Annette arrived at the beach in Glenford. It was already evening time.

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Families and lovers were walking along the shore. A child’s laughter resounded and was carried by the wind.


Annette lifted her veil and gazed blankly at the scene before her. The ocean colored by the sunset was unbelievably beautiful.


Waves surging from the straight horizon rippled up and down. If you put your hand in the sea water and removed it, it seemed to be filled with red water.


Bubbles rose like a bouquet of flowers on the shoreline where the waves ended. Lovers who took off their shoes played with their feet in the water.


Annette lowered her veil again. Then she slowly walked away, her skirt fluttering in the wind. The wind was a little chilly.


On one corner of the beach, a man was displaying paintings. Judging from the large canvas placed in front of him, it looked like the man had painted them himself.


Intrigued by the work, Annette approached and asked.


“Are these paintings for sale?”


 “Of course. I paint and sale them.”


Annette read the price tag below. The price was not that high.


 “I was going clean up since it’s getting dark. So I’ll paint one for free. Please sit down.”


“Ah ……”


Annette did not answer readily. Her heart was grateful and she was interested, but she had to take off her hat to do so.


After reading Annette’s hesitation, the man joked.


“Why, you’re not confident to show your face? Then I can draw with your hat on.”


“Uh, no, sir.”


Sitting in her chair hesitantly, Annette swallowed and then took off her hat. She sneaked a look at the man’s face, but he didn’t react in any particular way.


‘Either he doesn’t care or he is pretending not to…’


Either way, it was a blessing. She straightened her hat, feeling a little more at ease.


“How long will it take?”


“It’ll be quick. It’s free, but what do you want?”

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“Don’t draw me too strangely.”


“Ha, at this rate, I might do just that. You’re too stiff. Try smiling a little.”


Annette smiled awkwardly. The man clicked his tongue and shook his head.


“Too awkward, you have a pretty face, but you’re no actor. Try raising your lips more.”


“Isn’t it too much?”


“Not much. You’re like this.”


The man mimicked Annette’s expression. The strangely folded eyes and the quivering corners of the lips were indeed bizarre.


Annette couldn’t help but laugh at the funny look on his face.


“Was I doing that?”


“Your face is much better now.”


The man pointing at her with his finger quickly moved his pen. Annette smiled, a little embarrassed.


After finishing a simple coloring with oil pastels, the man showed her the drawing. Annette let out a small exclamation.


“It’s much prettier than I am.”


 “Of course it is. I draw prettier than the real thing.”


The dancing blonde hair, the narrowed blue eyes, the brightly smiling face and the sea of red behind it. It wasn’t a live-action version, but there was quite a bit of resemblance compared to the real thing.


“Are you going to buy it? Of course you don’t have to buy it, and if you do, I’ll subtract the fee.”


“Well—I really like the painting, but I’m a little embarrassed to see my face on it, so I’d rather buy……another painting.”


Annette pointed to the painting of the ocean with the shimmering surface, which she had been eyeing earlier. In fact, it was because of this piece that she had asked the man if his paintings were for sale.


The man was happy to give her three pounds off. Annette accepted the paper bag containing the artwork and thanked him. Before she knew it, the sun had set and evening dusk descended.



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Heiner stared at her, transfixed. It was as if he could smell the sweetness from the sea breeze that was rushing in.


Despite the distance between them, her smile was captured on his retina as clearly as a fingerprint.


Heiner’s drooping hands were shaking. His stomach churned to the point of nausea.


 “Your Excellency, the madam has disappeared.”


As soon as the report reached Heiner, all capital checkpoints and train stations were informed of the communication regarding Annette’s appearance. This was a guideline that Heiner had set in advance.


If she stayed within the capital, she could be caught at any time, but if she slipped out into other areas, things would become more complicated. The next report came from the train station.


Since the station staff did not have the authority to detain Annette, they held Annette back to take a late train. Immediately, Heiner drove to the station. Then he saw a woman sitting on a bench.


She looked somehow terribly unfamiliar. Annette looked so forlorn as she stared at the people behind her veil. It was as if the woman alone was placed there in the midst of all the noise in the world.


He thought perhaps the moment he caught her in his grasp, her thin body would disappear without a trace. He knew it was a crazy delusion, a bizarre feeling of unease, and yet he felt it.


