Mo Yu saw her appearance and thought about it. She could not let Miss Qin carry the pot. After all, it was the boss who did not want to spoil Miss Qin's pleasure and decided to eat those things.

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"Miss Qin, don't be sad. The boss didn't let me tell you. You had a good time last night. He didn't want to spoil your fun, so he ate those things. He wanted you to be happy all the time."

When Mo Yu said this, she was moved and her eyes were slightly red.

Hearing what he said, Qin Sangyu felt that her heart was torn by something. She felt very sad. She held the hand of landing in Liangcheng, and her tears were big and big.

Lu Tian can't put in a word at all, because he can see that Qin Sangyu is really concerned about his grandson, and his lips are pursed. He knows that Qin Sangyu's heart is not bad. Maybe things are just like Mo Yu said.

His fist is tight. If it is really like that, it can only show that his grandson cares too much about Qin Sangyu and can't bear to suffer a little injustice from her. If it goes on like this, will they divorce two years later? Lu Tian thinks a lot about it. Can he say that two years is just a delaying tactic. His grandson may have never thought of sending Qin Sangyu away from the beginning to the end!

Thinking of this, Lu Tian's face is covered with a layer of haze and his teeth are clenched. He absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen again. A pair of hazed eyes look at Qin Sangyu, and his voice coolly says, "Qin Sangyu, this time's things are caused by you. If you continue to stay by the side of the small city, such things will surely happen in the future, and cultivate this grandson I have spent a lot of hard work. I will never let him be destroyed in your hands. You will go abroad by landing home's private plane immediately, and you will never come back again in your life! "

Everyone can see that the old man is really angry this time.

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Qin Sangyu's face turned white. How could she leave at this time, begging eyes looked at the old man, "grandfather Lu... I... I promise you, but can you wait until Lu Liangcheng wakes up and I will leave again. I promise, I just look at him quietly, please. I'm really worried about him."

She said with scarlet eyes, and her eyes filled with tears. Although she had been embarrassed in the past, she never asked for help. But today, for the sake of Luliang City, she is willing to give up all her dignity.

Lu Tian's mouth pulled, he will not give this person any more opportunities, "the small city side does not need you such a person, I said a long time ago, I will not let you stay by his side."

"He needs me!"

Qin Sangyu hoarse roar way, can't believe looking at the old man, tears big big big hit down.

"You're wrong. The town doesn't need an oil bottle. What he wants is a woman who can stand by his side. You are too weak and will hinder him everywhere. Qin Sangyu, you go."

Lu Tian slowly closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. He didn't want to see Qin Sangyu's expression. His heart was full of flesh. He was afraid that he would be moved by her expression. He could only turn his head cruelly and let him not see her.

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Two bodyguards came in from outside and stood in front of Qin Sangyu, "Miss Qin, please."

Qin Sangyu's teeth were clenched, and the smell of blood spread wantonly in his mouth. His feet were like lead, so he couldn't move.

"Grandfather Lu, wait a little longer..."

her voice was hoarse and begging, and her eyes looked at Lu Liangcheng, who was still in a coma. Her face was sour and happy. This man was really a fool. In order not to spoil her happiness, she walked around the ghost gate and planned to hide from her. Is it worth it?

Qin Sangyu's heart suddenly raised a huge grief, if today's old man did not ask her to come, she would be silly to think that this person is in a foreign conference.

"Go! You don't welcome Lu

Lu Tian tries his best to make his words unfeeling. Shen Bizhi next to him wants to say something, but is stopped by a look in his eyes. They meet each other's eyes and instantly understand each other's meaning.

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Shen Bizhi sighed and didn't speak. She sat down beside her, but Lu Xiao couldn't sit still, especially when she saw Qin Sangyu's heartbroken expression. She couldn't help opening her mouth. "Grandfather, I'd better wait until Lu Liangcheng wakes up. You know he cares about Qin Sangyu. What if he wakes up and gets angry at us ?”

Lu Tian is a cold hum, looking at Qin Sangyu's eyes full of disdain, "in the heart of the small town, after all, it's still our family members who are important. Women can still be found again. Sitting in this position, he should know that feelings are illusory. He is still young and should not be bound."

Qin Sangyu was stunned by his words. She understood why the old man wanted her to leave Luliang City. Her existence bound the wings of Luliang City.

Her fists clenched and her head slowly bowed, as if to give up the struggle. "OK, I'll go." She said in a hard voice.

These three simple words exhausted all her strength. She turned to look at Lu Liangcheng, as if she wanted to completely engrave the man's face in her heart. She slowly pulled out a smile from the corners of her mouth. When all the people in the landing house were in the face, she lowered her head and touched Lu Liangcheng's lips.Lu Liangcheng seemed to feel something in his heart. His eyelashes trembled slightly, but he didn't wake up after all.

The two bodyguards were waiting beside Qin Sangyu, with cold expressions on their faces. Qin slowly straightened up and clenched the bag. His eyes closed painfully, "let's go." She followed behind the two bodyguards. Every step she took, she felt like stepping on the tip of a knife. It was very uncomfortable.

Soon she arrived in front of the private plane that was parked outside. She turned around and looked at the hospital. Her tears fell down again, sobbing and unable to say a complete sentence.

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The two bodyguards didn't urge her to get on the plane, so they didn't open their heads one after another.

In the ward, after Qin Sangyu left, Su Jiaoyang's face was ecstatic and her eyes were bright. Unexpectedly, she drove Qin Sangyu away.

"It's up to you to take care of the town these days."

Lu Tian looks at her and says slowly. He doesn't have any strength. He knows his grandson's temper. He will get angry when he wakes up.

"Grandfather Lu, don't worry, I will take good care of Liangcheng, and I won't let anything happen to him!"

Her voice was full of excitement and excitement. She wanted to clap her chest to promise, and the corners of her mouth were also wantonly hooked up. As soon as Qin Sangyu left, the position of Lu's little grandmother would surely fall on her hand.

Lu Tian gets up and plans to leave from here. However, he suddenly turns around and looks Su Jiaoyang in the eyes. "Coy Yang girl, you can think about it. Do you want to marry the man of the small town or the successor of the Lu family?"

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