Music Playlist

Chapter 9

The Ninth Song – 《A Song of Wonder》

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T/N: I’ll be adding a note before each chapter with the Chinese name of the songs if needed. I hope this helps anyone who wants to listen to these songs! The Chinese name of this song is 奇妙能力歌.

The start of my tenth year after coming to Yishi, I was sure I had met the most perceptive man I had ever seen in my life – and it only took me three days to come to this conclusion.

For work purposes, I had interacted with many people. Of course, there was no lack of the opposite sex amongst them. They weren’t all the same but could quickly be classified. In short, there were two kinds of men: high status men who gave off an intense “daddy” vibe and youngsters who behaved like younger brothers.
Their age and social class could be clearly gleaned. They were keen to show off, keen to “specialify” themselves, keen to collect the adoration and love of women like medals. Moreover, they were, without exception, filled to the brim with confidence.

Lu Chengze was also a confident person, but the feeling he gave me was different. He was very delicate in his handling of the relationships between a man and woman. He didn’t try to mold himself into the main character, but he was very competent at creating an atmosphere which said, “you are the flower supported by the branches and leaves.”

Therefore, getting along with him was a very comfortable thing, comfortable enough to make one feel like they were floating, but it was also perilous and easy to fall heavily.

So after I got home, I did a very unclassy thing. I didn’t take the initiative to chat with Lu Chengze, instead, I searched his Moments and browsed every single one of his statuses.
Especially the gathering from last year, from when my colleague was working in-house at Li Fu, I looked through those parts very carefully.

I even checked the Moments of the two female colleagues who were part of the Lifu x Yichuang Lunar New Year project team.

I couldn’t help thinking, If I see Lu Chengze in the comments or likes, I will immediately calm down and feel a little downhearted.

The following parts of the text will be scrambled to prevent theft from aggregators and unauthorized epub making. Please support our translators by reading on secondlifetranslations (dot) com

Mbl qkdyz alpwzv nyxl swv czydj. Mblal oyp ds shlazyr kd swa psnkyz nkanzlp.

R calyvble y pktb sq alzklq, alyzkgkdt R oyp cltkddkdt vs zspl xu xkde.

Gqvla R nyxl swv qasx xu pbsola, Nw Ubldtgl pldv xl y xlppytl, ypjkdt kq R bye tsdl vs cle ulv.
R vsze bkx: R’x ycswv vs blye sqq vs cle.

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Tl oyp pzktbvzu pwarakple: Fs lyazu?
R pyke: R’x pzllru.

Mbl nbyv oyp iwklv qsa y qlo xsxldvp clqsal bl alrzkle: Gzz aktbv, tssedktbv, Ck Ykys.
R pyke: Qssedktbv.

Gv vbkp plnsde, R nswzed’v fwetl oblvbla xu zynj sq ldvbwpkypx oyp kdvldvksdyz sa dsv, cwv vs pwx kv wr, R qlzz kdvs zso prkakvp yqvla pwnb y clywvkqwz yde przldeke qwd-qkzzle eyu yv vbl okzezkql ryaj.
El bye y zsv sq lmrlakldnlp ol nswze pbyal, kv oyp y tsse srrsavwdkvu vs tlv nzspla cwv R fwpv zlv kv pzkr yoyu.

R pldv xu qaklde y hsknl xlppytl yde vsze bla R bye xlv Nw Ubldtgl yde bso R qlzv ycswv bkx.
Fbl alprsdele okvb ldhu yde vsze xl vs bwaau yde kdprlnv vbl tssep1.

R pktble, blpkvyvkdt.
Yu qaklde vsze xl: “Kwpv ldfsu vbl ralpldv. Psd’v vlzz xl, usw’al rzyddkdt vs plvvzl esod okvb bkx?”

“That’s not it.” I was quivering from head to toe, trying to sort out my thoughts: “It’s just too easy for me to lose sight of reality. That sense of uniqueness and exclusivity he gives, that you are the focus of his attention, is very enchanting. So I am a little uncertain and worried that if I continue on like this, I will be controlled by this feeling. One should be cautious about things they are unsure about. And after all, there’s nothing wrong with keeping a level-head, is there?”

