Lu Liangcheng's lips were pursed fiercely, forming a straight line. On one side were relatives and the other was Qin Sangyu. He didn't want to give up. However, if Qin Sangyu stayed outside for one more day, it would be more dangerous. If something happened to her, he would not forgive himself.

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"Grandfather, from small to big, I didn't ask you anything. This time, I beg you. Tell me the location of Qin Sangyu."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes are full of bitterness and pain. He really doesn't want to choose between two people. His muscles are tight and his face is dark.

Lu Tian's body is stiff. This grandson has always been excellent and has backbone. From small to large, he did not ask for anything from him. "Small city, because of Qin Sangyu, you have become not yourself."

He sighed, slowly closed his eyes and said, somewhat disappointed in his heart. A good successor should not be bound by feelings, and his grandson, I'm afraid, has fallen into it completely.

"Grandfather, you don't know the real me. How can you know that I'm not myself? Maybe I am the real me now."

There was no change in Lu Liangcheng's face, except for the slight pain in his heart, which seemed to be worn hard by a file. It was extremely uncomfortable.

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"I don't know where she is, town. I won't lie to you." Lu Tian gets up and says something like this, then goes upstairs. Lu Liangcheng, who is still waiting downstairs, doesn't seem to be as bright as before. His eyes are full of disappointment.

Lu Liangcheng quietly lowered his head, grandfather really won't cheat him, since he said he didn't know, that is really don't know.

"Boss, maybe Miss Qin has not been sent abroad. The distribution of his influence is nothing more than those countries. Since he has chosen to send Miss Qin abroad, he will guarantee her life safety. If Miss Qin is abroad, she must be within the scope of his influence, but we have already looked for those countries. I think maybe something happened in the middle, Miss Qin didn't go abroad. "

Mo Yu said calmly in one side, according to the old man's soft hearted degree, when the boss pleaded, he should have said Miss Qin's position, but what he said was that he didn't know, which showed that the old man really didn't know where Miss Qin was.

Lu Liangcheng's eyes brightened, and he did think so. He immediately got up and said, "find the two bodyguards at that time. I want to ask carefully."

The two bodyguards were the Lu family, and they were deeply trusted by the old man. It was easy to find out the people. It took only a few minutes for Mo Yu to tie them to Lu Liangcheng.

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Before Lu Liangcheng opened his mouth, the two bodyguards took the initiative to explain, "Master Lu, at that time, Miss Qin had been crying and refused to board the plane. She was the grandmother of the Lu family, and we didn't dare to do anything to her. So we pretended to play cards. She took the opportunity to run. The direction of running seemed to be the hospital. She should have gone to see you. As for where she is now, we don't know."

The bodyguard shriveled his mouth and said that he felt a little aggrieved in his heart. He thought of the woman's cry and felt irritable.

Lu Liangcheng's eyes brightened. He did not care about the two people in front of him. He immediately went out and drove to the hospital. However, he was told by the front desk that Qin Sangyu had indeed been here, but he had already been discharged at that time, so the other party did not find anyone.

Lu Liangcheng's eyes flashed a trace of annoyance. At that time, he should have stayed in the hospital for a long time. Maybe there would not have been so many Oolong incidents. He immediately took out his mobile phone to call Qin Sangyu, but after waiting for a long time, no one answered the phone.

His brow slightly a frown, the heart rises huge uneasiness, Qin Sangyu telephone also does not answer, also did not return to the villa, where exactly went.

He knew that if Qin Sangyu went back to the villa, aunt Mo would certainly call him and bite his teeth, and immediately ordered, "transfer all the monitoring of the road sections out to see where she drove the car!"

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When he just came in, he found that Qin Sangyu's car had disappeared, so the man must have left by car. The traffic network of G city is complex and there are cameras everywhere. I don't believe that she can't be caught.

About ten minutes later, Mo Yu found out all the surveillance cameras that had been taken to Qin Sangyu, and put Qin Sangyu's mobile phone next to him. "It was found on the lawn not far from the hospital. It's Miss Qin's mobile phone. It should have fallen accidentally."

Lu Liangcheng took a look at his mobile phone and saw that there was his missed call. It seemed that Qin Sangyu was in a hurry. He sighed and carefully looked at the surveillance footage. People with a clear eye could see at a glance that the surveillance video should have been edited. It's a bit chaotic. It's impossible to see where Qin Sangyu drove the car.

Under the HD camera, you can only see that Qin Sangyu's face is very anxious. Lu Liangcheng knows that she must have been looking for him at that time.

His heart suddenly some warm, the corner of his mouth also curved up, "ink rain, if you are Qin Sangyu, in can't find me, the mobile phone dropped again, where will you go?"

Mo Yu answered almost without thinking, "it must be going home. Miss Qin will feel that you have gone back when you are not here, so she will drive the car back so anxiously."

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Lu Liangcheng nodded and lifted his feet to get out of the hospital. Since those videos were cut, it shows that something must have happened to Qin Sangyu on the way home, frowning slightly, "go back to the villa first." He said faintly, in the heart has begun to worry, most afraid Qin Sangyu become some people's chips, after all, in this G City, want to hit him too many people.Aunt Mo is working hard to clean up. When she hears a slight noise from the living room, she looks up and sees that Lu Liangcheng and Mo Yu are back. She shakes her heart hard, and her handkerchief falls to the ground. She thought these two people would come back for some time, but she didn't expect to come back so soon.

"Aunt Mo, what's the matter with you?"

Mo Yu found this man's abnormality and frowned. Aunt Mo stayed in the Lu family for many years, so she didn't look so frightened after seeing them both.

Aunt Mo also calmed down for a short time. Knowing that her performance made them suspicious, she quickly explained, "I thought Mr. Lu would come back after a while. There was no rice prepared at home, and all the things in the refrigerator were cleaned up, so I didn't know what to do for a while."

Lu Liangcheng stretched out his hand and rubbed his temple. The whole person was in a state of agitation. Suddenly he looked up and looked at her seriously. "Aunt Mo, has Qin Sangyu never come back?"

Aunt Mo's heart beat fiercely, afraid that this person would find something, she quickly lowered her head, "Mr. Lu, I really didn't see Miss Qin. Are you and assistant Mo looking for Miss Qin?"

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