Chapter 63: Precipitated memories – Flashback Part 1

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One day, Natsu was knocking on the door of the old toilet near the entrance.

Natsu: “Kengo-san. Kengo-san. I know you are in there. I want to use the toilet. Please come out.”

Kengo: “Why are you here? Please use another toilet.”

Natsu: “I prefer to use this one.”

Kengo: “But I like to read here.”

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“I knew it! Why are you hogging the toilet to read books?!” Natsu said in a quite harsh tone. Then she stopped knocking and weakly said, “I’m getting married…”

Kengo: “I’ve heard about it. Congratulations.”

Can’t you come out first before you congratulate me? Natsu thought inwardly.

Kengo: “I know I’m a nobody so I don’t expect to be invited to the wedding but I will make sure to prepare a gift.”

Natsu wondered why he was too humble. Based on her knowledge, Kengo’s family was close to the direct lineage of Sudo family and even his mother belonged to a famous old-established household. It seemed his humble attitude was simply his personality.

Natsu had a feeling that even if Kengo was born in a royal or noble family, he would still grow up into a humble person. She felt if he was a little bit more confident and courageous, he might have been chosen as one of the groom candidates for her.

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Not that I was hoping for him to be one though… Natsu making excuse to herself.

“Natsu-san, you have grown up,” Kengo said from the other side of the door. He sounded a bit emotional.

Natsu: “And you are older than me. You are not getting married yet?”

Kengo: “I don’t even have a job. Besides, I’m not interested in woman.”

Natsu felt his words sounded fishy but Kengo explained that he simply wanted to spend his whole life reading books.

Natsu sighed and said, “I’m going to be busy from now on, so I won’t argue with you about this toilet anymore. Thank you for everything.” She bowed her head even though she knew Kengo couldn’t see her.

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She turned around and was about to leave when she heard Kengo shouted, “Wait a minute, Natsu-san!” The door was still closed.

Kengo: “What do you prefer for your wedding gift? A kimono? A mirror? Or a comb?”

Natsu somehow felt annoyed by his question. “A comb!” she said perfunctorily repeating the last word she heard.

“I see. You prefer a comb,” Kengo said seriously.

“Yes. Okay then,” she said before leaving while stomping her feet in anger. She bumped into her father at the entrance who just got home and ended up getting lectured. “Can’t you walk properly like a lady?”

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She replied to her father half-heartedly while thinking about the comb that most likely will be gifted to her in a few days. It made her felt more annoyed.

She turned around and watched the door that was kept closed. One day, I’m going to destroy that toilet, she complained inwardly.

Her future husband will become the adopted son-in-law so she will remain in the mansion. She knew Kengo will remain in the mansion too. He didn’t care even if I got married…

Her wedding ceremony was held at the hall room inside the mansion. Natsu, dressed in white bridal kimono[1], took out the elegant boxwood comb[2] and stood in front of a three-sided mirror. She wrapped the comb in a pocket paper[3] and sneak it into her purse[4].

“Natsu-san! Natsu-san, where are you?”

“I’m coming! Mom, you’re too loud,” Natsu replied and stood hurriedly to avoid being asked what she had been doing.

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