So she wasn't pregnant?

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Looking at the report sheet, Qin Sangyu lost his mind and could not tell what he felt in his heart. He was lost and sad. He had been working for a long time, but he was not pregnant at all. The entanglement and sadness of these days seemed like a joke.

"It's better not to have children. You're going to kill them anyway." Lu Liangcheng took her hand and they walked outside.

Qin Sangyu has been confused, do not know whether she is lucky or what, she felt that the heart is stuffy, some uncomfortable.

"If you really want a baby, we can have one."

Lu Liangcheng found her expression, put her in his arms, and patted her on the back slowly. His heart was not so tangled.

"I'm not pregnant, but now I feel that I have lost a child, and my heart is sour."

Qin Sangyu leaned against his arms and said, with this sentence, his eyes turned red. Lu Liangcheng sighed and pulled her into the car. "Go home, because of this, I came back early and didn't sleep well."

His voice was very tired. Qin Sangyu noticed that there were two black circles in his eyes. He felt guilty for a moment, so he didn't tangle with others. He nestled in his arms and stopped talking.

Mo Yu has a lot of questions. Isn't Miss Qin pregnant? Isn't the boss here to set up a teacher and make a crime? How can it seem that nothing has happened now, or what happened in the middle of it, he doesn't know.

When he arrived at the villa, he stopped talking.

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"She's not pregnant."

Lu Liangcheng lightly left this sentence and walked toward the living room. Daxiong seemed to smell his smell. He came from a far away place and began to jump up and down.

Lu Liangcheng was so sleepy that he didn't have the strength to say hello to Daxiong. He took Qin Sangyu with one hand and went straight to the second floor. After lying on the bed, he immediately fell asleep.

Qin Sangyu still nests in his arms, full of guilt in his heart. The man came back because of his child's affairs. As a result, the whole thing was an oolong. She sighed and heard the light breath in her ear, knowing that he was asleep.

Her heart is very stable, as long as there is this man around, she does not have to be afraid of anything.

With this thought, her eyes closed, and great fatigue climbed up her eyelids, and her eyelids drooped.

When she woke up, it was already evening. She looked up and saw that Lu Liangcheng was wearing silk pajamas and had a cup of coffee in her hand. She seemed to be dealing with documents.

"Are you busy?"

She couldn't help but gather together a head in the past, saw the computer screen is full of forms and text, instantly feel headache, "I'll make you something light."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes were smiling. Knowing that the little woman was out of guilt, he did not refuse. He touched her face, "if you want to sleep, go on sleeping."

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Qin Sangyu shakes her head and makes up for this sleep. She feels much better. After going to the bathroom to wash, she goes downstairs to the kitchen to do something.

She made a few light dishes. Since Lu Liangcheng doesn't eat vegetable salad, she can only make fruit salad with yogurt, and carefully cut the fruit into beautiful shapes.

An hour later, Lu Liangcheng came down. He had no appetite, but he saw that everything on the table was light and his eyes were wide. He sat down at the table.

Qin Sangyu scooped up two bowls of rice and sat down beside him. The couple's life was very moist.

After dinner, she just wanted to get up to clean up the dishes, the mobile phone vibrated for a while, picked up a look, is the short message from cloud shallow.

I'm sorry, sister Qin. Are you still angry with me?

Qin Sangyu now saw her message, only feel complex. With her understanding of Yunqian, she shouldn't have done such a thing at that time. Lu Xiao is a person who has something to say and certainly won't be wronged. Lu Xiao said that Yun Qian's face at that time was very hateful. Was Yunqian she knew before, was it real?

You shouldn't apologize to me, Yunqian. You should apologize to Lu Xiao.

After this sentence, her eyebrows frowned, and her expression on her face was not good-looking.

"Who sent the message?"

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Lu Liangcheng frowned, thinking of what, immediately opened his mouth, "is not the cloud shallow?"

Qin Sangyu nodded, loosened her mobile phone and left it on the table. "She apologized to me, but I think the person she should apologize to is Lu Xiao. Lu Xiao is really angry today."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes are dim. Today, when he jumped from the ladder of the helicopter to the car of Yunqian, he clearly saw the bright things in that man's eyes. It was a woman's love for men, and he could not mistake it.

"Is Yunqian going to take you to kill the child?"

His face suddenly cooled down, some things, once the beginning of a clue, other details will follow.

Qin Sangyu nodded, drooping his eyes and began to mutter, "it's really strange that I'm going to kill the child. How come she seems to be more anxious than me."

A careless word, instantly let Lu Liangcheng know the purpose of cloud shallow, face is more indifferent, the corner of the mouth sarcastically hook up, "maybe people just don't want you to be born."Qin Sangyu a Leng, this person means cloud shallow is bad?

"Qin Sangyu, don't worry about other things. You should have a good rest at home these days. Your vomiting that day was due to bad intestines and stomach. The doctor said that it was probably enteritis. Recently, you can only eat light food. I will give you a week's holiday and come back when you have recovered."

Lu Liangcheng bent over to fold the dishes together and went to the kitchen. After putting the hot water on, he began to wash the dishes carefully.

Qin Sangyu is the first time to see this man do dishes. Perhaps because she likes it, she always thinks that his dishwashing appearance is elegant, like wiping exquisite works of art.

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A dish slipped from Lu Liangcheng's hand and fell into pieces on the ground. Lu Liangcheng crouched to pick up the pieces, but Qin Sangyu stopped him with quick eyes and quick hands. "Cut your hands carefully. I'll clean it up. Go and do it."

With that, she took the broom on one side, swept the debris into the garbage can, and then put on her apron and bent over to wash the dishes.

Lu Liangcheng was watching, reluctant to leave.

Qin Sangyu turned off the faucet and was about to turn around. She felt a pair of hands embracing her back. Suddenly, she put a head on her shoulder, "I miss you very much these days."

Lu Liangcheng's voice was magnetic and hoarse, which made Qin Sangyu feel soft all over. Her face turned red in an instant, and the ambiguous heat was beside her ears, which made her ears red.

"Don't wash it. Leave it to them. Let's go upstairs and do business."

His words are extremely evil, and fortunately there are no outsiders here.

"Hello..." Qin Sangyu pushed him, his face was also shy red.

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