Chapter 50: Things that can be seen, things that can’t be seen

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Toru: “That guy… Satoshi is actually a powerful spirit – stronger than he thought he is. But he didn’t help to save Chizuru.”

Ayano: “Huh?”

Toru: “Chizuru disappeared after I died. I think she was killed but my memories right after I died are fuzzy.”

That is true, Shimizu thought. He remembered that Toru’s ghost was writhing around in pain for a while after he died. He didn’t seem to be able to think straight at that time.

Toru: “Satoshi didn’t help to save Chizuru… The one that Chizuru loved wasn’t me. It was Satoshi.”

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Shimizu was shocked by the revelation. He turned to make eye contact with Tanimoto but Tanimoto was not looking at him. Then Shimizu realized that Toru had been talking since earlier. Tanimoto could not hear Toru’s voice so he must have been unable to understand the full story.

Tanimoto, who was listening to Ayano’s words only, looked confused. However, at that time, Ayano finally turned around. Shimizu wanted to call out to her but noticed there was something amiss. He followed her line of sight and saw Reiko in the kitchen. She seemed to be arranging something on the dining table.

“Shimizu-san!” Ayano exclaimed all of a sudden. “Shimizu-san, can you see Reiko-san there?”

Shimizu: “What are you talking about? Of course, I—”

Tanimoto cut off his words, saying, “Huh? Reiko-san? Where is she?”

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Shimizu realized what had happened and turned pale.

“Hurry up and look for Reiko-san! Nobuko-san, call the ambulance!” Ayano shouted at Nobuko who was standing behind Reiko.

* * *

Why am I sitting here all the time? How long have I been reading a book here?


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Satoshi was wondering about those questions when a man came to him. The man’s name was Sudo Toru. When Satoshi recalled the name, he felt a pain in his chest for some reason.

Toru: “Satoshi. I finally remember you. You b*stard. Do you remember what you did when Chizuru was in danger? The one that she loved wasn’t me, it was you.”

Chizuru… Chizuru-san. Satoshi recalled Chizuru’s face that looked similar to Ayano. But unlike her, Chizuru liked to smile.

“Hey, why don’t you leave this place already? Aren’t you bored staying here?”


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Satoshi: “I thought Chizuru-san fell into shichinin bishaku and died.”

Toru sneered at him. “Are you stupid? That place is just a manmade pond.”

And so, Satoshi cooperated with Toru after being threatened by him. He dropped the toilet lid and let Onoda witnessed Hisami having an affair with another man.

Satoshi knew about Hisami’s secret rendezvous because he had seen it many times before. But he didn’t mean to tell anyone else about it. He regretted for helping Toru with his revenge. Because of him, Hisami ended up getting killed.

Hisami-san was strangled to death at that place. …Just like what happened to that person.

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