Chapter 3. Member of the Flock

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I was named so.

And brought to the Dragon World.

It is a world as harsh as the Demon World.

A world with mountains above and sky below.

The foot of the mountain is where a great many dragons perch when not taking flights.

Nor is there safety in the sky, with large dragons flying around.

Smaller creatures without wings could only survive by

clinging to the mountainside like icicles.

However, even in such a world, a race of people dominated.

It is a race called the Dragon Race.

With wings and sharp claws, they fly freely in the sky, making full use of their mighty strength, and hunt dragons in swarms.

But they did not start off as apex predators either.

Originally, they were weak as well.

Hiding in caverns by the hillside, living only where they could not be caught by the large dragons.

It was a man who changed it.

Yes, it was the Dragon God.

One day, the Dragon God appeared in front of the weak Dragon Race

and demonstrated his power.

The power that sleeps within the dragon race, and how to use it.

The dragon race has a power called Dragon Touki.

With Dragon Touki, the dragon race can multiply their physical abilities many fold and harden their skin.

The power to even pierce the toughest dragon skin in one blow.

Although the power itself is possessed by other races, that of the Dragon Touki was far superior to the others.

The strongest power.

After the Dragon God taught them how to draw out that power and how to use it, the dragon race became dominant.

Grouping together, finding strength in numbers, and preying on the dragons.

They stood at the top of the food chain.

They built a town centered around Dragon God, then exchanged information with other worlds and developed culture and prospered.

However, the level of civilization was similar to that of the demons... it wasn't that high compared to today's world.

That’s because the dragon race was strong enough to survive without developing a civilization.

A world where you don't have to worry about foreign foes.

A world where you won’t have to feel hungry and where someone will give you food even if one does nothing.

Peace, a concept foreign to me at the time.

I was given a room at the residence of Dragon God.

The mansion was one of the most luxurious places in all of Dragon World.

There were many rooms and many servants that worked there.

I was given a small, simple room.

But it was much more comfortable than the cave I used to live in.

After all, I had bedding, food, clothes, whatever that I needed.

The mansion was large and there were many servants.

However, there were not so many for the servants to serve.

Only Dragon God and his wife, Lunaria.

Lunaria almost never left home, probably due to her pregnancy.

Dragon God was often away and returned only every few days or so, but when he came back, he always took time with her.

She was cherished like a treasure.

That treasure drew many curious visitors.

Every day someone visited, talked, shared a meal, and went home.

But even more than the visitors, she spent even more of her time with me.

So much that Lunaria always seemed to by my side.

"You’re Dragon God’s adopted son, then you are my child as well. Please rest assured, this is your home too."

She decided to raise me according to the words of Dragon God.

However, she did nothing to me.

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All she did was visit my room, sit by my side and watch me serenely.

She was a demigod and born noble, so she did not have the concept of “education.”

It was mainly the servants who took care of me.

The servants followed Lunaria's words and treated me like a prince.

Fed me, washed me, and dressed me.

However, I don’t have any experience with dining, bathing, or dressing.

At mealtime, I don’t know how to use the utensils, and got yelled at.

At bathtime, I cried out when brushed with the dragon race’s stiff brushes.

When dressed, I kept moving violently and damaged the dresses.

Whenever that happens, the servants frowned and scolded me, as if training a dog.

However, Lunaria-sama was different.

"Hey, don’t be so hard on him. Even if he looks big, he's really a baby. Just teach him and let him slowly grow."

She told her servants to let me have only tableware that was easy to use, a soft brush that fits my skin without scales, and changed my clothes to a stretchy material.

As you can see from such consideration, Lunaria-sama welcomed me.

As Dragon God said, she treated me as her own child.

Even with her own child about to be born, she treated me who came out of the blue as her own.

Even now, my tears well up in gratitude from Lunaria-sama’s kindness and charity.

"Even for the stray that Dragon God picked up…”

"It's like a beast ..."

But the servants didn't.

They were not happy about my existence.

Because my hair was the most taboo of color, they dreaded that I hid a terrible power.

They feared sooner or later that I would show my true nature and attack Lunaria-sama.

However, the servants are also of the dragon race.

They could never go against the will of Dragon God and Lunaria-sama.

They obediently obeyed the order, even if unhappily.

They were all ready to shield and protect Lunaria-sama from me in an emergency.

Strongly resolved to serve Lunaria-sama and be vigilant around me.

Yet? It’s not like I did anything?

No, I did do various things.

Basically, only before Lunaria-sama.