Due to all of the aforementioned issues, I gave Lu Chengze the cold shoulder after returning home, making myself seem contrived and scheming.

Ending the voice message, I went back into Lu Chengze’s WeChat page to check if anything new had been posted in his Moments.

I was surprised when I saw his new profile picture while scrolling through his feed. It was of a panda; it’s back looked like a round ball and it was hanging itself on a branch while facing the southeast.2

When did he change it? Why did he choose one that was so pathetic?

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While these questions ran through my mind, I could feel the sweet emotions rippling across my face.

I went back to the chatting interface, thought for a moment, then patted him.3

Lu Chengze had not changed his nickname for patting so a pat was simply patting him: I patted “Lu”.

Him: ?
Him: You haven’t gone to bed.

I pretended: I was just about to sleep when I noticed you had changed your profile picture.

He asked: Is it cute?
I replied: It is pretty cute.
He said: It’s obviously very cute.

He was right, it was very cute. It had succeeded in earning my favor.
But he was also digging a pit for himself, didn’t he know that?

Very meanly, I gave the little panda a hard time: How long do you plan to use this new adorable profile picture?

This question – it was a little harsh, intentionally for the purposes of catching the recipient off guard. Anyone who saw it would also feel pressured, so I thought long and hard over what should be the proper response.

However, within a few seconds, Lu Chengze handed in his answer before it was expected to be due. His answer far exceeded my expectations: Until the ears can’t move anymore.
I recalled the morning and giggled. The straight girl pointed out: It’s a static picture and it couldn’t move in the first place.
Lu Cheng said: Won’t it move if you pat it some more?

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Staring at this jargon, I wanted to, but couldn’t laugh, and remained silent for a long time. In the end, I realized I couldn’t defeat Lu Chengze. In his hands, language was no longer a skill, but magic.

I came to a compromise with my feelings and was honest with myself: Little panda, I seem to like you a little bit.

Acting casual was my last act of stubborness.

The chat settled back into silence.

For a long while, all I could see was Lu Chengze typing, stopping, and starting again. A little later, he sent a clause: Let’s not chat before bed next time, I don’t want to not be able to sleep for two days in a row.
He was probably smiling because of the unexpected nickname I gave him: You’re still calling me Little Panda.

I turned the question back to him: Can’t I call you that? Little Panda.

He said: You can.
He then took this opportunity to make a request to me: Change the Remark now.

I bit my lips and stressed: It’s only a little, don’t let it get to your head.

It was not a little, nor was it only a little. At the very least, it was not in this moment. My heart was about to race out of my chest from having confessed to liking him a little.

Lu Chengze replied: The effect of a little bit is also a big thing.
I said: Don’t over exaggerate.
He said: It’s not an over exaggeration, there’s proof.
I asked him: What?

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The song, 《A Song of Wonder》, was shared by Lu Chengze. Again, he used our exclusive method of communicating with music to reply to me.


It was Chen Li’s4 voice, light and ethereal.

This night of tumultuous emotional ups and downs eventually came to an end on a heavy note.

I declared my surrender and threw a [bomb] emote over to Lu Chengze. Capricious/fickle, did not give face, unrepentant – he slyly did as he pleased without regard.
But Lu Chengze sent [fireworks] to me.

As I watched the special effects of colorful fireworks exploding in the chat interface, I began to believe perhaps my name truly was just that little bit magical. Qi Miao really did meet a wonderful guy. Wasn’t that right?5


[1] The “goods” are referring to Lu Chengze.

[2] The meaning of hanging oneself on a branch while facing the southeast direction means to hang yourself in the name of love…. This is pretty depressing.

[3] WeChat has a “tickle” function which works by having the user tap on the other person’s profile picture. The English version of the app says “tickle” but the translation for the Chinese version of the app is “pat,” which is what I shall be using as it sounds better to me and makes more sense. Users are able to change the nickname which will appear after being patted. You can see this below:


[4] Chen Li is the singer of 《A Song of Wonder》.

[5] The pun here comes from the other possible meaning of qí miào. As there are words in Chinese which sound the same but mean different things and are written differently depending on context, another meaning is wonderful!

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