Chapter 57: Barrier

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After staying in her room for a while, Ayano heard Shun calling from outside the door, “Ayano, can I come in?” He could just slip in through the door but waited outside for her permission instead.

“Come in,” Ayano said as she put a red colored hand mirror on the table.

Shun saw her putting the mirror down and questioned her, “What were you doing?”

Ayano: “I was looking at my face.”

Shun: “I didn’t know you are a narcissistic[1] person.”

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Ayano dropped her gaze. “I can only look at my face properly through photos. I can’t even put on makeup by myself,” she said and stood up. “Let’s go. By the way Shun, did you meet the staircase ghost?”

“That preachy ghost?” Shun chuckled.

Ayano: “Wow, you are amazing. You have only started to see ghost recently and you already got lectured by that antisocial ghost. I knew you two would get along well.”

Shun gave her a dubious look but Ayano ignored his reaction and opened the door. Before she left the room, she turned and glanced at the mirror that was laid face down on the table.

Ayano went downstairs and looked around anxiously.

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The mansion is so quiet, it is like a dream—

Other than her, no one else was home. The housekeepers were all at the funeral home helping with the preparation for the wake. There was only sound of insects inside the large mansion. And obviously there was no sound of footsteps from Shun who was walking behind her either.

Ayano stared warily at the wide hallway in front of the entrance. “Shun, are you there?” she asked without turning around.

“I don’t even know how to return to my body – of course I’m here,” Shun replied sarcastically.

Ayano was relieved to hear his voice. “It is too quiet here, I thought I’m having a dream. Even the ghosts are gone including Uncle Toru.”

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Shun: “If it is a dream, then it is not your dream. I have my own consciousness, so I’m not a performer in your dream.”

Ayano: “Then this might be your dream.”

Shun: “Wait a minute. Aren’t you moving and thinking consciously on your own?”

“Why are you guys talking nonsense here?” Takato appeared from the corner right in front of them. He was holding a box of candles under his arm.

Ayano: “I just felt uneasy because this place is too quiet like we are under some kind of barrier.”

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“Hmm, 100 Tales…” Shun muttered to himself while staring at the box Takato was holding.

“The name 100 Tales sounds like a prayer,” Ayano said. “It sounds similar to 100 Prayer Trips[2]. Maybe something will happen if we manage to complete it. And I’m sure us living human are not the only one who are waiting for it,” she said while staring at the corner where Takato came from. She had a feeling that someone was holding their breath waiting in the hallway on the other side – waiting for everything to end.

“Alright then. Shall we begin?”

[1] Japanese often exaggerate when labelling someone who like their look or body as narcissistic. It is similar to Chinese who often misuse the word OCD and schizophrenia.

[2] Hyakudo Mairi: An old practice in Japan where a person would pray for a wish at a shrine or temple every day for 100 days. Because some wishes were urgent, the practice changed into making a 100 round trips between the temple and a Hyakudo Ishi (100 times stone) on the same day.

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