Of course, I wasn't keeping an eye out for Lunaria-sama to attack her.

I was trying to protect her.

I have no knowledge, but I had wisdom.

I knew who healed my fatal wound and rescued me from that lonely place.

Now, here at the nest of my benefactor, surrounded by those of his flock, and I was made a member of the flock as well.

I swore to protect the woman who supports the boss from behind.

But it was the first time for me to be a member of a flock.

As a member of the flock, I did what I could.

Every day, I walked through every corner of the mansion and checked for any abnormalities.

I checked every room and looked out every window.

Repeatedly checking for intruders.

It was the wisdom that I gained from fighting demonic beasts and when I was the “monster in the shape of a man.”

If you patrol daily your territory for any abnormalities, you will naturally understand the danger.

Of course, visitors are different from intruders.

I knew that the boss of my flock was also the boss around here.

Respect for the strongest.

If you can do that, you are not an intruder.

That's how I protected the mansion and Lunaria-sama.

I never left the mansion.

I devoted myself to my job, making protecting the nest my mission.

So like a guard dog?

Don't say that.

Even if my flock did, I never thought that myself.

But in reality, I might have acted like a pet or something.

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Since it benefited Lunaria-sama, myself, and the servants too, I continued my work faithfully.

Occasionally, Dragon God would return to visit Lunaria and see me.

That became our everyday.

And a year passed in a blink of an eye.

One year.

It might seem like a long time, but for us living tens of thousands of years, it's like two or three days.

It wouldn't have been strange if this went on for hundreds of years.

But that didn't happen.

Whether feeling sorry for the loyal watchdog, or deciding that I can do better...

Ryujin decided to begin my education.

"So, you're the kid that the Dragon God picked up, And that’s the ominous hair just like I heard from the rumors!"

A very indiscreet person said.

One day of the blue, she suddenly arrived at the Dragon God mansion, rushed to my corner of the mansion, and began one-sidedly hurling words at me.

“Dragon God has ordered me to train you, so your education is now my responsibility. I will not discriminate because you are a mixed race with the demons. I’ll just treat you as a scaleless dragon."

The educator was a woman.

A Dragon Race with exceptionally large wings and beautiful white scales.

Without regard to my own confusion she continued her lectures.

Of course, I didn’t understand her either.

After all, I still didn’t understand the dragon language yet.

Lunaria-sama raised me, but didn't teach me anything.

Again, she was part of a royal family, so she probably didn't think she needed to do that.

The servants as well.

Teaching the language to those who don't speak wasn’t part of the job.


I groaned and threatened the woman.

She broke into the mansion and acted hostile towards me. I was still part of the flock, albeit at the bottom of the totem pole.

"Ha ha! That’s a good look! But I’ll absolutely make you obedient! Don’t resist!"

But she didn't attack.


I just need to shout.

If I yell out, the whole flock would be alert to the danger.

Whether they come to fight or run away, I could buy them time.

I thought that of my duty at the bottom of the pack.

"Come on, fight! I’ll give you a beating so you understand your place here!”


I didn't move against the woman’s provocation.

Because there was commotion in the mansion after I raised my voice.

A group of people are approaching.

Servants of Lunaria-sama.

The moment I was waiting for.

“Ah, you won’t attack? A sign of wisdom or timidity...?”

"What happened!?"

The first servants appeared.

I thought my allies had arrived and readied myself for battle.

I crouched down, ready to pounce.

If we all attack at once, our chances improve.

It is the wisdom of the demon world, but it is universal rule as well.

"Ah… Finally showing your true nature?!"

But the servants didn't act as I expected.

Rather than the woman, they surrounded me instead.

Baring claws and fangs against me, with their vulnerable backs toward the woman.

"Woo ...?"

I didn't understand why.

I was supposed to be part of the servants’ flock.

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They even gave me food.

Even though we have an intruder, they showed me hostility instead.

Well, they were wary of me from the beginning, certainly.

Anyway, I was shocked and remembered the loneliness I felt once more.

I felt sad that I’m alone even here.

"What are you doing?"

A quiet but penetrating voice echoed.

It's Lunaria-sama.

When she entered the room leisurely, she saw I was surrounded by claws and fangs and looked displeased.

To be honest, I thought she was the same as the servants.

"Lunaria-sama, it's dangerous. Please back down."

"What is dangerous?"

Lunaria-sama slipped through the servants, trotting to me.

There was no time for the servants to stop her.

No, the servants did try to stop, but Lunaria-sama passed between them without any regard.

I don't really know what kind of power she wielded, but...

