Liu Wen in the side to persuade, Tiancheng has put words, as long as they personally go to Tiancheng headquarters to find people, Lu Shao will certainly agree.

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"OK, then I'll sign for Tiancheng."

Ruan Hongzhuang's eyes flashed a little red light. It must be God's arrangement that she could meet Qin Sangyu tonight. She thought of Qin Sangyu and whether she should go to explain to her.

"You let me go! Let me go

Qin Sangyu, who was forcibly carried to the car by Lu Liangcheng, is still struggling. Now she feels uncomfortable when she sees this face. This man must have a wild cat outside. The wild cat is still Yun Qian, who she regards as a friend. This is undoubtedly a double blow.

"Qin Sangyu, can you not be so wayward?"

Lu Liangcheng low roar, will she severely in his arms, eyebrows frown very high, "ink rain, drive."

As soon as the words were finished, the car moved slowly towards the front, and the street view out of the window regressed wildly.

Qin Sangyu turned her face away. She didn't want to see him. She just stared at the neon lights outside. It was obvious that this person had done something wrong, but he said that she was making trouble for no reason. The men were not reliable.

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Lu Liangcheng thought it was funny and angry. He broke her face and sighed, "what are you angry about? Is that what I am in your heart? "

Qin Sangyu's eyes have been slanting, just don't want to see him, like a child in a temper.

"Qin Sangyu, you have doubts in your heart. You can ask me why you want to run by yourself? What if you meet a bad guy? You know that G city is not peaceful. "

Qin Sangyu saw the worry on his face. Somehow, his emotion suddenly calmed down. His eyes were staring at him seriously. "I saw cloud shallow on your car today, and you still have the tie clip she gave you on your tie."

Finish saying, her dim eyes stare at him straight, want him to give a perfect explanation.

Lu Liangcheng hugged her tightly. "I'll tell you slowly. Then you'll know what's going on."

Qin Sangyu no longer struggled at this time, thinking that maybe there was some misunderstanding in the middle.

"From that time Yunqian took you to beat the child and scolded Lu Xiao, I felt that something was wrong. You also know that Lu Xiao is a man who will never lie. When I got down from the helicopter, I noticed Yunqian's eyes, which were adoring eyes."

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He said, looked at Qin Sangyu, found that this person is not irritable, pinched her face, continued to speak.

"At that time, I thought whether Yunqian wanted to get close to me through you. She and you just wanted to gain your trust. These days when you didn't come, I have been trying to test her and confirmed my guess. I deliberately gave her the contract of Feihua group. Zhang Feihua is an old lecher who likes Yunqian. That night, Zhang Feihua also brought several men, The wives of those men are not fuel-efficient lamps. Today, I will take Yunqian to the party because all the wives of those men are on the scene. They have received a video in advance to know about Yunqian and their husband. Yunqian was beaten badly tonight. "

Lu Liangcheng said that, with a smile in his eyes, he looked down at Qin Sangyu. "My eyes will not be so bad. I'm just taking revenge for you. I hate her cheating you like that and taking advantage of your kindness."

Qin Sangyu all over a stiff, think of what, curled his mouth, "that tie clip is how to return a responsibility?"

Lu Liangcheng sighed, "that day, Lu Xiao and Yun Qian bought the same tie clip for me. When Lu Xiao saw that I had received Yunqian's tie clip, she thought that I had something to do with Yun Qian, so she took back the share she gave me. But what she snatched back was the one from Yunqian. On my tie, she gave it, but she didn't know it."

It turns out that Qin Sangyu's face is red. She ran away from home because of these things. She has just scratched a trace on Lu Liangcheng's face. She is really disgraced.

"I... I'm just so angry..."

she looked down and said, pointing her two fingers to each other. She was embarrassed. Seeing the bloodstain on Lu Liangcheng's face, she felt even more embarrassed. She immediately turned over her bag to see if there were band aids in it.

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"Don't bother. It's nothing."

Lu Liangcheng held her back, his chin rubbed against her head, and his eyes narrowed with enjoyment. "Next time you encounter this kind of thing, you must confront me face to face. Don't run out by yourself. This is your good luck and you meet Ruan Hongzhuang. What should you do next time you fall into the hands of bad people?"

Qin Sangyu heard him mention Ruan red makeup, suddenly wake up, "Oh, I trouble people this time, have not said thank you."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes flashed a smile, rubbing her face, "Tiancheng promised her a condition, Ruan Hongzhuang is not easy to mix in the circle, she has no background, now many rich people want to take care of her, your appearance is also a dawn of her."

Qin Sangyu suddenly thought of Ruan Hongzhuang's smoking posture in her mind. She had always thought that girls' smoking was not good, but after seeing Ruan Hongzhuang, she felt for the first time that women could be so handsome in smoking.

"Thank you."She said this stuffy, eyelids are about to stick together, nest in his arms and sleep in the past.

Lu Liangcheng looked down at her face. In the light and darkness, he felt that the little woman seemed more attractive. What he liked about her was that he finally understood that what he liked was her innocence. She was a woman who came out of the ordeal, but she still had her original heart. This is the most rare thing.

Back to the villa, he gently put people on the bed, he went into the bathroom to take a bath, about half an hour later, he came out from inside.

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Qin Sangyu at this time has grunted to turn over a body, will be next to the pillow with legs, sleep like a pig.

Lu Liangcheng laughs and goes to bed with him. He takes the pillow out of her arms and throws it under the bed. Then he takes her into his arms and sleeps with his eyes closed.

The next day, Tiancheng was very busy, because everyone received the video.

Originally, Tiancheng's employees intended to taunt Yunqian severely today, but when they arrived at the office, they found that Yunqian didn't come to work at all today.

"That woman is really cheap, with five men in one night, tut Tut, strong."

"I didn't see that she was so hungry and thirsty. It was a bus."

The people in the top office are discussing. Seeing the empty position of Yunqian, they think that this person must be too shy and angry to come out to meet people.

Female employees are happy to see Yunqian's downfall, exaggerating in the office, as if they had seen the situation at that time, while the men in the office are full of evil smile, constantly discussing Yunqian's figure.

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