When she got up the next day, Qin Sangyu was a little dizzy. She raised her hand and looked at the ring on her finger. She found that she had no dream. Everything last night was real. Only at this time, Luliang City had gone.

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She got up slowly and suddenly saw a text message on her cell phone that was sent by the cloud.

Sister Qin, I've been on holiday recently. Have you ever returned to work in the company?

Qin Sangyu looks at this text message if you have thought, cloud shallow really went on holiday? Lu Liangcheng took the other party to the reception last time, and she didn't know what happened.

But after seeing through the real face of cloud shallow, she can not treat her as before, and simply delete the information on her phone.

Yunshallow waited for half an hour, and did not wait for the news of Qin Sangyu. She walked in a hurry that night and didn't say hello to anyone, because she asked Luliang City for leave, and she didn't have to go to the staff to make a fuss. Besides, she didn't come here to play this time, and she had no time at all.

Now she lies on the bed of the cosmetic hospital, and the nose has been repaired. The country of Bonzi is worthy of being the largest country in plastic surgery.

She thought about it, and took out her mobile phone and entered the wechat staff group. The videos in the staff group had been painted up. She didn't know at all, so she said hello in it as usual.

-- the air in the country is very good. I'm sorry to come out for holiday this time, but I have already discussed it to the boss in advance.

The potential meaning of her sentence is understood. After a brief silence in the staff group, everyone's heart is not peaceful.

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The cloud is sweet in appearance. When chatting in the group in the ordinary day, many male colleagues will respond to her. Today, people become dumb.

She was acutely aware that the state was not right, but she sent several personal letters, and no one responded to her.

After about ten minutes, the group began to live, but this kind of activity has nothing to do with the topic thrown out by cloud shallow, and everyone seems to have not seen her news.

"Some people, it is not necessary to face, the surface is not pure, in fact, the waves in the bone are very."

"Yeah, I thought I had climbed the high branch, and I didn't have a point in my heart."

Cloud shallow see these gloomy news, know they must say themselves, she is nervous like a stone, heart sink like a cold lead, what is the matter with these people, why should they mock her?

"What do you mean?"

She was forced to bear the anger and she said, "what do you mean?" she said? We all watched the video of you and some men that night. The cloud is shallow. What do you put on! "

The cloud light face is immediately white, that night she and several men video? Did those men record videos at the time?! She "Hua" rose from the bed, and was furious like a raging tide, and suddenly hit her heart.

She turned the chat record up and quickly turned over to the video, shaking and opening it. When she saw the ugly picture inside, the last blood color disappeared from her face.

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She was busy repairing her nose these days, and did not pay attention to the news. She had already destroyed it before. She had completely destroyed it. What face she had to stay in Tiancheng later.

Cloud shallow bite teeth began to cry, heart a pumping pain, she also plans to marry into Lu home, also want to be a little grandmother, all destroyed, all destroyed, which bitch in the back of the control of everything!

She was just about to throw her cell phone out and saw a new message coming from it. She clicked on and looked at it, and felt like a mockery on the screen.

-- it's a fool. All the videos can be photographed. You don't know who Zhang Feihua was directing it. I tell you, it's Luliang City. The man you love, yunshallow, your love people don't see it at all. In the end, you are the only one who is stupid and even caught his trap.

Is it Luliang City?

Seeing this news, yunshallow denied the condition reflection, but associated with the past, and the tenderness of Luliang City. Her strength disappeared a little bit. The contract was given to her by Luliang City. Lu Liangcheng laughed at her those days and took down the tie clip she gave him.

At that time, she thought Lu Liangcheng fell in love with her. In the tender, she hid the sharp edge of blood, and cut her body completely, so that it was a good land Liangcheng.

What do you want me to do?

The news that she was given by the other party must not be to laugh at her.

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Su Jiaoyang saw the reply from the cloud shallow, and she saw the smile in her eyes. When she first knew the news, she felt Lu Liangcheng was cruel, but how cruel Lu Liangcheng was, she could know how gentle he was to Qin Sangyu.

She quietly typed a line of words on the computer and turned it off.

Cloud shallow fell so big, certainly will not be placed on Lu Liangcheng's body, she has much love for Lu Liangcheng, this time there is much hate, a woman's hate is enough to destroy a successful man.Su Jiaoyang laughs recklessly, laughs to the end the tears all fell down, this is Lu Liangcheng forces her!

In the evening of that day, Yunqian directly ordered a ticket back to G City, and no one came to pick her up. Like Qin Sangyu, she had no friends in G city.

She breathed the fresh air of G City, and the flames of revenge burned in her eyes. After a night's rest, she directly filled her car with gasoline and waited on the only way to Luliang City.

This time, she decided to die with that man!

Mo Yu didn't know the plot of Yunqian and drove the car slowly into the crossroads. It was strange that the gasoline smell was very heavy here today.


He looked back and found that Lu Liangcheng was looking at the newspaper with peace of mind, and then he shut his mouth.

Yunqian saw the Bentley driving into the line of sight. A trace of madness flashed in his eyes. He stepped on the accelerator and hit the car directly.

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Her car came from the side, just in the blind area of Moyu, so Mo Yu didn't notice. When Yunqian's car hit, it was too late. Yunqian's car directly hit the middle of Bentley and flew out.


The huge sound made all the vehicles stop. The head of Yunqian is full of blood, and his car is also slowly smoking.

Mo Yu sees her twisted and horrible face through the broken glass. She is alarmed and wants to rescue Lu Liangcheng first.

"Boss... Go out quickly..."

he kicked open the deformed door, and the smell of gasoline in the air was more serious.


Cloud shallow started the lighter, strange smile, smiling eyes are tears.

"Luliang City! Let's die together

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