I thought she was just Dragon God’s wife.

She hugged terrified me, and with an insulting gaze she said.

“Have you forgotten the word of Dragon God, who told you to care for this child?”

"……I'm sorry!"

The servants immediately crossed their arms before their chest and folded their wings.

I remember that time well.

After all, I've never been shielded by someone like this.

But I was looking for something else.

I was eager to help and be helped, to protect each other and live our lives.

So, even if I later learned of Lunaria-sama's origin, my anger and hatred did not turn to her.

I still respect and love her.

Well, let's leave that for now.

Lunaria-sama watched as the servants back down then turned toward the woman.

"What happened, Dragon General? What business do you have with my house?"

Even the Dragon Commander crossed her arm and folded her wings to salute Lunaria-sama.

"I was asked by Dragon God to educate Laplace!"

Lunaria-sama looked blankly in response for a moment.

But her attitude soon softened.

“Then my apologies about this commotion. Laplace, he doesn’t yet know our language.”

"That's fine. I'm used to training rampaging children. No problem."

When she said so, Lunaria-sama sighed in relief.

Then, after stroking my wing slightly, she stood up.

"Laplace. Learn well."

Lunaria-sama said, with a gentle step, left the room.

The servants also followed.

And only her and I remained in the room.

"Well, let’s continue, coward!"


She provoked me just as before.

Curling a finger toward me and flicked it.

Without sharing words, it’s the universal gesture for “come at me.”

As I heard later, when educating someone, she always tries to teach hierarchy first.

Say something from above, knock down until you submit.

Then they’ll listen to what you say.

Especially effective for beasts and children who do not understand things.

In fact, she's tamed Red Dragons that way.

It’s the reason she was chosen as my teacher.

She is the only one with the appetite to teach a feral child from the Demon World.

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By the way, it wasn't like I did as she intended.

I stared at her, never bared my teeth or claws.

Of course, neither growl nor shout.

I kept silent and listened.

“What now? Are you scared? Come at me!”

Not acting to her expectation, she grabbed my arm rather violently.

But I ignored her.

On the contrary, I just stood and looked at her without resistance.

As if waiting for my next instruction.

Yes, I knew from the last conversation that she wasn't an intruder.

And maybe she's pretty high up in the flock.

So loud and intimidating against her, of course the whole flock would be angry with me.

I was even regretful.

"Hmm, so you gave up already."

Normally, she would take a couple shots against the disrespectful attitude, but this time, she probably realized that it would be counterproductive.

She sighed and released her hand from my arm.

"Show respect and submit to me. I don't tell lies. Be true and trust me with all your heart. No whimpering or saying I can't. It's a waste of time. If you don’t give up, I will surely raise you into a fine dragon warrior. ''

She crossed her arms and flapped her wings. Looking down at me from above, declaring it in an arrogant manner.

Acting all high and mighty but that’s how she is.

She usually says things in a conceited bearing yet what she promises, she’ll surely carry it out.

She is a wonderful person.

"I would say, it's an honor to be able to learn from me, one of the five Dragon Generals. You may not know the honor, but you will eventually learn to be grateful!”

She remained quiet for a few seconds after that.

I didn't know at the time, but her original plan was to show up, discipline me for a bit, and call it a day.

Minimum discipline for her, of course, is to hurt you until you can’t move anymore.

Beasts don't understand until you beat them up a few times.

Until it realizes that resistance is meaningless, hurt it over and over, until it can feel the pain reflexively.

Since I submitted from the beginning, that won’t be necessary.

"I will come again tomorrow. Don't change your current attitude.”

Then she turned back and left.

But I still had something to tell her.

I moved towards her with her back turned.

Then she moved at a tremendous speed.

By the time my brain understood that "she moved," her fist was already at my temples.

Perhaps she thought I was a cunning animal that only showed obedient intentions to attacked when her back turned.

As you know, there are many beasts like that.

She turned around to block my attack and was about to punch my face in a counter.

But she stopped.


Because there was no attack.

I was just in a familiar pose for her.

A pose with folded arms and folded wings.

Yes, the salute of the Dragon Race.

"I, Laap... La-Laplace"

I only know that one word.

I didn't know the language, so I could only say that.

Oh, by the way, I didn't even understand anything she said.

"... Dora. Dragon General from the Armored Dragon tribe, Dora. Remember it."


She said her name.

For the first time, as if realizing she had yet to introduce herself.


So I remembered.

The first thing I learned from my educator was her name.

And the next day, my education by Dragon General Dora began.

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