"Mo Yu, I will be the little grandmother of the Lu family sooner or later. There is nothing wrong with this. As you can see, Qin Sangyu has been sent abroad, and grandfather Lu likes me so much. This position belongs to me only!"

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Mo Yu's face was a little ironic. Before he thought that Miss Qin could not compare with this person, but now he felt that, compared with Miss Qin, this person was a world-wide difference. He turned his face and spoke faintly, "the boss will not like a woman who licks up her face. Miss Su, you are a lady in a big family. I hope you can understand the basic etiquette, righteousness, integrity and shame."

Su Jiaoyang was speechless by the ink rain gas, took a side of the bag, hate left the room.

She turned and looked at the door of the sick room and clenched her fists. When she was the youngest grandmother of the Shanglu family, the first thing she had to deal with was ink rain. She clenched her teeth and left the place directly.

Mo Yu put down his porridge and thought it was dangerous. If he slowed down a little more, the boss would be kissed by the woman, sighed and sat down on the side.

Miss Qin has also been sent away, or the old man's person personally sent away, he did not dare to chase, only wait for the boss to wake up.


he sighed again. He was so impatient that he heard a voice coming from his ear, "Why are you sighing?"

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Mo Yu's body is a meal, and his face turns and is a great surprise. He turns his head and looks at the hospital bed and finds that Lu Liangcheng has already woken up, "boss! Boss, you wake up! How wonderful! Go and chase Miss Qin back! "

Mo Yu was very anxious because he didn't know where Miss Qin had been sent. In addition, he didn't dare to act rashly because he didn't know where Miss Qin had been sent. When he saw the man awake, he was relieved and said impatiently.

Lu Liangcheng's face was still a little pale. His stomach ache last night had made him very upset. With the rescue of the whole night, he no longer had any strength left. However, as soon as he heard the story of Qin Sangyu, no matter how tired he was, he asked darkly in his eyes, "what's wrong with Qin Sangyu?"

Mo Yu was annoyed. He should wait for the man to have a good rest for a day. He pulled at the corners of his mouth. At this time, he had to say, "the old man is very angry when he knows that you and Miss Qin go to the roadside stall. He has already sent miss Qin away and said that she will never come back again. Boss, I think the old man is really angry this time. You can't have him again There was a fight. He just left. Miss Lu said that the old man took several pills. "

Mo Yu's voice is both subdued and helpless. It can't be said that the old man did something wrong. After all, seeing his grandson lying half dead on the hospital bed, he could not bear it. He didn't skin Miss Qin on the spot.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Lu Liangcheng coughed vigorously. He thought that this matter could be concealed from all the people. Unexpectedly, the old man knew it so quickly. He frowned and pulled out the needle on the back of his hand, and he would go to find Qin Sangyu.

"Boss, why don't you take a rest? People have been gone for an hour. It's a private plane that the old man sent away by himself. I don't know where to send people."

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Lu Liangcheng was just struggling to get out of bed when he heard this sentence. His face was stiff. He took the mobile phone on one side and planned to call the old man. However, as soon as the phone was dialed, the other party hung up. He knew that the old man was really angry. His face was more gloomy, and his thick eyebrows frowned. He opened the door of the ward directly.

"Find Qin Sangyu."

He said this in a hoarse voice, his whole body was soft and supported on the side of the wall. He was weak, and the pain in his stomach was still there. He felt like a piece of paper now. As long as the wind blows a little, he can faint immediately.


Mo Yu couldn't bear to follow him. He didn't want to see this man like this. The boss was always tall and invincible in his heart. When he was so weak, he wanted to persuade the other party, but he also knew that it was related to Miss Qin, who was willing to risk his own life.

At this time, Qin Sangyu is still in front of the plane prepared by the old man. She has not boarded the plane. She has been tearing tears all the time. She really doesn't want to go. She and Lu Liangcheng are already married. Why should she go.

"Woo, woo, woo."

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Qin Sangyu has been crying, eyes are crying swollen, and finally simply squat down here, began to embrace the shoulder to cry.

The two bodyguards yawned. They really didn't understand why the woman's tears were so much. They had been crying for an hour, but they didn't stop.

However, Qin Sangyu's identity is placed here. No matter how unpopular she is, she is also the young grandmother of the Lu family, who is their master. Therefore, they dare not be rude. They can only wait respectfully and occasionally yawn with tears in the corner of their eyes.

Ten minutes later, one of the bodyguards couldn't stand it any more, and said tentatively, "Miss Qin, it's been an hour, or...

before he finished his words, Qin Sangyu's cry suddenly raised several tones, which made him shiver all over. He didn't dare to say anything more in a moment, so he had to shut his mouth immediately.

Qin Sangyu felt that she was really sad. She had no one to depend on. Now she had to be expelled from the country. No one knew her when she went abroad. She would certainly suffocate when she dealt with a group of blond foreigners all day. The most important thing was that she didn't want to leave Luliang City. They were still husband and wife, and the two-year contract had not yet arrived."Woo, woo, woo."

She continued to cry with her shoulder in her arms. Occasionally she reached out and wiped a handful of tears, but refused to board the plane.

The two bodyguards simply sat down on one side, their heads began to bit by bit. When they looked up, they saw that the pilot was also drowsy and got off the plane. They were helpless, "are you still flying today?"

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As soon as he finished his words, he heard Qin Sangyu raise his tone. The more violent cry hit the eardrums of several people. The three of them blocked their ears, and their eyes were filled with tears and laughter.

Another hour later, the pilot took out a pair of cards from his pocket and glanced at them. "Anyway, it's boring. If she cries like this, she will cry until the afternoon. Let's play some cards."

The two bodyguards agreed almost instantaneously, and the three began to sit around and fight the landlord.

Qin Sangyu cried hoarse. Hearing the voice of fighting landlords and wiping her tears, Qin Sangyu seemed to have no malice towards her and did not care whether she had boarded the plane or not. She quietly looked at it with her spare light and confirmed her guess more and more.

When will we wait for no running!

Qin Sangyu quietly picked up the bag on one side and crept forward a few steps. Occasionally, looking back, he found that several men were still fighting against the landlord. A glimmer of ecstasy flashed in his eyes. He wished that he could grow four legs and left from here.

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