"Qin Sangyu!"

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Su Jiaoyang waved everything in front of her to the ground. Her heart was numb with hatred. Her chest was blocked with a mass of things. She felt that she was about to explode.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she found that her whole face had been twisted, completely lost her usual nobility, and her eyes were full of scarlet hatred. If Qin Sangyu did not get rid of her, she would not be comfortable all day!

Su Jiaoyang bit her teeth and almost broke her teeth. After changing clothes in the dressing room, she went out with a bag worth more than 100000 yuan. After getting on the bus, she said to the bodyguard next to him, "what's the name of the woman who was expelled from Qin Sangyu last time? You can contact her and see if she is willing to deal with Qin Sangyu

The bodyguard nodded. It was not the first time that they helped the secretary. They knew that the so-called celebrity was not as generous and easy to get along with, so they got out of the car and went to contact.

Snack street.

Qin Sangyu's good things have come up. It's really Kanto cooking. She smelled the fragrance from a long distance. She didn't resist it and pulled Luliang City over.

Lu Liangcheng didn't know what it was. He had never eaten it. However, seeing Qin Sangyu's excited face glowing, he didn't care about anything. In a good mood, he forked a meat ball with his fork. After biting, his brow slightly frowned. This was too hot. He could accept the ordinary spicy degree. But after eating this one bite, his forehead began to sweat.

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"How about it? Does it taste good? How delicious is it? "

Qin Sangyu looks at him excitedly, she also feels very spicy, but Kanto cooks this thing, the more spicy, the more delicious.

"Not bad."

Lu Liangcheng didn't want to spoil her fun, so she could only hold on and finish the remaining half of the ball on the fork.

Qin Sangyu was relieved to see that he liked it so much. He gave him several of his bowls. "Eat more. I know you must have never eaten this. Sometimes the most delicious thing is the roadside stall."

Lu Liangcheng took a puff from the corner of his mouth. He saw some more things in his bowl and continued to sweat on his forehead. He felt vaguely that his stomach was a little uncomfortable. However, seeing Qin Sangyu's smiling face and innocent eyes, he could not refuse at all, and silently lowered his head to finish the rest.

Half an hour later, Qin Sangyu was full. When he got up, he did not forget to take some dolls on the side. Seeing that Lu Liangcheng's pestle was not moving on the stool, he looked at each other suspiciously, "it's settled. Go."

Lu Liangcheng's body was already sweating, and there was a sharp pain in his stomach. Because of Kanto cooking, his stomach disease seemed to have started.

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However, the expression on his face was well managed. Qin Sangyu didn't find anything wrong with him at all. He pulled him and left here.

"Qin Sangyu, call Mo Yu and let him pick us up."

Lu Liangcheng's voice said calmly. If you listen carefully, you will find that his strength is weaker than usual. But Qin Sangyu is still immersed in happiness. Where can we see the abnormality of Luliang City.

"Shall we not walk back?"

She looked at the landing Liangcheng doubtfully, saw the other party doting on a smile, pulled her to sit down on the side of the chair, "I eat too much, now the action is not convenient, just want to be quiet for a while, you call Mo Yu, let him drive the car."

Qin Sangyu nodded and found Lu Liangcheng's face a little sleepy. He thought he was a little tired. He quickly took out his mobile phone and called Mo Yu.

When Mo Yu heard that it was Lu Liangcheng who asked him to drive the car over, he felt a little strange. According to the boss's temperament, he must hope to come back for a walk with Miss Qin. How could he ask him to drive the car in the middle of the way.

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With doubts, he got back into the car and drove towards the location of Qin Sangyu's hair. Lu Liangcheng could not hold his tension any longer. His stomach pain became more and more severe. His eyes were also blurred. However, he knew that he could not faint at this time. He could only bite the tip of his tongue to make himself sober for a short time.

Within ten minutes, Mo Yu drove the car over. Qin Sangyu's eyes brightened. As soon as he wanted to walk over, he felt his shoulder sink. He turned around and saw Lu Liangcheng's handsome face, "you help me to pass. I want to be next to you."

Qin Sangyu's face turned red instantly. He thought that Lu Liangcheng was looking for a chance to be coquettish. He quickly and carefully held him up and walked towards the car.

When Mo Yu saw Lu Liangcheng, he knew that he was wrong. He was scared. He wanted to send people to the hospital, but his steps were stopped by his cold eyes.

"Come on, go home."

Lu Liangcheng voice light said, Mo Yu's heart is secretly anxious, just saw two people are from the snack street, the boss did not eat what should not eat, so stomach disease.

He directly increased the throttle of the car to the maximum. After stopping at the door of the villa, he looked at Qin Sangyu apologetically. "Miss Qin, just now the top management sent a message that there was an urgent meeting to be held. My boss and I had to rush there immediately, so we didn't get off the bus."Qin Sangyu saw the seriousness of Mo Yu's face, and knew that things must be very important. He also restrained his laughter on his face. "Then you should hurry up and don't delay."

Mo Yu nodded hard and hit the steering wheel hard. The car ran directly to the outside, such as a streamer into the dark, and soon disappeared.

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Seeing that the car was moving so fast, Qin Sangyu thought that something had happened. He couldn't help but worry. He hated that he couldn't help at this time.

She sighed and walked towards the room. Seeing that Aunt Mo was waiting at the door, she said, "aunt Mo, you haven't slept yet."

Is aunt Mo's face all kind? She craned her neck and looked at her back. She didn't find the shadow of Lu Liangcheng. She frowned, "Miss Qin, why didn't Mr. Lu come back with you?"

"Mo Yu said that suddenly there was an emergency meeting to be held, and he took Lu Liangcheng with him."

Mo's face is even more puzzled, just ink assistant is not going to sleep, now what's the matter, but she also know that the two men are very busy, so there is no more entanglement, "I have prepared the supper, Miss Qin, do you want to eat some?"

Qin Sangyu just ate in the snack street very much. At this time, he didn't want to eat anything. He waved his hand and had a happy smile on his face.

"Just now Lu Liangcheng and I were full at the snack street. We are not hungry at this time. Don't be busy and go to bed early." She said, holding a few dolls in her hand and going upstairs.

Mo Yi's face is a quick flash of panic, incredible looking at her, "you said Mr. Lu ate snacks in the street?"

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