Cloud shallow teeth bite, this just know this man's annoying place, can only follow him into the bathroom, the bathroom has set up red wine, the fragrance is intoxicating.

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Zhang Feihua put a glass of red wine on her mouth, "drink it." With that, he drank another glass himself.

Yunqian drank the red wine, took the bath with him patiently, endured all kinds of excuses, she vowed that if she had a day to stand up, she would severely clean up this cheap man.

After leaving the bathroom, Zhang Feihua pulled many tools from the bottom of the bed, and his facial expression was ambiguous, "I have some hobbies in bed. Miss Yunqian should satisfy me."

Yunqian's chest was beating violently, and she wanted to leave now. But when she thought of the boss's expectation for her, her teeth clenched, "you can do as you please. Remember to sign the contract the next day."

Her words with a bit of the smell of death, and finally like a corpse lying in bed, let those seven or eight things in her body.

For three hours, Zhang Feihua crawled on her body and was tired, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

When Yunqian thought that the night was over, Zhang Feihua clapped his hands, and four or five people of the same age came into the door. They all looked at Yunqian, who was not in bed, and said obscene, "Lao Zhang, you said that there are appetizers tonight. It turns out that this is the little girl. It looks delicious."

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Yunqian's face is white, but she has just been tossed by Zhang Feihua. She has no strength and can't get out of bed to escape.

"This little girl is not bad. You treat her well. You like it anyway."

Zhang Feihua playfully took the camera aside and started shooting. Yunqian didn't even have time to call for help. She watched the five men getting closer and closer in horror. Finally, she was covered by a shadow, and the whole person was involved in a new round of torture.

It was not until seven o'clock in the morning that the chaotic atmosphere stopped. Five men were lying beside them with satiated faces. Yunqian had already fainted. There was no complete skin all over his body. There were green and purple kisses everywhere. The marks on the bed sheet were also terrible.

Zhang Feihua had already dressed up at this time, and came in from the door. Seeing the contract that Yunqian had placed on the head of the bed, he took the pen on one side and began to sign. After signing, he kicked several men, "OK, it's over. If there's something interesting next time, I'll call you."

A few men are also very tired, when someone is about to leave, don't forget to go back and touch the cloud shallow.

Zhang Feihua saw the sleeping cloud shallow, eyebrows a pick, sent the video to Lu Liangcheng, and then out of the room.

He went to the room next door after shooting the video last night. I don't know when they stopped. It seems that he didn't sleep all night.

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He got on the car in a good mood, and the company should be able to keep it. That woman is so stupid that she should provoke Lu Liangcheng.

When Yunqian got up, it was already evening. Looking at the mess in the room, she thought of her struggle and unwillingness last night. Her eyes were scarlet. Those damned men, damned Zhang Feihua!

She clenched her fists with hatred, and her mouth was full of blood. The smell of rust spread in her mouth. She would revenge and let these people pay the price!

Yunqian thought, began to cry, with what she would be such treatment, with what everyone can bully her.

She cried for a while, calmly dried her tears, and tried to resist the impulse to vomit. When she got up, she saw the contract that had been signed by the side, and her mood of wanting to kill was finally calmed down.

When I think of Lu Liangcheng, I feel soft. As long as she is a little grandmother of Shanglu family, she must let those who bully her pay the price!

She gritted her teeth and put on her clothes. After leaving the hotel, she could still feel the waiters pointing at her back. Everyone should know what happened in the room last night.

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She couldn't help but start to run. After running for a distance, the whole person directly fell beside her and finally began to cry helplessly.

All of these are caused by Qin Sangyu. If Qin Sangyu hadn't occupied the position of the little grandmother of the landing family, how could she have fallen to this point? It was Qin Sangyu, that cheap woman!

"Qin Sangyu, you cheap woman!"

Yunqian sat on the ground swearing, thinking that last night those people didn't take any protective measures, she quickly got up and went to the next drugstore to buy contraceptives. She ate them in a confused way. She was afraid that taking one would have no effect. She directly bought three, mixed with cold water and began to swallow into her stomach.

"Today's little girls really don't care about their bodies. They have sex with men casually."

"Look at the things around her neck. If I had such a daughter, I would have strangled her."

Several long tongued women sat on the stool and began to discuss Yunqian. Yunqian thought that his clothes could not cover the traces on his neck, so he quickly closed his clothes and left here quickly.

The contract was held by her in her arms, and when she returned to her home, she found a high collar dress to put on, and put on a professional dress. Although such a dress up is somewhat nondescript in the hot weather, only in this way can the traces on her body be covered.After all this, Yunqian took the contract next to her and saw the signature of Zhang Feihua. She hated her face and laughed contemptuously for a long time. As long as she could sit in that position in the future, these people were all small fish and shrimps.

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Yunqian is a strong woman, even strong to a terrible point. If ordinary girls encounter the situation like last night, they can't recover in a year and a half, but she only needs an afternoon to completely adjust her state.

She knew exactly what she wanted, so she didn't allow herself to waste her time.

In the early morning of the next day, she went to the company and put the contract in front of Lu Liangcheng. "President, I have completed the contract. President Zhang has signed it. This project can be started immediately."

Her face is not arrogant and impetuous, but in the heart is looking forward to life, she wants Lu Liangcheng praise, want him to look at himself.

Lu Liangcheng knows what Yun Qian has experienced. Now that she is so calm and her eyes flash with black whirlpool, it is no wonder that Qin Sangyu did not realize that she is not right. Such a woman is really terrible.

He looked up at her with a satisfied smile on his face. "Cloud light, I knew you wouldn't let me down."

This light sentence is the best medicine for Yunqian.

Her bright eyes stare at landing in Liangcheng, trying to hold back the waves in her heart, "president, this is what I should do."

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