 It was for this reason that he changed his plan to take her back to the residence and decided to follow her instead.



Annette did not look like someone who was trying to escape. She had only one handbag and her destination was a place famous for travel and relaxation.


‘Is she going to see Ansgar Stetter?’


Just thinking about it set his head ablaze. Heiner barely calmed his raging emotions and followed her onto the train.


Annette boarded in third class, which didn’t suit her, perhaps because it was the first time she had ever purchased a ticket. Heiner paid the extra money and switched seats with someone in her back seat.


Annette was completely oblivious to his presence. It was only natural. She was a civilian and he was a secret agent experienced in tailgating.


The train was small and damp. It was strange that such a classy woman should be sitting here. Heiner sat down uncomfortably.


For some reason, Annette chatted with the old woman across from her. Heiner wondered if her voice had always been that clear.


He listened to the small sounds of conversation through the gap between the seat and the window.


“Why don’t you and your husband get along?”


“Just ………. my husband and all of his people don’t like me. I don’t want to live with my husband any longer either.”

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“You don’t have any affection for living together?”


“Maybe that person would be fine even if I died.”


It was not wrong.


He did not know, however, why he wanted to argue that she was wrong. Perhaps it was because Annette’s voice sounded lonely when she said so.


“But you can’t be loved by everyone. That’s not possible. You just have to live with those who love you.”


The old man’s words were just ridiculous in this situation. Heiner thought as he slowly tapped his finger on the window frame.


There was no one left for that woman.


Except him.


He was the last.


They would suffer, but they would still be together.


Even if it was not love.


The thought always ended with them holding each other tightly.


Annette got off at the Glenford station and got into a carriage. Heiner followed her. Her destination was the beach.


Annette looked at the sea for a while and slowly started to walk. Her white legs, stretched under the hem of her skirt, which was rolled up to her knees, were dazzling.


After walking along the shore for some time, Annette stood in front of a stall selling paintings and talked to a man. Hesitating for a moment, she then sat down on a chair and took off her hat. Then she laughed.


Like now.


Seeing her face smiling brightly from afar, Heiner felt an inexplicable shock.


When was the last time he had seen that woman laugh so innocently? The only time that came to his mind was all distant memories. He gritted his teeth quietly.


‘Let’s go back.’


Heiner thought.


There was no reason to wait for Annette. Let’s take her back to the official residence now. It was wrong that he wasted his time and followed her here in the first place………. His hands trembled slightly.



Somehow, his feet did not move. Heiner stared at Annette blankly.


He should just go, grab her wrist, force her to her feet, and lock her up when they returned to Lancaster.

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But he could not do so.


He should ask her if she was thinking of running away, what was the reason she had come here after evading her attendants, was she trying to meet Stetter? 


But he could not do so.


He did not want to see that woman happy. He could not allow her even a moment’s freedom. He had to warn her that if she did this again, she would not be allowed to leave the residence. 


But he could not do so.


At that moment, he saw the laughter vanish from Annette’s face like a mirage. Even though her laughter was one of the things he hated and found most offensive.


Nevertheless, he could not anything.




The waves surged, like his heart was rising with emotions.




Annette carefully removed her shoes and ankle stockings. It was the first time she had ever taken off her shoes outside, since the Padania nobles were originally ashamed to show their bare feet.


She put her luggage in one place and went to pick up useless things on the beach.


Broken conch shells, empty shells, blunt glass shards, fragments of unknown origin.


Annette put them in the pocket of her cardigan. One pocket quickly became heavier than the other.


The waves rose to her ankles and then washed away again. She straightened her body and looked out at the ocean in the distance. The sun was setting and the horizon was dark.


Something that looked like this piece of glass or a shard of china might have come from a foreign country across the sea. Riding the waves and being pushed by the current to an unknown distant place.


To an unknown distant place…


Annette took an involuntary step toward the sea. The cold sea water splashed on her legs.


She stood there for a moment, then took another step. Another step. The hem of her wet skirt wrapped around her legs.


Before she knew it, the water was up to her calves. Annette’s gaze remained on the horizon. And just as she was about to take another step toward the water, a large hand grabbed her arm. She was quickly dragged backward and hit something solid.


Burying in the broad chest and strong arms, Annette raised her head. A familiar scent wafted past her nose. A deep cavernous voice descended.


“Where are you going…..?”

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