She was also quite dissatisfied with Qin Sangyu, but as soon as she thought that Lu Tian was the first to pick up the matter, she pressed down her anger and looked at the person lying on the bed with pity. She wanted to treat him to suffer.

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A group of people no longer speak, the air pressure is very low, like a balloon squeezed to the extreme, no one knows when it will boil.

On the way, the doctor came again. His brows were still locked. Because of the identity of these people, he didn't dare to be careless. He found that Lu Liangcheng's fever had no sign of going back. He was also a bit anxious. "If he doesn't want to wake up, his brain will burn out. If he doesn't want to wake up, the fever will never subside. You are his relatives. Think of a way."

The doctor's tone was a little sad, and he also knew what position the lying man had in G city. If this person had some problems in their hospital, I'm afraid the whole hospital would no longer exist.

Lu Tian's eyes were cool. He tried to resist his anger and clenched his fists. His waist seemed to be bent by some gravity overnight. His face was full of fatigue and vicissitudes. "Go and ask the police station to see if the comparison results come out."

His tone is not urgent or slow, but his eyes are dignified. It's too late to regret. Now he only hopes Qin Sangyu is OK. As long as Qin Sangyu is safe, his grandson is also safe.

Mo Yu's lips are a little pale, and his face is covered with dead ash. The police station has been slow to produce results, so he is in a panic. If Miss Qin is really killed, maybe the boss will never wake up again.

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"Go and call the scorching sun and let her pretend to be Qin Sangyu."

Lu Tian's eyes are closed and his face is helpless. Only when he wakes up his grandson can he have the heart to do other things. If Qin Sangyu really encounters any misfortune and believes that with another woman's company, Xiaocheng will soon forget the pain.

Mo Yu frowned with disapproval. If the boss knew that Su Jiaoyang was coming, he would be in a worse mood. It was Mr. Lu, his superior, who did not dare to say anything against him. He could only keep silent, which was silent acquiescence.

Su Jiaoyang was staying in her boudoir at this time. When she heard her room door knocked, the nanny came with a surprise voice, "Miss, the Lu family called and said that she wanted you to go to the hospital to accompany Mr. Lu. Miss, it is said that Mr. Lu personally asked people to call. You should seize this opportunity."

Su Jiaoyang was applying a mask. When she heard the news, the mask on her face was torn away by her instantly. Though she did not know why Lu Liangcheng went to the hospital again, but the old man could let her accompany him, it was not a trust. She did not delay for a moment. What she had done was simply to turn her makeup on to the hospital.

She thought a lot along the way. For example, the old man finally wanted to admit her and finally decided to drive Qin Sangyu out of the house. She even thought that it was Lu Liangcheng's idea. Maybe Lu Liangcheng has fallen in love with her.

The deeper he thought, the more excited Su Jiaoyang was. He wished that the car could get to the hospital gate immediately.

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But when she rushed to the ward in a hurry, she was stunned by the Lu family's words. "Scorching sun, can you please pretend to be Qin Sangyu and wake up the town? He fainted when he heard that Qin Sangyu was dead."

Su Jiaoyang's heart was happy and angry. First, Qin Sangyu, the biggest enemy, died. She felt that heaven was helping her, but she was also entangled. How could the living fight the dead? Qin Sangyu was destined to leave a mark in Lu Liangcheng's heart.

For the Lu family's request, she felt a little embarrassed. She asked her to play Qin Sangyu. Her self-esteem did not allow her to do such a thing, but it was a rare opportunity for her to sell a favor to the Lu family, so she accepted it cleverly.

Lu Tian chooses Su Jiaoyang because his timbre is similar to Qin Sangyu. Lu Liangcheng, who is in a coma, will not recognize Su Jiaoyang so carefully. Maybe he will wake up.

Su Jiaoyang sat down on one side and gently took Lu Liangcheng's hand. When he wrapped his hand into his palm, a throb came from her heart. The strange feeling made her feel a little itchy. The itch came from the deep of her soul, but she couldn't catch it.

"Luliang City, I'm Qin Sangyu. I'm fine. Wake up quickly."

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She learned from Qin Sangyu's voice and said it word by word. Her face was full of affection. This appearance made Shen Bizhi moved.

Since she was a child, she thought that the town would marry this girl, but she didn't expect that they would come to this stage. She sighed, "scorching sun, I really wronged you. We know your feelings for the town."

Su Jiaoyang's eyes twinkle with success. What she wants is the guilt of the Lu family. Now that Qin Sangyu is dead, she is the only one to marry into the Lu family. She quickly and understandably says, "grandma, what do you say? Liangcheng is my business. I've loved him since I was a child. I know he won't accept me for a while, but I won't give up I'll wait for him

Su Jiaoyang said sincere, Lu Tian and Shen bichi feel more sorry for her, can only relax, "if the town like you, you get married."

Su Jiaoyang's face is stiff. Will Lu Liangcheng like her? Lu Liangcheng didn't like her for so many years. How could she marry Qin Sangyu home just after her death.Her heart suddenly filled with great unhappiness, she is like a spare tire, and will never be recognized by Lu Liangcheng.

The air pressure in the ward is still very low. Everyone dare not speak casually. The two old people can't hold on. The doctor who comes to change the medicine is sent to the rest room next door. In a flash, only Lu Xiao and Su Jiaoyang are left in the room. Mo Yu also goes to the police station.

Lu Xiao's hands around the chest, repulsive eyes will su Jiaoyang's up and down all over again, finally turned his face, it seems that some do not want to see her, "has not confirmed that the body is Qin Sangyu, you still don't be happy too early."

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Su Jiaoyang was stiff and gloomy in her eyes, but she turned into a gentle and pleasant person. "Xiaoxiao, you used to call me Jiaoyang elder sister. After that, it seemed that she didn't want to see me any more."

Lu Xiao heard this person mention that matter, frown for a while, "I just see your true face."

In a bid a few years ago, Lu Jia and Su Jia jointly competed for a project. She was taken into the venue. When she was in the lounge, she heard a dialogue between Su Jiaoyang and the sponsor.

"Mr. Zhang, the Su family can rely on you for this matter. If you are willing to help us, the Su family will win the bidding."

She pushed open the door of the foyer, saw Su Jiaoyang is vaguely staring at a man, unscrupulous release of charm.

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