When Lu Dongqiang saw the old man's face blue, he quickly took the pills from the nanny's hand and fed them two.

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"Dad, you're really getting worse every day. You used to be able to get along with me for a day, but now you'll faint when you get along with me for more than ten minutes. It's very boring if no one quarrels with me in the future."

What Lu Dongqiang said was really irritating. The old man had just swallowed the pill, but before he could react, he was so angry that he shivered all over.

"Well, we all say a little less. The third one finally came back. Can't you suppress your temper? You're old and you can't get along with your son."

Shen bichi opened his mouth and pulled Lu Dongqiang to the past. He found that he had gained some weight, and his face was full of smiles. "It seems that he's had a good time outside."

Lu Dongqiang picks eyebrows. His life there is not as luxurious as that in G City, but it also has everything. Besides, he has no habit of collecting cars or buying a house. Therefore, the company that the old man gave him completely failed.

"I heard you have a son outside. Why don't you bring it back? Let's have a look."

Lu Song timely insertion of this sentence, face can not say what expression.

When Lu Tian heard this, he almost gasped. How could he not know the news?

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Lu Dongqiang looks at Lu Song unfathomably. Why does this person know so much about him? Does he send someone to investigate him? The eyes gradually become deep.

"There is a son, but he is not yet an adult. I don't intend to bring him back. His mother died early. I have to wait and see. If there is a suitable one, I will find a stepmother for him."

The living room was quiet for a moment. However, Lu Dongqiang was not affected by the atmosphere. He turned his head and took a look at Lu Liangcheng. "If only my children were as capable as a small town, it's a pity that I inherited my nature and knew how to gamble and play truant every day."

The old man's face was disgusted, but he thought that it was the blood of the Lu family at least, so he could not stay outside. "Since someone else gave birth to a child for you, you have to marry her back to the Lu family. Even if she is dead, you still have to let people know his identity."

Lu Dongqiang grinned and waved his hand and sat down. "Dad, I don't know. Unfortunately, that woman is an orphan. She has no father or mother, no relatives, and no one cares about her identity."

Lu Song and Bai Yan look at each other and are relieved. If Lu Dongqiang has another son, there will be another one who will rob the property of the Lu family. This is not good for them.

Lu Liangcheng is the most calm in the whole living room. He sits quietly drinking tea and occasionally looks up at the dark TV screen. He seems to be thinking about something.

The mobile phone in his trouser pocket vibrated for a moment, and the whole person became gentle in an instant. It should be the text message sent by Qin Sangyu. At this time point, it's time to eat. However, judging from today's posture, he can't go back to dinner.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message back to Qin Sangyu.

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Have a good dinner. My third uncle is back. I'll eat in my old house tonight.

After sending the news, he felt a head coming up next to him, frowning, turning to look at a curious man on his face, "what are you doing?"

Lu Dongqiang shrugged. "I heard you're married, but I didn't catch up."

"It's not a wedding yet. If we do, we'll let you know." Lu Liangcheng said while putting the mobile phone back.

Lu Dongqiang's face was smiling. The brothers put their hands on Lu Liangcheng's shoulder. "That's settled. Although your third uncle doesn't have much money, he will definitely prepare a big gift for you at that time."

"Good." Lu Liangcheng responded with a smile.

The atmosphere in the living room was not so strange. The kitchen brought the prepared dishes. Lu Dongqiang was not polite at all and ate it with a big breath. "The food of the police station is really not eaten by people. There is no oil foam star seed."

Lu Tian's face is not good-looking, really want to find an excuse to send this man away immediately, but also think that this is his own son, sigh.

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On the table, only Lu Dongqiang has been chattering, even if no one paid attention to him, he would not mind, still said happily.

After a meal, Lu Liangcheng is eager to go back. Lu Dongqiang is more sensible and knows that there is no place for him in his old house. He follows Lu Liangcheng and gets on his Bentley.

"Uncle, what are you going to do this time?"

Lu Liangcheng looked outside and said slowly that although the third uncle was a little stupid, he was not bad in heart.

"Do you want to play with Laozi

Lu Liangcheng nodded and looked at his grandfather's meaning. It seemed that he intended to let him manage the company of Lu family. However, he has Tiancheng now, and he has little desire for the company of Lu family.

"That Bai Yan should not sit still, she has been pretending for so many years, even Lu Song has been cheated by her."

Lu Dongqiang's face is full of sarcasm, and his eyes are full of hatred.

"Uncle, what happened?" Lu Liangcheng frowns and asks. He knows that Bai Yan has not been reconciled. The last time Qin Sangyu did something wrong with her, and Lu Song took care of her."When I was driven away by the old man, I had something to do with her. Her son was exiled to foreign countries. Naturally, she was not reconciled. I didn't steal the painting in a small town."

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Lu Dongqiang said that he was very worried. At first, because he gambled money, the old man didn't like him all the time. Later, the painting of the old house disappeared. Everyone insisted that he stole the painting to exchange money.

That painting is very important to the old man. It's something left by his grandfather. It's worth immeasurable. The old man was angry and gave him a small company to develop outside.

Lu Liangcheng still remembers this incident. After the painting disappeared, his grandfather didn't think about food and tea. Later, the painting was found in the third uncle's room, and was broken into several paragraphs, "was that done by Bai Yan?"

Lu Dongqiang shook his head. "I don't know, but there should be no one else except the two of them. Bai Yan's eyes can't hold the sand. I thought I would hear the news of your murder soon. I didn't expect that you were a good kid. The woman's heart was not very good."

Lu Liangcheng did not speak. The car stopped at the hotel. The hotel here belongs to him. He handed a card to Lu Dongqiang and said, "uncle, you'd better explain it to your grandfather. What do you look like now?"

They are the Lu family, but they don't even have a place to live in.

"No, I think it's good." Lu Dongqiang took the card without hesitation, got off the bus with a smile and walked towards the hotel.

Looking at his back, Lu Liangcheng was lost in thought.

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