was related to her murder.

Onoda-san wasn’t a resident of this mansion. And I normally can’t remember people’s faces. But somehow, I can recognize him because I always saw him around here. The reason is…”

Ayano stopped talking all of a sudden. Although her face remained expressionless, it was obvious she was hesitating to continue her words.

“… Because Hisami was having an affair with Onoda,” Toru said as if he was picking up her sentence. “Onoda remained unmarried all his life. It seems he was serious about the relationship. …I can’t understand Hisami. I found out she was having an affair with another man and I got distraught when I caught them in the act. That was why I didn’t notice Jiro when he went up the stairs. When you asked me about that matter, I thought maybe he used the other stairs and I didn’t want to say unnecessary things. …That day when I died— Hisami was laughing[1].”

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Ayano: “Huh? Didn’t you say only the shutter ghost was there at that time?”

Toru: “Yeah, at first. Then later when I was writhing about in pain, Hisami came. I remembered… She came when I was scratching off my chest and neck in pain. She stood at that door laughing without bothering to help. At that moment I realized she intended to kill me.”

Shimizu who was hiding near the door with Tanimoto flinched in surprise when he heard Toru said the words at that door. Even though they were physically hidden, he thought maybe the ghost could still see them.

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Toru: “But Onoda was not the only one. There were other men. I got angry so I decided to show the truth to Onoda.”

Ayano: “Are you talking about Hisami-san’s secret rendezvous? Did you ask Satoshi-san to cooperate with you?”

Toru: “How did you know that? You are really such a scary person. I can say for sure that you are not my daughter.”

[1] 笑う: It can be either smiling or laughing. 

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