Lu Xiao, who leaves Tiancheng, is more and more angry. Lu Liangcheng is Qin Sangyu's husband, and Yunqian is Qin Sangyu's good friend. Qin Sangyu is really pitiful when her good friend colludes with her husband. It seems that she needs to call to remind her.

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As soon as Qin Sangyu finished sending a text message, she saw on her mobile phone screen that someone called. It happened to be Lu Xiao's, and she pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Qin Sangyu, haven't you been to the company recently?"

Qin Sangyu heard Lu Xiao's angry voice and doubted "um". When he was about to ask if something had happened, he heard Lu Xiao's crackling accusation.

"Qin Sangyu, you are really the most stupid woman I've ever seen. Do you know that Lu Liangcheng and Yun Qian collude? Today, when I got off work, Yunqian gave Lu Liangcheng a tie clip. Looking at Lu Liangcheng's eyes, he was affectionate. Qin Sangyu, you should have a good interrogation of Lu Liangcheng tonight. Maybe he has a wild cat outside! "

Hearing Lu Xiao's complaint, Qin Sangyu was amused, but he also knew that Lu Xiao was out of good intentions and sighed, "OK, OK, I know. He's back tonight. I'll interrogate him."

However, Lu Xiao heard Qin Sangyu's languid tone, and felt that she was in a panic. The emperor was not in a hurry. The eunuch was in a hurry. Why did she come to the muddy water? She couldn't help but sneer. "There are bad qualities in men's bones. I'll tell you, if you don't pay attention to it now and Luliang City is robbed, you can wait to cry."


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She directly hung up the phone, thinking that Qin Sangyu was just too muddy to hold on to the wall and was too lazy to take care of other people's family affairs. She threw the tie clip that she had just snatched back and directly threw it into the garbage can beside her. It was a waste of her money. She also wanted to apologize to the man. There was a third child in her arms. How could she care about this.

Qin Sangyu heard that there had already hung up the phone and sighed. Did she offend people again.

When she was in a daze, the door bell of the living room rang. It should be Lu Liangcheng. She immediately left her mobile phone on the tea table and ran to the position of the porch. Sure enough, she saw that Lu Liangcheng was changing shoes.

When she was about to rush into his arms like a bird, she saw Lu Liangcheng's tie clip. The tie clip was new, and when she went out this morning, he didn't have one.

Qin Sangyu steps forward directly. Thinking of Lu Xiao's words, she shakes her head. Lu Liangcheng is not the kind of man who steals sex outside. She still smiles and greets him, "husband, you are back."

Lu Liangcheng's reflexive catch her, pinch her face, see her face recently seems to be a little fat, some happy.

"Well, do you have a good meal today?"

Qin Sangyu nods and is unconsciously attracted by his tie clip. Why is it so clever? Lu Xiaogang says that Yun Qian bought a tie clip for Lu Liangcheng, and Lu Liangcheng is really wearing a new tie clip.

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During the meal, she was always worried, and finally she couldn't help but open her mouth, "you have a nice tie clip. Who gave it to me?"

Lu Liangcheng's face did not have any difference, "Lu Xiao bought it, saying it was to thank the last thing."

Qin Sangyu felt that the food in the bowl had lost its flavor. Lu Xiao said that Yun Qian bought the tie clip, and Lu Liangcheng said that Lu Xiaocheng bought the tie clip. Who should she believe in?

when she went to bed at night, she couldn't sleep over and over again. She didn't seem to come up with an answer. She couldn't sleep tonight. Generally, she took out her mobile phone and started to turn to her friends, which happened to brush Yunqian's Weibo, it's just that tie clip.

It's for my boyfriend. He's very happy today.

Qin Sangyu's heart suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley. Beside Lu Liangcheng's breath, she felt sarcastic for a moment. Before, she always thought that Lu Liangcheng was different from other men. He was special and gentle. Now she realized that the bad nature of a man could not be changed. She ate a bowl and looked at the pot. Thanks to her, she still regarded Yunqian as a good friend, but this good friend was there Stabbed her in the back.

Qin Sangyu got up and quietly looked at Lu Liangcheng's face. Before, he thought that this face was very handsome, but when he had doubts, he felt that this face was hypocritical.

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She withdrew from his arms, stuffy side of the body, do not want to be close to him again.

Lu Liangcheng, half asleep and half awake, felt Qin Sangyu retreat from his arms, and hurriedly came closer to her and held her firmly.

"What's wrong with you, wife? Don't you sleep yet

His voice was hoarse and gentle, like a pool of water. Qin Sangyu used to like his whispering in his ear, but at this time, she felt uncomfortable all over, and she could only stand still and not speak, pretending to sleep lightly.

Lu Liangcheng, like a little dog, sniffed at her face. Finally, he successfully caught her red lips and pecked them twice. Then he said, "sleep, darling."

Qin Sangyu with a stomach, very unpromising sleep in the past.

When she woke up, Lu Liangcheng was no longer there, and the breakfast on the table was ready. Because of her enteritis these days, the food she ate was very light, and the doctor suggested that she take a good rest for a few days, so she didn't go to work recently.Thinking of Lu Xiao's words last night, she couldn't help but take her mobile phone and send a message to her.

When Lu Liangcheng came back last night, there was a tie clip on his tie, but he said you bought it.

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Lu Xiao is doing spa. When he sees Qin Sangyu's news, he just feels angry. Lu Liangcheng can't eat outside. He even learns to lie.

- he was as like as two peas, and I was lying to the trash bin. I saw that the woman and I had the same feeling and panic in their hearts. They threw themselves away. I did not expect him to drag me out to lie in the gun for the woman's tie.

Qin Sangyu feels that her heart is complicated. Lu Xiao has no reason to cheat her, but she still doesn't believe that Lu Liangcheng is a slag man.

After sitting in the afternoon, Qin Sangyu finally couldn't help it. He got on the bus and went to Tiancheng. When he got to the top office, it was the time to get off work. Lu Liangcheng was not here.

When the other employees saw her coming, their faces were full of sarcasm.

"Oh, isn't this Qin Sangyu who's close to the big money? Why do you come to work at this time? Don't you know it's already off work now

"You are really lucky to find a rich gold owner, but you have to be careful. Those gold owners are not very affectionate. If you can like you today, you can like others tomorrow."

The lesbians taunted Qin Sangyu all the time. In fact, everyone wanted to join the big money, but they didn't have the luck of Qin Sangyu.

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