Qin Sangyu heard her words, the body briefly stiff for a moment, but it was only a moment, then the spirit of the same self-confidence staring at this person.

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"I have known him for a short time, but I know that understanding a person depends on his own heart, not on what others say. Lu Liangcheng did lack love in the past. Since he has chosen me, he believes that I will give him enough love. As long as we have no disagreement, we will be together in the end."

As she said, she saw a sarcastic smile on Su Jiaoyang's face. "Miss Qin, do you know that grandfather Lu doesn't like you, and grandma Lu listens to grandfather Lu very much. In this way, the two old people of the Lu family don't like you. Although Liangcheng is a little cold, it is very good for them. After all, it was two old people who supported him at the beginning Superior, if one day because of you, grandfather Lu really has something wrong, Liangcheng will never forgive himself for his whole life, do you have the heart to watch him live in pain? "

Su Jiaoyang's eyes with a bit of forced gaze, hard at Qin Sangyu, as if to stare her out of a hole.

Qin Sangyu's face became gloomy. Thinking of the last time grandfather Lu was hospitalized, all the people of the Lu family were scared out of their wits. Fortunately, the old man just pretended. There was no big problem in the end. But if one day, what happened to him? Will Lu Liangcheng stand firmly on her side?

Her heart also began to sway, all self-confidence if the needle pierced ball, shrunk down.

A smile flashed on Su Jiaoyang's face, and her fingertips gently clasped on the table. She took the opportunity to continue to open her mouth. "Liangcheng now cares about you, but I just think you are different from other women. Other women hold him and sharpen their heads all want to get close to him. But you are different. You are very atmospheric in front of Liangcheng. But have you ever thought about it Love Liangcheng, will it still be so grand? At that time, you were the same as those women who ate wild vinegar. In Liangcheng's eyes, you didn't have any special place....

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Su Jiaoyang's words hit Qin Sangyu's heart like a dull hammer, which made her convulsed. I have to say that Su Jiaoyang's words are reasonable. Lu Liangcheng cares about her because of her special, If one day she became particularly sensitive and wanted to tie this man to his side, would he still think she was special?

Qin Sangyu's face began to pale, only felt that the ground under her feet seemed to have become a deep abyss, and she was sinking a little bit.

Su Jiaoyang didn't expect Qin Sangyu to be so vulnerable, and the expression on her face was even more ironic. This woman was not qualified to be her opponent.

"Miss Qin, you can think about it. Liangcheng is still young. He has many choices. You are just a passer-by on his long road of life. After a few years, he will leave you."


Qin Sangyu suddenly raised his head, looked at Su Jiaoyang firmly, and slowly clenched his hands into fists. "I believe that Lu Liangcheng is not a man of fickleness. He does not like me, but he loves me indifferently. But his love is very hot. I am the only woman she has loved for so many years. Even if he really abandons me in the future, I will It's enough to leave an indelible mark on his heart. "

She bowed her head and said, with a happy smile, thinking of Lu Liangcheng's doting on her, all of which can be truly realized. She can't deny all the good of that person just because of Su Jiaoyang's words.

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Su Jiaoyang's face was stiff, and a trace of malice flashed in her eyes. She thought Qin Sangyu would give up after this conversation. Unexpectedly, the other side was more frustrated and braver. She bit her teeth. "There are so many famous ladies in G City, are you so confident that you can defeat all the people?"

Qin Sangyu's eyes flashed, his face was stunned, and he suddenly raised his head again. There was no doubt in his eyes, "as long as Lu Liangcheng still loves me, I will always be the winner."


Su Jiaoyang didn't hold on to herself. She got up directly and looked at her with hatred. After realizing her gaffe, she quickly sat down and took the bag on the side. She took out a few bills and put them on the table, "check out! Qin Sangyu, let's see! "

Her voice has a bit of gnashing teeth, because Qin Sangyu's words also poked her painful feet. Indeed, Lu Liangcheng loves this person is an indisputable fact. As long as he loves Qin Sangyu for a day, Qin Sangyu is really the winner.

She stepped on seven centimeter high-heeled shoes to leave. Her back was full of anger. It seemed that the heel of her shoes was going to step on some holes in the floor.

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After her figure completely left, Qin Sangyu just sat on the chair. She was almost convinced by Su Jiaoyang's words just now. Her eyes were dark. That woman was really strong. Most importantly, there was su family behind her, and she had nothing but Lu Liangcheng's pet.

Qin Sangyu sighed, quietly staring at the sweets in front of him, waiting for the things in his chest to calm down.

Half an hour later, she got up and left from here and went directly back to the villa. Lu Liangcheng was not there. According to Aunt Mo, he was still in a meeting in the company. She went out of the house in a spirit and drove the car towards Tiancheng.When she got to the top floor, she slipped into his office and sat down on the leather chair.

Just after the first battle with Su Jiaoyang, she is a little tired now. When reading the documents of landing in Liangcheng, she lies down on it and falls asleep.

Lu Liangcheng pushed the door in and saw Qin Sangyu lying on his desk. The suspicious liquid was dripping on his contract worth tens of millions of yuan, and the corner of his mouth gave him a severe puff.

"Qinsangyu." He took two steps closer, bent over her ear and called softly, with some teasing in his eyes.

Qin Sangyu just murmured two words on his mouth, turned his head and continued to sleep.

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Lu Liangcheng couldn't help it. He picked her up and put her in the next lounge. He bent over her face and kissed her. He rubbed her affectionately.

Qin Sangyu felt some itching on her face, pushed and jostled for two times, then turned over and went to sleep.

Looking at her, Lu Liangcheng took off her coat. When she saw the underwear that bound her, her eyebrows suddenly picked. It was said that women would take off this when they were sleeping.

He bent over and unfastened the button for her. After a while, he saw that her chest was released and her eyebrows softened. He looked at her quietly for a while, then went to his seat.

There were a few drops of crystal clear things on the cover of the document on the table. He took a puff from the corner of his mouth, wiped it with the drawing paper on one side, and continued to read it calmly.

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